[Full Stack] Airbnb Clone Coding
In this series, we make an AirBnb clone. We will develop a complete stack that runs the entire loop, including front + back + distribution. As a result, after this course you will … There will be a portfolio with a clone of Airbnb, a global service that exists, you can become a full-stack developer who has acquired skills (backup, reviews, messaging, admin panels) that are highly sought after by modern startups, such as Airbnb.
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AirBnB (clone)
Users are divided into guest / host. Guests can place an order, leave a message to the host and leave a review. As a superuser, the host provides a panel for viewing and managing reservations.
Backend : Python, Django, AWS, Heroku
Frontend : HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS, Tailwind CSS, Gulp
Platform Features
- User Registration / Profile
- Social Authentication
- Superuser Admin Panel
- Host Admin Panel
- Guest panel
- Two-way viewing system
- Reservation system
- Direct messaging
- Email Notification
- Ajax searching
- Python
- Django
- Tailwind CSS
- Gulp
- ES6
- Google maps
- Twilio
- Mailgun
- Boto
- Heroku and AWS
Watch Online [Full Stack] Airbnb Clone Coding
# | Title | Duration |
1 | #0.0 Introduction | 02:16 |
2 | #0.1 Theory Requirements | 02:23 |
3 | #0.2 Software Requirements part One | 04:14 |
4 | #0.3 Software Requirements part Two | 04:56 |
5 | #0.4 Django vs. Flask | 06:34 |
6 | #0.5 Django vs. React | 05:07 |
7 | #1.0 The Pacakge Installer for Python | 05:26 |
8 | #1.1 Meet Pipenv | 02:56 |
9 | #1.2 Creating our Env and Installing Django | 06:57 |
10 | #1.3 Creating the Github Repository | 03:56 |
11 | #1.4 Testing the Bubble | 02:37 |
12 | #2.0 Creating a Django Project | 05:47 |
13 | #2.1 Setting up VSCode and Python Like a PRO | 10:09 |
14 | #2.2 Falling in love with Django part One | 06:48 |
15 | #2.3 Falling in love with Django part Two | 09:40 |
16 | #2.4 Django Migrations | 09:13 |
17 | #2.5 Django Applications | 09:10 |
18 | #2.6 Creating the Apps! | 06:17 |
19 | #2.7 Explaining the Apps | 07:39 |
20 | #3.0 Replacing Default User | 11:24 |
21 | #3.1 Introduction to the User Model | 08:03 |
22 | #3.2 First Model Fields | 11:50 |
23 | #3.3 Finishing User Model | 07:16 |
24 | #3.4 Falling in Love with Admin Panel | 09:13 |
25 | #3.5 UserAdmin + CustomAdmin | 06:16 |
26 | #3.6 RECAP OMG! | 11:03 |
27 | #4.0 TimeStampedMode | 07:17 |
28 | #4.1 Room Model part One | 12:25 |
29 | #4.2 Foreing Keys like a Boss | 06:25 |
30 | #4.3 ManyToMany like a Boss | 11:32 |
31 | #4.4 on_delete, Amenity, Faciliy, HouseRule Models | 12:58 |
32 | #4.5 Meta Class and Photos Model | 09:44 |
33 | #5.0 Review Model | 12:04 |
34 | #5.1 Reservations Model | 07:51 |
35 | #5.2 Lists Model | 03:48 |
36 | #5.3 Conversation and Messages Models | 09:25 |
37 | #6.0 Room Admin Panel | 11:02 |
38 | #6.1 Room Admin Panel part Two | 11:30 |
39 | #6.2 Custom Admin Functions | 06:09 |
40 | #7.0 Managers and QuerySets | 14:37 |
41 | #7.1 Practicing the Django ORM | 11:16 |
42 | #7.2 Many to Many _sets | 02:51 |
43 | #7.3 Finishing the Room Admin | 04:42 |
44 | #8.0 Rewiew Admin and Room Average | 11:22 |
45 | #8.1 Reservations Admin | 09:03 |
