2D Game Physics Programming

35h 7m 8s
May 2, 2024

This course is a gentle introduction into the world of 2D game physics! We'll review all the beautiful math that provides the foundation for most physics engines, starting with a strong review of vectors, matrices, basic trigonometry, rigid-body collision, and touching a little bit of calculus as well.


The lectures are designed to teach all concepts from first principles. In our journey, we'll review several topics from physics, like velocity, acceleration, integration, mass, forces, gravity, drag, friction, rigid body dynamics, collision detection, constraints, etc.

We'll also put theory into practice by coding a very simple 2D physics engine from scratch using the C++ programming language.

We'll start by writing a simulation of particle physics, which is a good start for us to address concepts like movement, forces, displacement, and integration.

We'll then proceed to work with rigid bodies by adding shapes to our objects, like circles, rectangles, and polygons. We'll also learn how to code the collision detection and collision resolution between these rigid bodies.

We'll conclude our C++ implementation by adding constraints to our physics engine, which will help us add different types of objects to our engine, like joints and ragdolls. Ultimately, constraints will help us improve the stability of our engine, and they are a great opportunity for us to discuss some interesting ideas from calculus.

The tools you'll need

All you really need is a simple code editor and a C++ compiler. We'll use a cross-platform library called SDL to display our graphics, and since we can find a C++ compiler for virtually any operating system, you can follow along on either WindowsmacOS, or Linux!

