Python Django - The Practical Guide

22h 54m 38s
April 9, 2024

Learn how to build web applications and websites with Python and the Django framework. Python is the most popular programming language of the world - it's versatile, easy to learn and very powerful!.


But one of the primary things you can build with Python is a website! You can use Python for web development.

And to make that easier, you would typically use a framework like Django - simply because that allows you to focus on your core business logic and you don't need to re-invent the wheel and implement all the nitty-gritty technical details from scratch.

And this course is about Django - the most popular Python web development framework out there!

Django covers all aspects of web development - from handling requests and responses, over rendering dynamic HTML pages with templates, all the way up to making database access and data management easy. It's all baked in and it's all covered in great detail in this course!

This course teaches Django from the ground up - you don't need to know anything about it to get started. Basic Python and web development knowledge is all you need.

We'll start at the absolute basics and understand how to create Django project, how to run them and how to add features - step by step.

In detail, this course covers:

  • Installing Django
  • Creating and understanding Django projects
  • Understanding URLs, views, requests and responses
  • Working with templates and static files like CSS and images
  • Working with data and models
  • Connecting data with relationships (one-to-many, one-to-one, many-to-many)
  • Querying data with Django's powerful model solution
  • Adding administration panels to your projects
  • Handling user input with forms - manually and with Django's built-in form support
  • Advanced features like class-based views (and when to use them)
  • Dealing with file uploads and how to serve uploaded files
  • Working with sessions
  • In-depth deployment instructions and examples
  • Different ways of deploying and serving static files and user uploads
  • And much more!

All those concepts are taught in great depth and backed up by a complete example course project where we build a "Blog website" from the ground up.

Therefore, you'll learn all the important concepts and the theory and you're also going to be able to see it applied to a real project.