46 | #8.2 Conversations, Lists, Reservations Admin | 13:11 |
47 | #8.3 Configuring User Uploads part One | 07:08 |
48 | #8.4 Configuring User Uploads part Two | 13:03 |
49 | #8.5 Photo Admin | 09:08 |
50 | #8.6 raw_ids and Inline Admin | 08:00 |
51 | #8.7 Explaining Python super() | 08:49 |
52 | #8.8 Intercepting Model save() and admin_save() | 09:52 |
53 | #9.0 Custom manage.py commands | 12:01 |
54 | #9.1 seed_amenities command | 07:06 |
55 | #9.2 seed_everything and seed_users | 14:13 |
56 | #9.3 seed_rooms part One | 11:14 |
57 | #9.4 seed_rooms part Two | 10:31 |
58 | #9.5 seed_rooms part Three | 05:50 |
59 | #9.6 seed_reviews | 05:35 |
60 | #9.7 seed_lists | 06:56 |
61 | #9.8 seed_reservations | 10:20 |
62 | #10.0 Introduction to Urls and Views | 08:03 |
63 | #10.1 HttpResponse and render | 06:31 |
64 | #10.2 Introduction to Django Templates | 09:15 |
65 | #10.3 Extending Templates part One ( | 08:47 |
66 | #10.4 Extending Templates part Two and Includes | 09:00 |
67 | #11.0 HomeView Intro | 02:10 |
68 | #11.1 Pagination with Limit and Offset | 10:56 |
69 | #11.2 Pages List Navigation | 08:17 |
70 | #11.3 Next Previous Page Navigation | 06:50 |
71 | #11.4 Using Django Paginator | 09:57 |
72 | #11.5 get_page vs page | 09:59 |
73 | #11.6 Handling Exceptions | 05:02 |
74 | #11.7 Class Based Views | 11:26 |
75 | #11.8 Class Based Views part Two | 07:38 |
76 | #12.0 URLs and Arguments | 11:07 |
77 | #12.1 get_absolute_url | 04:08 |
78 | #12.2 room_detail FBV finished | 08:04 |
79 | #12.3 Http404() | 04:34 |
80 | #12.4 Using DetailView CBV | 06:34 |
81 | #13.0 Template, Form, Url, Setup | 08:00 |
82 | #13.1 Starting the Form | 12:57 |
83 | #13.2 Select Choices | 06:49 |
84 | #13.3 Amenities and Facilities Form | 10:27 |
85 | #13.4 Finishing the Form | 08:05 |
86 | #13.5 Filtering Like a Boss part One | 10:11 |
87 | #13.6 Filtering Like a Boss part Two | 12:10 |
88 | #13.7 Introduction to Django Forms | 05:26 |
89 | #13.8 I love Django Forms For Ever | 08:16 |
90 | #13.9 Forms are Awesome! | 15:16 |
91 | #13.10 Finishing Up! | 05:40 |
92 | #14.0 Setting Up! | 08:09 |
93 | #14.1 Form and CSRF! | 09:21 |
94 | #14.2 Validating Email | 08:28 |
95 | #14.3 Validating Password | 08:13 |
96 | #14.4 Log In and Log Out | 09:59 |
97 | #14.5 Always an Easier Way | 10:24 |
98 | #15.0 Signup Form | 09:28 |
99 | #15.1 Signup Form part Two | 05:22 |
100 | #15.2 ModelForms are AWESOME | 11:46 |
101 | #15.3 Finishing Up | 02:56 |
102 | #16.0 Setting up Mailgun | 06:31 |
103 | #16.1 Dotenv | 08:25 |
104 | #16.2 Verifying Email part One | 08:46 |
105 | #16.3 Verifying Email part Two | 11:16 |
106 | #16.4 Completing Verification | 07:14 |
107 | #17.0 Github Login part One | 11:11 |
108 | #17.1 Github Login part Two | 10:41 |
109 | #17.2 Getting Github Profile | 09:42 |
110 | #17.3 Recap OMG | 05:01 |
111 | #17.4 Finishing Github Login | 08:48 |
112 | #18.0 Getting Authorization Code | 10:48 |
113 | #18.1 Finishing Kakao Login | 12:32 |
114 | #18.2 Getting Kakao Profile Photo | 09:42 |
115 | #18.3 Closing Thoughts | 07:54 |
116 | #19.0 Intro to TailwindCSS | 06:51 |
117 | #19.1 Setting Up TailwindCSS with Gulp | 09:22 |
118 | #19.2 Setup Explanation | 03:22 |
119 | #19.3 Setup Explanation part Two | 06:22 |
120 | #19.4 Static Files on Django | 05:59 |
