The Ultimate Django Series: Part 3

4h 18m 11s

Master advanced techniques and best practices for building professional-quality backends. Following the concepts we mastered in Part 2, we're now going to take our backend to the next level.

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You'll learn how to:

  • Build an API for uploading files
  • Write automated tests with PyTest
  • Find performance bottlenecks
  • Implement caching with Redis
  • Run background jobs with Celery
  • Deploy your backends to the cloud
  • Plus much, much more.

By the end of Part 3, you'll have mastered these concepts, which means you'll be able to produce professional-quality backends with confidence.

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# Title Duration
1 1- Welcome 00:50
2 2- Setting Up the Project 05:23
3 1- Introduction 00:21
4 2- Managing Media Files 03:55
5 3- Adding Images to Products 03:00
6 4- Building an API to Upload Images 06:15
7 5- Returning Images from the API 02:50
8 6- Validating Uploaded Files 04:01
9 7- Setting Up the Client App 01:48
10 8- Enabling CORS 05:34
11 9- Managing Images in the Admin 09:13
12 1- Introduction 00:16
13 2- Setting up a Fake SMTP Server 02:34
14 3- Configuring the Email Backend 02:39
15 4- Sending Emails 04:35
16 5- Attaching Files 02:06
17 6- Sending Templated Emails 04:59
18 1- Introduction 00:16
19 2- Introduction to Celery 02:02
20 3- Message Brokers 02:51
21 4- Installing Redis 02:58
22 5- Celery and Windows 00:50
23 6- Setting Up Celery 05:30
24 7- Creating and Executing Tasks 05:40
25 8- Scheduling Periodic Tasks 03:54
26 9- Monitoring Celery Tasks 01:42
27 1- Introduction 00:23
28 2- What is Automated Testing 02:12
29 3- Test Behaviours, Not Implementations 02:51
30 4- Tooling 02:02
31 5- Your First Test 04:45
32 6- Running Tests 05:02
33 7- Skipping Tests 00:55
34 8- Continuous Testing 01:57
35 9- Running and Debugging Tests in VSCode 02:30
36 10- Authenticating the User 00:58
37 11- Single or Multiple Assertions 05:49
38 12- Fixtures 07:39
39 13- Creating Model Instances 09:00
40 1- Introduction 00:20
41 2- Why Performance Testing 01:23
42 3- Installing Locust 00:33
43 4- Creating a Test Script 07:52
44 5- Running a Test Script 04:14
45 6- Running a Performance Test 02:53
46 7- Performance Optimization Techniques 03:52
47 8- Profiling with Silk 07:58
48 9- Verifying Optimizations 03:45
49 10- Stress Testing 02:49
50 1- Introduction 00:17
51 2- What is Caching 02:24
52 3- Cache Backends 01:34
53 4- Simulating a Slow API 01:11
54 5- Getting a Baseline Performance Benchmark 01:25
55 6- Installing Redis 00:56
56 7- Configuring Caching 01:17
57 8- Using the Low-level Cache API 03:28
58 9- Caching Views 04:50
59 10- Verifying Optimizations 01:48
60 11- Managing Redis Cache Content 02:41
61 1- Introduction 00:17
62 2- Adding the Home Page 02:38
63 3- Adding Static Assets 03:08
64 4- Collecting Static Assets 02:48
65 5- Serving Static Assets 01:00
66 6- Configuring Logging 06:28
67 7- Logging 05:31
68 8- Managing Development and Production Settings 07:14
69 9- Serving the Application with Gunicorn 02:10
70 1- Introduction 00:20
71 2- Hosting Options 00:54
72 3- Adding Project to Git 02:04
73 4- Getting Started with Heroku 01:27
74 5- Creating a Heroku App 02:00
75 6- Setting Environment Variables 01:50
76 7- Creating a Procfile 01:59
77 8- Provisioning a MySQL Database 03:51
78 9- Provisioning a Redis Instance 02:52
79 10- Provisioning an SMTP Server 01:36
80 11- Deploying the Application 05:53
81 12 - Populating the Database 02:14
82 13- Dockerizing the App 09:57
83 14- Course Wrap Up 00:25

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