Create UberEats with Python/Django and Swift 3

19h 13m 29s

Learn Python & Swift 3 by creating Real-life startup platform with Web dashboard and iOS app like UberEats, Doordash, Postmates.

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# Title Duration
1 Python 02:42
2 Heroku 02:00
3 Atom 02:59
4 Postman 01:52
5 Xcode 02:54
6 Initialize project 09:08
7 Creating Home Page 08:16
8 Django Dashboard 03:35
9 Adding Bootstrap 05:24
10 Sign In & Sign Out 14:49
11 Registration Page 09:30
12 Registration Form 07:17
13 Registration Function 15:02
14 Setting Up 03:47
15 Configuration of static resources on Heroku 03:17
16 Configuration of Database 09:11
17 Create Facebook App 02:11
18 Setting up Facebook Oauth 11:31
19 Authenticate with Facebook token 09:12
20 Authenticate Customers & Drivers 13:28
21 General Site Structure 05:11
22 Advanced design for Restaurant 10:16
23 Advanced design for Sign In - Sign Up pages 04:26
24 Add Bootstrap to Sign In - Sign Up pages 05:32
25 Bootstrap Form 06:09
26 Bootstrap for Dashboard 10:10
27 Custom style for Dashboard 10:33
28 Restaurant Account Page 12:51
29 Restaurant Add Meal Page 06:13
30 Restaurant Add Meal function 06:44
31 Restaurant List Meals Page 11:43
32 Restaurant Edit Meals Page 06:52
33 Improve Side Menu 04:50
34 Order Model 11:34
35 Restaurant Order Page 10:34
36 Restaurant Order Status 05:54
37 About Restful API and Postman 04:58
38 Restful API for Restaurants 08:17
39 Fixing Logo link 03:18
40 API Structure 03:43
41 Getting Meals 06:38
42 Creating Order 27:39
43 Order Notification 15:11
44 Getting the latest Order 14:28
45 API Structure 04:48
46 Getting Ready Orders 03:58
47 Picking up an Order 09:59
48 Getting the latest Order of Driver 03:54
49 Completing an Order 04:12
50 Getting Driver's revenue 08:41
51 Updating Driver Model 04:32
52 Function to update Driver's location 11:54
53 Report for Revenue 17:49
54 Report for Top Meals 09:34
55 Report for Top Drivers 07:42
56 Create Stripe Account 04:31
57 Create Payment with Stripe 09:36
58 Creating your very first Xcode project 07:04
59 Design Login Layout 11:08
60 Create Side Menu Layout 14:54
61 Design Restaurant List Layout 13:39
62 Create Class for Restaurant View Controller 14:41
63 Design Meal List Layout 16:11
64 Design Meal Details Layout 16:37
65 Design Tray Layout 17:25
66 Create Class for Tray View Controller 10:03
67 Design Credit Card Layout 10:56
68 Design Order Layout 11:29
69 Create Class for Order View Controller 11:22
70 Install Alamofire, SwiftJSON and Facebook SDK 11:19
71 Connection to Facebook 15:45
72 Getting Facebook User Data 16:18
73 Logging out from Facebook 13:44
74 Create API Manager 12:31
75 Create Login and Logout API 14:36
76 Testing Login and Logout functions with Server 19:49
77 Create API to get List of Restaurants 11:16
78 Create Restaurant Model 10:53
79 Create Restaurant View Cell 14:18
80 Create Search Bar function 05:38
81 Create Activity Indicator for Restaurants List 05:40
82 Create API to get List of Meals 06:48
83 Create Meal Model and Meal View Cell 12:54
84 Create Meal List View Controller 10:44
85 Create Activity Indicator for Meals List 11:15
86 Displaying data on Meal Details 07:42
87 Add functions to buttons 12:36
88 Business Logic for Tray Items 23:34
89 General logic to display Tray View 11:18
90 Displaying Meals on Tray 15:41
91 Showing Location on Map 09:29
92 Transform an address to a Pin on Map 07:54
93 Create API to handle Orders and Payment 13:32
94 Add Business Logic to Payment Process 18:14
95 Display order details on Order View 13:46
96 Showing Locations of Restaurant and Customer on Map 24:08
97 Design Side Menu and Orders List Layout 09:53
98 Add switching accounts function to Login View 11:46
99 Design Ready Orders Layout 09:04
100 Design Delivery Map Layout 09:44
101 Design Revenue Statistic Layout 04:23
102 Create API to get List of ready Orders 09:49
103 Displaying data on Ready Orders View 11:48
104 Add function to pick up an order 22:03
105 Showing Customer details on Driver's map 15:49
106 Showing Location of Restaurant and Customer on Map 04:59
107 Update Driver's location to server 20:26
108 Displaying Driver's location on Customer's Map 16:35
109 Customise Drop Pin on Map and Two Simulators 14:53
110 Completing an Order 13:02
111 Install Charts and Create API for Driver's Revenue 06:44
112 Showing Chart of Driver's revenue 12:41

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