121 | #20.0 Sizes in Tailwind | 04:52 |
122 | #20.1 Header part One | 13:12 |
123 | #20.2 Header part Two | 09:26 |
124 | #20.3 Done with Header | 09:02 |
125 | #20.4 Extending Tailwind | 11:54 |
126 | #20.5 Room Cards part One | 13:01 |
127 | #20.6 Room Cards part Two | 09:49 |
128 | #20.7 Finishing Room Cards and Pagination | 12:11 |
129 | #20.8 Footer, Social Login | 15:11 |
130 | #20.9 Login | 13:26 |
131 | #20.10 Signup | 05:56 |
132 | #20.11 Forms Shortcut | 13:33 |
133 | #20.12 SO MUCH EASIER NOW | 07:06 |
134 | #21.0 Messages part One | 06:59 |
135 | #21.1 Messages part Two | 08:47 |
136 | #21.2 Styling Messages | 09:06 |
137 | #21.3 User Profile part One | 10:41 |
138 | #21.4 User Profile part Two | 13:10 |
139 | #21.5 Styling User Profile | 07:45 |
140 | #21.6 Update Profile | 10:58 |
141 | #21.7 Change Password | 13:07 |
142 | #21.8 Customizing Stuff | 07:09 |
143 | #21.9 Mixins are Awesome | 12:06 |
144 | #21.10 Great User Mixins | 09:01 |
145 | #21.11 Done with Users! | 05:32 |
146 | #22.0 Photo Grid | 09:54 |
147 | #22.1 Styling the Room part One | 10:22 |
148 | #22.2 Styling the Room part Two | 11:12 |
149 | #22.3 Room Reviews | 12:09 |
150 | #23.0 Update Room View | 07:41 |
151 | #23.1 Room Photos part One | 10:00 |
152 | #23.2 Room Photos part Two | 07:18 |
153 | #23.3 Delete Photo | 10:06 |
154 | #23.4 Edit Photo | 10:40 |
155 | #23.5 Add Photo part One | 12:04 |
156 | #23.6 Add Photo part Two | 05:16 |
157 | #23.7 Adding Info to The Sessions | 09:46 |
158 | #23.8 Creating Room part One | 11:07 |
159 | #23.9 Creating Room part Two | 04:07 |
160 | #24.0 Room Calendar part One | 12:05 |
161 | #24.1 Room Calendar part Two | 12:57 |
162 | #24.2 Room Calendar Styles | 09:31 |
163 | #24.3 Finishing Calendar | 10:34 |
164 | #24.4 Custom Template Filter | 08:39 |
165 | #24.5 BookedDays part One | 11:12 |
166 | #24.6 BookedDays part Two | 09:47 |
167 | #24.7 BookedDays part Three | 15:21 |
168 | #24.8 JESUS HELP ME (RECAP) | 03:46 |
169 | #24.9 Create Reservation | 14:58 |
170 | #24.10 Model Managers | 06:38 |
171 | #24.11 Reservation Detail part One | 18:15 |
172 | #24.12 Reservation Detail part Two | 06:14 |
173 | #24.13 Updating a Reservation | 07:27 |
174 | #24.14 Reviewing Rooms part One | 11:49 |
175 | #24.15 Reviewing Rooms part Two | 08:47 |
176 | #24.16 Validate Everything | 07:51 |
177 | #25.0 Introduction to Translations | 07:24 |
178 | #25.1 Language Select | 12:55 |
179 | #25.2 Changing Language | 07:16 |
180 | #25.3 Translating .py Code | 11:42 |
181 | #25.4 Saving Fav Rooms | 12:09 |
182 | #25.5 Fav Template Tag | 09:23 |
183 | #25.6 Fav Page | 11:19 |
184 | #25.7 Go to Conversation | 10:42 |
185 | #25.8 Conversation Styles | 12:44 |
186 | #25.9 Creating a Message | 14:54 |
187 | #25.10 Conclusions! | 01:58 |
188 | #26.0 Configuring EB | 09:30 |
189 | #26.1 Creating an EB Environment | 09:20 |
190 | #26.2 Requirements | 12:30 |
191 | #26.3 Postgres part One | 11:34 |
192 | #26.4 Postgres part Two | 11:37 |
193 | #26.5 container_commands | 07:37 |
194 | #26.6 Sentry | 11:15 |
195 | #26.7 Superuser | 14:49 |
196 | #26.8 Staticfiles | 16:34 |
197 | #26.9 Staticfiles Check | 04:53 |
198 | #26.10 Conclusions | 02:12 |
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