Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

31h 54m 39s
August 27, 2024

Welcome to the Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp! In this course we cover everything you need to know to build a website using Python, Django, and many more web technologies! Whether you want to change career paths, expand your current skill set, start your own entrepreneurial business, become a consultant, or just want to learn, this is the course for you!


We will teach you the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3 and Django! But we don't just teach that, we also teach the Front End technologies you need to know, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This course can be your one stop shop for everything you need! It will serve as a useful reference for many of your questions as you begin your journey in becoming a web developer!

This course is designed so that anyone can learn how to become a web developer. We teach you how to program by using HD Video Lectures, Walkthrough Code Projects, Exercises, Concept Presentation Slides, Downloadable Code Notes, Reading Assignments, and much more! 

Here is just a small sampling of the topics included in this course:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap 3 and 4
  • Document Object Model
  • Python
  • Django Basics
  • Django Templates
  • Django Forms
  • Django Admin Customization
  • ORM
  • Class Based Views
  • User Authentication
  • and much,much more!
  • A computer with an internet connection and download privileges

Who this course is for:

  • Complete Beginners
  • Professionals looking to bridge gaps in their knowledge
  • Python Developers looking to get into Web Development

What you'll learn:

  • Create a fully functional web site using the Full-Stack with Django 1.11
  • Learn how to use HTML to create website content
  • Use CSS to create beautifully styled sites
  • Learn how to take advantage of Bootstrap to quickly style sites
  • Use Javascript to interact with sites on the Front-End
  • Learn how to use jQuery to quickly work with the DOM
  • Understand HTTP requests
  • Create fantastic landing pages
  • Learn the power of Python to code out your web applications
  • Use Django as a back end for the websites
  • Implement a full Models-Views-Templates structure for your site

