Raycasting Engine Programming

18h 13m 33s
May 9, 2024

This course will teach you how to create a complete raycasting engine from scratch. We'll use an algorithm similar to the one used in Wolfenstein 3D. The final project will be coded using both JavaScript and C. It will implement player movement, 2D map view, 3D wall projection, textured walls, sprites, and other optimization techniques.


This course will be divided in two important parts:

1. The first part of the course uses JavaScript to cover the theory and the math behind the raycasting algorithm. JavaScript is a simple high-level scripting language that helps us not get too distracted with implementation details.

2. The second part of the course uses the C programming language to implement a compiled version of our raycaster, including textured walls and sprites. We'll also use C to discuss important optimization and performance aspects of our code.

The tools you'll need

You'll need a web browser that can run JavaScript and a small C compiler. All these tools are cross-platform, so you can follow along with either Windows, macOS, or Linux!

The Wolfenstein 3D raycasting algorithm we'll learn is heavily based on trigonometry, so make sure you have pen and paper ready for the lectures. I will make sure we review and understand every formula we find along the way!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction and Learning Outcomes 12:19
2 How to Take this Course 02:59
3 An Overview of the Raycasting Algorithm 06:37
4 Raycasting or Raytracing? 07:10
5 Raycasting Limitations 03:11
6 A Review of Degrees and Radians 11:27
7 A Review of Sine Cosine and Tangent 16:44
8 Defining the 2D Map Grid 07:55
9 Coding the Map Class 16:54
10 Player Movement 06:33
11 Coding the Player Movement 23:13
12 Coding the Map Collision 10:18
13 Defining the Field of View 08:18
14 Coding the Field of View Ray Increments 16:32
15 Finding Wall Hit 07:49
16 Finding Horizontal Intersections 22:46
17 Finding Vertical Intersections 08:14
18 Coding X-intercept and Y-intercept 27:18
19 Coding the Horizontal Wall Intersection 12:10
20 Coding the Vertical Intersection 25:52
21 Fixing the Intersection Offset Error 07:41
22 Orientation as Angles or Vectors? 03:47
23 Wall Projection 06:50
24 Finding the Wall Strip Height 12:20
25 Visualizing the Minimap 06:03
26 Coding the Wall Rendering 15:24
27 Fixing the Fishbowl Distortion 13:32
28 Implementing Wall Shading by Depth 05:28
29 Bright/Dark Wall Sides 11:18
30 First Steps in C 12:29
31 Working with Makefile 13:56
32 Installing Visual Studio and SDL on Windows 14:46
33 Creating a SDL Window 22:00
34 SDL Rendering and Event Polling 12:24
35 Rendering SDL Rectangles 07:14
36 Game Loop Overview 06:32
37 Coding a Fixed Time Step Game Loop 09:51
38 SDL Delay 08:13
39 Drawing the Map with SDL 18:58
40 Player Movement and SDL Events 15:24
41 Implementing Wall Collision in C 03:46
42 Ray Struct and FOV 10:06
43 Translating the Horizontal Intersection to C 16:32
44 Translating the Vertical Intersection to C 17:07
45 Rendering Rays 09:08
46 The Color Buffer 27:48
47 Color Buffer Implementation 17:06
48 Freeing Allocated Resources 05:20
49 Creating the Wall Projection 17:38
50 Exercise: Ceiling & Floor Solid Colors 01:08
51 Ceiling & Floor Solid Color Implementation 02:02
52 Representing Textures 11:11
53 Creating a Texture Programmatically 08:12
54 Mapping Textures to Wall 07:26
55 Implementing Wall Texturing 20:25
56 Multiple Textures 07:26
57 Multiple Texture Code 14:53
58 Fixed Size Data Types 06:57
59 Using Fixed Size Integer Types 02:55
60 Libraries to Decode PNG Files 11:57
61 Loading External PNG Files 35:26
62 Activity: Field of View Distortion 05:31
63 Understanding the Angle Increment Distortion 11:53
64 Coding the Angle Increment Distortion Fix 08:12
65 Full Screen Window 28:28
66 Refactoring the Graphics File 36:22
67 Drawing Filled Rectangles 02:49
68 Refactoring the Map File 20:24
69 Refactoring the Ray and Player File 19:43
70 The Line Equation 15:18
71 Rasterizing Lines 22:25
72 Coding the DDA Line Algorithm 05:05
73 Refactoring the Wall Projection File 10:20
74 Creating a Type Definition for Color Values 07:11
75 Sending Parameters by Reference 04:53
76 Refactoring the Ray-Facing Code 06:42
77 Wall Texture Color Intensity 07:46
78 Coding the Texture Color Intensity 05:52
79 Raycasting Sprites 06:17
80 Sprite Type Definition 04:07
81 Coding the Sprite Typedef 24:57
82 Rendering Sprites in the Minimap 05:01
83 Identifying Visible Sprites 05:02
84 Coding the Visible Sprites 08:40
85 Finding the Sprite Distance 06:21
86 Normalizing Player Rotation Angle 04:51
87 Calculating the Sprite Projection Height 12:48
88 Calculating the Sprite X Position 04:15
89 Sprite Rectangle Position in the Screen 09:10
90 Displaying Textured Sprites 16:44
91 Activity: Sorting Sprites 02:27
92 Sorting Sprites by Distance 04:38
93 Sprites Behind Walls 06:12
94 Fixing the Sprite Fishbowl Distortion 03:30
95 Concluding our Raycasting Implementation 06:28
96 Notes on Look-up Tables 10:13

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