Hence, once you completed the course, you'll have a very solid understanding of Django and you'll be able to dive into your own Django projects!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:06
2 What is Django? 04:59
3 The Course Prerequisites 01:55
4 What's Inside the Course? 03:15
5 Getting the Most out of the Course 03:06
6 Choose Your Course Path! 02:42
7 Module Introduction 01:06
8 Installing Python & Django 06:26
9 Creating a Django Project 02:34
10 Installing an IDE 07:55
11 Analyzing the Created Project 04:49
12 Starting a Development Server 05:06
13 Django Apps 08:20
14 Analyzing the Created Project 02:28
15 Module Introduction 02:46
16 Creating a New Project 05:35
17 What are URLs & Views? 05:43
18 Creating a First View & URL 13:28
19 Adding More Views & URLs 03:12
20 Dynamic Path Segments & Captured Values 09:36
21 Path Converters 05:18
22 Adding More Dynamic View Logic 05:21
23 Redirects 08:49
24 The Reverse Function & Named URLs 10:32
25 Returning HTML 05:49
26 Practicing URLs, Views & Dynamic View Logic 09:38
27 Summary 04:44
28 Module Introduction 03:56
29 Adding & Registering Templates 14:56
30 Rendering Templates 04:17
31 Template Language & Variable Interpolation 05:39
32 Exercise Solution 01:57
33 Filters 04:20
34 The Django Visual Studio Code Extension 02:30
35 Tags & the "for" Tag 08:03
36 The URL Tag for Dynamic URLs 06:11
37 The "if" Tag for Conditional Content 05:17
38 Template Inheritance 09:39
39 Exercise Solution 01:32
40 Including Partial Template Snippets 09:46
41 404 Templates 07:09
42 Adding Static Files 09:14
43 Adding Global Static Files 06:25
44 Adding CSS Styling 15:56
45 Summary 04:49
46 Module Introduction 01:14
47 Setting Up the Starting Project 03:46
48 Planning the Project 04:27
49 Adding URLs & Views 11:18
50 Adding First Templates 08:12
51 Template Content & Static Files 16:12
52 Adding Images as Static Files 02:59
53 Adding the "All Posts" Page & Style 10:33
54 Linking the Pages 04:17
55 Adding the "Single Post" Page 05:40
56 Adding Dummy Data to the "Views" File 04:11
57 Special Template Features & Syntax 11:27
58 Adding a Single Post Page 08:45
59 Adding a 404 Page 01:58
60 Module Introduction 02:56
61 Different Kinds of Data 06:57
62 Understanding Database Options 06:16
63 Understanding SQL 06:39
64 Django Models 01:03
65 Creating a Django Model with Fields 09:46
66 Migrations 06:59
67 Inserting Data 04:36
68 Getting all Entries 01:53
69 Updating Models & Migrations 12:18
70 Blank vs Null 02:43
71 Updating Data 05:50
72 Deleting Data 01:18
73 Create Instead of Save 03:08
74 Querying & Filtering Data 07:44
75 "or" Conditions 04:03
76 Query Performance 05:44
77 Preparing Templates 07:11
78 Rendering Queried Data in the Template 03:00
79 Rendering the Details Page 09:39
80 Model URLs 04:42
81 Adding a Slugfield & Overwriting Save 09:05
82 Using the Slug & Updating Field Options 06:06
83 Aggregation & Ordering 07:15
84 Summary 03:30
85 Module Introduction 02:15
86 Logging Data Into the Admin Panel 05:29
87 Adding Models to the Admin Area 03:33
88 Configuring Model Fields 03:04
89 Configuring the Admin Settings 06:29
90 More Config Options 05:06
91 Module Introduction 01:53
92 Understanding Relationship Types 03:05
93 Adding a one-to-many Relation & Migrations 09:03
94 Working with Relations in Python Code 06:30
95 Cross Model Queries 08:25
96 Managing Relations in Admin 05:07
97 Adding a one-to-one Relation 06:43
98 One-to-one Python Code 04:55
99 One-to-one & Admin Config 05:24
100 Setting-up many-to-many 04:46
101 Using many-to-many in Python 05:19
102 Many-to-many in Admin 02:21
103 Summary 02:38
104 Module Introduction 01:58
105 Planning the Data Models 04:04
106 Adding a Post Model 07:37
107 Author Model & one-to-many 03:07
108 Tag Model many-to-many 01:23
109 Registering Models for Admin 01:16
110 Migrations & Admin Login 03:14
111 Adding Data via Admin 06:03
112 Configuring the Admin Panel 05:37
113 Fetching Posts for Starting Page 06:38
114 All Post & Single Post Pages 04:51
115 Using Author & Tags Data 08:35
116 Summary 01:41
117 Module Introduction 01:54
118 Starting Setup 04:53
119 Adding a Dummy Form 04:41
120 Get & Post Requests 10:00
121 CSRF Protection 05:54
122 Handling Form Submission & Extracting Data 09:51
123 Manual Form Validation & the Problems with "that" 06:10
124 Using the Django Form Class 11:05
125 Validation with Django Forms 04:13
126 Customizing the Form Controls 05:01
127 Customizing the Rendered HTML 05:06
128 Adding Styling 09:09
129 Adding More Form Controls 07:38
130 Storing Form Data in a Database 08:38
131 Introducing Modelforms 06:38
132 Configuring the Modelform 03:48
133 Saving Data with a Modelform 04:29
134 Class Based Views 08:42
135 Summary 05:54
136 Module Introduction 01:08
137 Adding Templates 04:22
138 TemplateView 07:57
139 Using the TemplateView 05:04
140 Showing a Detail Template 05:07
141 The ListView 06:56
142 DetailView 03:49
143 When to Use Which View 02:24
144 FormView 06:43
145 CreateView 04:48
146 Module Introduction 01:22
147 Starting Setup 01:26
148 Making the File Upload Work 07:31
149 Storing Uploaded Files Naive Approach 04:40
150 Adding a Form with a Filefield 04:39
151 Using Models for File Storage 08:45
152 Using an Imagefield 02:20
153 Using a CreateView 02:35
154 Working with the File Field 05:11
155 Serving Uploaded Files 06:51
156 Summary 01:54
157 Module Introduction 00:39
158 Problem Description 02:02
159 What are Sessions? 03:42
160 Enabling & Configuring Sessions 02:16
161 Adding a New View 04:32
162 Storing Data in Sessions 04:04
163 Which Kind of Data Should be Stored 02:34
164 Using Session Data 05:34
165 Safely Accessing Session Data 01:13
166 Summary 01:33
167 Module Introduction 02:06
168 Adding an Imagefield to the Post Model 06:32
169 Serving Uploaded Files 06:24
170 Converting Views to Class Based 14:04
171 Adding a Comment Model 05:16
172 Adding a Comment Form 06:02
173 Styling the Comment Form 07:16
174 Handling Comment Form Submission 14:07
175 Comment Form Validation Styles 09:40
176 Outputting Comments 05:04
177 Styling the Comments 03:14
178 Comment Admin 03:45
179 Read Later Starting Setup 07:10
180 Managing Read Later via Session 13:53
181 Read Later Page & Styling 06:31
182 Finishing the Read Later Feature 06:22
183 Module Introduction 01:31
184 Deployment Considerations 05:01
185 Which Database 03:53
186 Django & Web Servers 04:35
187 Serving Static Files 05:44
188 Choosing a Hosting Provider 02:43
189 Getting Started & Revisiting Settings 07:01
190 Collecting Static Files 07:36
191 Serving Static Files 01:53
192 A Note About Migrations 01:14
193 Locking in Dependencies 05:49
194 Using Environment Variables 05:04
195 Deploying with Elastic Beanstalk 10:43
196 SSL & Custom Domains 02:58
197 Connecting PostgreSQL 18:59
198 Serving Static Files Separately 08:52
199 Serving Static Files via S3 17:39
200 Moving File Uploads to S3 08:27
201 Summary 01:29
202 Module Introduction 03:08
203 What & Why? 06:02
204 Setup & Analyzing the Project Folder 07:04
205 Working with Apps 04:50
206 URLs & Views 12:20
207 Getting Started with Templates 06:55
208 Static Files & First Steps with the Django Template Language 08:26
209 Key Django Template Language Features & Tags 09:40
210 Using What we Learned 08:54
211 Adding a Detail Page 10:45
212 Dynamic Paths 08:14
213 Dynamic URLs in Templates 06:50
214 Using Template Inheritance 12:46
215 Includes 05:00
216 What is Data? 03:44
217 Getting Started with Models 11:13
218 Using the Admin Panel 04:42
219 Querying Data 07:52
220 Adding Image Upload 11:39
221 Serving & Displaying Images 07:03
222 Configuring the Admin Area 08:27
223 Setting one-to-many Relations 09:53
224 many-to-many Relations 09:46
225 More Meetup Fields & Outputting Related Data 07:39
226 Creating a Modelform 08:22
227 Handling Form Submission 10:12
228 More on Form Submission & Validation 10:48
229 From Modelform to Form 00:00
230 Polishing Organizer Email 08:27
231 Optimizing URLs 04:00
232 Wrap Up 01:32

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