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:04
2 Course Overview Don't Skip this Lecture! 08:01
3 Course Set-Up and Installation 05:43
4 What is the Web? 06:44
5 HTML Level One Introduction 01:27
6 HTML Part One Basics 06:21
7 HTML Level One - Part Two -Basic Tagging 12:54
8 HTML Level One -Part Three - Lists 05:27
9 HTML Level One -Part Four - Divs and Spans 04:36
10 HTML Level One - Part Five - Attributes 09:31
11 HTML Level One Assessment - Overview 03:14
12 HTML Level One Assessment Solutions 06:41
13 HTML Level Two Introduction 01:01
14 HTML Level Two - Part One - Tables 06:53
15 HTML Level Two - Part Two Tables Quiz 02:29
16 HTML Level Two - Part Three Table Quiz Solutions 05:58
17 HTML Level Two Part Four - Forms Basics 12:15
18 HTML Level Two - Part Five Forms and Labels 14:28
19 HTML Level Two - Part Six Forms and Selections 11:38
20 HTML Level Two - Assessment 02:09
21 HTML Level Two - Assessment Solutions 12:05
22 CSS Level One Intro 04:01
23 CSS Level One Part One 14:43
24 CSS Level One Part Two 10:31
25 CSS Level One Part Three 12:37
26 CSS Level One Part Four 04:12
27 CSS Level One Part Five 04:45
28 CSS Level One Assessment 04:15
29 CSS Level One Assessment Solutions 07:14
30 CSS Level Two Introduction 00:27
31 CSS Level Two - Part One Fonts 12:01
32 CSS Level Two - Part One (Fonts) Continued 07:59
33 CSS Level Two - Part Two Box Model 08:39
34 CSS Level Two Spectrum Project Overview 04:28
35 CSS Level Two Spectrum Project Solutions 08:40
36 Capstone Project One Overview 03:17
37 Capstone Project One Solutions 09:23
38 Capstone Project One Solutions (Continued) 07:41
39 Bootstrap Introduction 08:46
40 Bootstrap Part One - Buttons 11:46
41 Bootstrap Part Two Forms 13:16
42 Bootstrap Part Three Navbars 18:05
43 Bootstrap Part Four - Grids 18:20
44 Bootstrap Project 04:33
45 Bootstrap Project Solutions 17:22
46 JS Level One Introduction 01:24
47 JS Level One - Part One Basics 18:20
48 JS Level One - Part Two Connecting Javascript 04:24
49 JS Level One - Part Three Exercise 02:54
50 JS Level One - Part Three Solutions 02:07
51 JS Level One - Part Four - Operators 12:01
52 JS Level One - Part Five - Control Flow 13:49
53 JS Level One - Part Six While Loops 08:58
54 JS Level One - Part Seven For Loops 07:59
55 JS Level One Part Eight Loop Exercises 00:42
56 JS Level One - Part Eight Solutions 04:17
57 JS Level One - Project Overview 05:07
58 JS Level One - Part Nine Project Solutions 09:21
59 JS Level Two - Introduction 00:53
60 JS Level Two - Part One - Functions 19:59
61 JS Level Two - Part Two Function Exercises 02:09
62 JS Level Two - Part Two Function Solutions 14:06
63 JS Level Two - Part Three Arrays 16:17
64 JS Level Two - Part Four Array Exercise Overview 05:04
65 JS Level Two - Part Four Array Solutions 07:28
66 JS Level Two Part Five Objects 11:16
67 JS Level Two Part Five Objects Continued 08:13
68 JS Level Two Part Six Object Exercises 01:34
69 JS Level Two Part Six Object Exercise Solutions 04:05
70 Document Object Model Introduction 05:23
71 Document Object Model - Part One - DOM Interaction 16:51
72 Document Object Model Part Two Content Interaction 07:11
73 Document Object Model Part Three - Events 10:41
74 Document Object Model - Game Project Overview 02:17
75 DOM Game Project Solutions - Part One 08:15
76 DOM Game Project Solutions - Part Two 11:03
77 jQuery Introduction 03:59
78 jQuery Part One Basics 14:03
79 jQuery Part Two Events 12:57
80 jQuery Project Overview 02:59
81 jQuery Project Solutions Part One 06:33
82 jQuery Project Solutions Part Two 16:17
83 jQuery Project Solutions Part Three 09:40
84 Introduction to the Back-End 04:50
85 Command Line and Terminal Overview 05:17
86 Introduction to Python Level One 02:31
87 Python Installation and Set-Up 09:51
88 Part One Numbers 08:39
89 Part Two Strings 11:54
90 Part Three Lists 12:06
91 Part Four Dictionaries 05:33
92 Part 5 - Tuples, Sets, and Booleans 06:30
93 Part 6 - Exercise Overview 02:23
94 Part 6 - Exercise Solutions 04:50
95 Part 7 - Control Flow 19:10
96 Part Eight Functions 15:20
97 Part Nine Function Exercises 03:14
98 Function Exercises Solutions 10:29
99 Part Ten Simple Game Project Overview 02:51
100 Simple Game Project Solutions 13:06
101 Introduction to Python Level Two 00:31
102 Scope 16:33
103 Object Oriented Programming - Part One 05:31
104 Object Oriented Programming - Part Two 15:35
105 Object Oriented Programming - Part Three 12:18
106 OOP Project 03:28
107 OOP Project Solutions 25:13
108 Errors and Exceptions 11:22
109 Regular Expressions 18:48
110 Modules and Packages 05:07
111 Decorators 18:01
112 Name and Main 05:51
113 Django Level One - Part One - Django Setup 12:13
114 Django Level One - Part Two - Django Project 10:05
115 Django Level One - Part Three - Django Application 13:01
116 Django Level One - Part Four - Challenge Task 01:28
117 Django Level One - Part Five - Challenge Solutions 05:34
118 Django Level One - Part Six - URL Mappings 09:03
119 Django Level One - Part Seven - Templates 16:52
120 Django Level One - Part Eight Templates Challenge 01:38
121 Django Level One - Part Nine - Templates Solutions 08:12
122 Django Level One - Part Ten - Static Files 18:32
123 Introduction to Django Level Two 10:55
124 Django Models Overview 08:24
125 Creating Models 16:08
126 Population Scripts 12:55
127 Models-Templates-Views Paradigm 14:58
128 Django Level Two Project Exercise 02:17
129 Django Level Two Project Solutions 26:25
130 Introduction to Django Level Three 00:35
131 Django Forms 11:27
132 Form Basics Code Along 18:16
133 Form Validation 19:42
134 Model Forms 06:51
135 Model Forms Exercise 17:00
136 Introduction to Django Level Four 01:25
137 Relative URLs with Templates 05:31
138 Relative URLs Coding Examples 20:15
139 URL Template Inheritance 04:00
140 Template Inheritance Coding Example 12:55
141 Template Filters and Custom Filters 04:18
142 Template Filters Coding Examples 10:31
143 Introduction to Django Level Five 00:46
144 Django Passwords 18:53
145 User Models 06:20
146 Coding User Models and Forms Part One 09:23
147 Coding User Models and Forms Part Two 15:21
148 Registration 17:36
149 Logins 25:12
150 Introduction to Django Deployment 03:06
151 Setting up GitHub 14:00
152 Full Deployment Walkthrough on Python Anywhere 28:59
153 Introduction to CBVs 01:24
154 Hello World with CBVs 12:57
155 Template Views with CBV 10:28
156 Detail View and List View Part One 15:57
157 Detail View and List View Part Two 26:16
158 CRUD Views 28:18
159 Introduction to First Clone Project 05:42
160 Blog Clone Project Part One 05:25
161 Blog Clone Project Part Two 16:42
162 Blog Clone Project Part Three 14:35
163 Blog Clone Project Part Four 31:47
164 Blog Project Part Five 18:35
165 Blog Project Part Six 06:56
166 Blog Project Part Seven 23:09
167 Blog Post Project Part Eight 19:03
168 Blog Project Part Nine 12:45
169 Blog Project Part Ten 18:12
170 Introduction to Social Media Clone Project 06:52
171 Social Clone Part One 08:13
172 Social Clone Part Two 16:29
173 Social Clone Part Three 19:46
174 Social Clone Part Four 08:10
175 Social Clone Part Five 05:36
176 Social Clone Part Six 17:46
177 Social Clone Part Seven 28:12
178 Social Clone Part Eight 05:08
179 Social Clone Part Nine 20:07
180 Social Clone Part Ten 23:07
181 Social Clone Part Eleven 12:32
182 Social Clone Part Twelve 17:52
183 Social Clone Final Part 04:21
184 Introduction to Debug Toolbar 02:08
185 Debug Toolbar Overview 12:22
186 Introduction to Admin 11:02
187 Admin Templates 05:55
188 Ordering Fields 03:47
189 Adding Search 02:45
190 Adding Filters 02:39
191 Adding Fields 02:32
192 Editable List View 01:57

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