Python Django Dev To Deployment

11h 7m 11s

This is a very practical course where we take a list of requirements from a fictional company to build a real estate application using Django. We will take a basic html/css Bootstrap 4 theme and turn it into a real working application with an admin area to manage resources including property listings, realtors and contact inquiries. We also have a section on learning basic Python syntax.

Read more about the course
  • Basic web development (HTML, Basic Programming fundamentals)
Who this course is for:
  • Beginner Python developers that want to build a practical, real world project using the Django framework

What You Will Learn:

  • Basic Python (lists, dictionaries, functions, conditionals, etc)

  • Setup Virtual Environments

  • Install & configure Django

  • Create Django "apps"

  • Postgres Setup (local and remote)

  • Schema planning, models & migration

  • Admin customization

  • Bootstrap integration

  • Full search functionality

  • User Authentication

  • Deploy to Digital Ocean with Gunicorn & Nginx

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome To The Course 02:54
2 A Look At The Project 07:32
3 What Is Django 06:05
4 Python 3 Mac Install 03:18
5 Python 3 Windows Install 01:53
6 VSCode & Python Sandbox Setup 06:02
7 Variables & Data Types 09:18
8 Strings & Formatting 11:44
9 Lists 07:02
10 Tuples & Sets 08:14
11 Dictionaries 09:32
12 Functions 08:43
13 Conditionals 09:40
14 Loops 06:26
15 Modules 09:19
16 Classes 11:37
17 Files 06:26
18 Working With JSON 03:21
19 Project Resources & Requirements 08:27
20 A Look At The Bootstrap Theme 06:56
21 Virtual Environment Setup 07:42
22 Django Install & Project Setup 08:39
23 Exploring The Initial Files & Running The Server 11:10
24 Creating The Pages App 10:30
25 Pages Templates & Base Layout 11:09
26 Static Files & Paths 05:35
27 Bootstrap Layout Markup 13:23
28 Index, About & Linking 11:44
29 Listings URLs & Template 15:06
30 Install Postgres & PgAdmin 08:48
31 Django Postgres Setup & Migrate 05:01
32 Planning Our Schemas 10:22
33 Create Listing Model 13:37
34 Realtor Model & Run MIgrations 09:22
35 Create Superuser & Register Models With Admin 08:26
36 Media Folder & Adding Data 19:52
37 Admin Logo & CSS 11:17
38 Customize Admin Display Data 09:14
39 Pull Data From Listings Model 09:52
40 Display Listings In Template 09:58
41 Pagination, Order & Filter 18:18
42 Home & About Page Dynamic Content 19:29
43 Single Listing Page 15:08
44 Search Form Choices 12:52
45 Search Form Filtering 17:39
46 Preserving Form Input 06:08
47 Accounts App & URLs 12:28
48 Register & Login Templates 09:19
49 Message Alerts 15:27
50 User Registration 14:35
51 User Login 04:47
52 Logout & Navbar Auth Links 14:03
53 Dynamic Page Titles 07:12
54 Contacts App & Model 06:56
55 Contacts Admin Customization 03:50
56 Contact Form Prep 09:24
57 Contact Form Submission 07:27
58 Inquiry Check & Send Email 12:14
59 Dashboard Functionality 09:01
60 Pushing To Github 06:37
61 Droplet Setup & SSH Keys 12:41
62 Server Security 10:37
63 Software & Database Setup 07:16
64 Virtual Env & File Pull 10:10
65 Local Settings File 08:30
66 Server Migrations & Data 14:24
67 Gunicorn Setup & Config 08:42
68 Nginx Setup 08:37
69 Adding A Domain 08:04

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