Also, make sure you have pen and paper ready for the lectures. This course will probably be a little bit different than other programming courses you took before. We will take our sweet time and make sure we understand every formula we find along the way!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction & Learning Outcomes 08:56
2 How to Take this Course 02:59
3 What is Game Physics 04:45
4 A Quick Review of Vector Math 01:30
5 Vector & Scalar Quantities 11:02
6 Using the P5js Web Editor 06:36
7 Visualizing Errors in the Web Editor 01:08
8 Coding a Vec2 Class 06:24
9 Vector Magnitude 09:08
10 Vector Addition & Subtraction 08:37
11 Methods for Vector Addition & Subtraction 05:56
12 Vector Equality 02:15
13 Scaling Vectors 04:51
14 Static Methods 04:10
15 Applications of Vector Addition & Subtraction 08:01
16 Dot Product 09:22
17 Is the Dot Product Commutative? 04:01
18 Cross Product 10:14
19 Coding the Cross Product Method 05:20
20 Exercise: Perpendicular 2D Vector 02:39
21 Perpendicular 2D Vector 02:03
22 Exercise: Vec3 Methods 01:12
23 Vec3 Methods 05:15
24 Vector Normalization 07:23
25 Coding the Normalization Method 03:38
26 Scaling, Translating, and Rotating Vectors 08:01
27 Quick Review of Sine & Cosine 07:38
28 Vector Rotation Proof (x-component) 20:20
29 Vector Rotation Proof (y-component) 07:17
30 Coding the Vec2 Rotate Method 09:23
31 Concluding our JavaScript Vector Class 02:53
32 Vec2 C++ Header File 06:14
33 A Quick Look at C++ Vec2 Syntax 17:39
34 Vec2 Operator Overloading 09:07
35 Technologies & Dependencies 08:10
36 Folder Structure 11:18
37 Initial Project Files 23:14
38 Compiling using GCC & Linux 08:10
39 Makefile 06:05
40 Configuring Visual Studio on Windows 14:04
41 Introduction to Particle Physics 11:58
42 Particle Class 10:15
43 Particle Velocity 05:57
44 Using the + Operator to Add Vectors 01:47
45 Controlling our Framerate 13:07
46 Framerate Independent Movement 11:48
47 Clamping Invalid DeltaTime Values 02:51
48 Moving in a Constant Velocity 06:20
49 Changing the Particle's Velocity 12:21
50 Keeping the Particle Inside the Window 08:35
51 Constant Acceleration 05:26
52 Discrete vs. Continuous 12:54
53 Integration & Movement Simulation 16:02
54 Different Integration Methods 10:00
55 Particle Integrate Function 04:27
56 Applying Forces to Particles 11:42
57 Function to Add Force 09:25
58 Particles with Different Mass 13:08
59 The Weight Force 08:21
60 Inverse of the Mass 04:18
61 Applying Forces with the Keyboard 05:57
62 Drag Force 15:21
63 Drag Force Function 14:51
64 Handling Mouse Clicks with SDL 04:38
65 Unexpected Drag Behavior 02:15
66 Friction Force 08:47
67 Friction Force Function 07:56
68 Gravitational Attraction Force 13:16
69 Gravitational Attraction Force Function 15:59
70 Spring Force 14:35
71 Spring Force Function 17:49
72 Exercise: Spring Forces 09:04
73 Multiple Particles: Chain 14:15
74 Multiple Particles: Soft body 08:20
75 Soft Bodies & Verlet Integration 08:58
76 Rigid-Bodies 14:04
77 Shapes 07:39
78 Shape Class 07:51
79 Shape Class Implementation 17:36
80 Circle Shape 10:06
81 Angular Velocity & Angular Acceleration 11:32
82 Torque & Moment of Inertia 18:25
83 Circle Shape Angular Motion 22:48
84 Box Vertices 19:13
85 Local Space vs. World Space 17:04
86 Body Update Function 03:48
87 Why Not a Shape Draw Function? 02:29
88 No Draw Method in the Shape Class 02:01
89 Circle-Circle Collision Detection 10:11
90 Circle-Circle Collision Class 12:20
91 Circle-Circle Collision Implementation 09:57
92 Collision Contact Information 09:46
93 Collision Information Code 29:06
94 Broad Phase & Narrow Phase 10:52
95 The Projection Method 15:17
96 Objects with Infinite Mass 14:41
97 Impulse Method & Momentum 10:02
98 Impulse 10:09
99 Deriving the Linear Impulse Formula 21:39
100 Simplifying the Impulse Method Formula 09:42
101 Coding the Linear Impulse Method 13:07
102 Is Linear Collision Response Enough? 06:10
103 AABB Collision Detection 12:27
104 SAT: Separating Axis Theorem 20:02
105 Finding Minimum Separation with SAT 11:41
106 Polygon-Polygon Collision Code 12:53
107 Code to Find SAT Minimum Separation 28:35
108 Refactoring the SAT Separation Function 07:45
109 Finding Extra Collision Information with SAT 14:57
110 Polygon-Polygon Collision Information 16:42
111 Linear & Angular Velocity At Point 11:53
112 Post-Collision Velocity At Point 14:24
113 Computing Linear & Angular Impulse 12:06
114 Collision Distance Vectors Ra-Rb 18:21
115 2D Cross Product Simplification 19:58
116 Coding the Impulse Along Normal 15:11
117 Exercise: Impulse Along Tangent 12:57
118 Friction Impulse Along Tangent 11:41
119 Removing Window Boundaries Check 04:16
120 Circle-Polygon Collision Detection 10:13
121 Finding Polygon's Nearest Edge with Circle 07:11
122 Exercise: Circle-Polygon Edge Regions 05:41
123 Circle-Polygon Collision Information 26:25
124 Circle-Polygon Collision Resolution 07:57
125 Exercise: Polygons with Multiple Vertices 16:08
126 Polygon with Multiple Vertices 04:55
127 Loading SDL Textures 12:58
128 Rendering Circle Texture 08:58
129 World Class 14:27
130 Implementing World Functions 15:53
131 Refactoring Function to Update Vertices 08:32
132 Local Solvers vs. Global Solvers 08:09
133 A Naive Iterative Positional Correction 12:08
134 Constrained Rigid-Body Physics 18:41
135 Position vs. Velocity Constraints 15:15
136 Example Velocity Constraint & Bias Factor 10:50
137 Example Distance Constraint & Bias Factor 08:22
138 Constraint Forces & Constrained Movement 13:58
139 Force-Based vs. Impulse-Based Constraints 15:59
140 The Constraint Class 07:04
141 VecN Class 15:02
142 Implementing VecN Functions 09:15
143 VecN Operator Overloading 07:31
144 Matrices 18:44
145 MatMN Class 08:07
146 Matrix Transpose 05:28
147 Matrix Multiplication 10:32
148 Matrix Multiplication Function 04:49
149 Seeing Beyond the Matrix 03:54
150 Generalized Velocity Constraint 18:41
151 Solving Violated Velocity Constraints 15:55
152 Constraint Class Inheritance 10:08
153 Distance Constraint 16:26
154 Joint Constraint Class 07:20
155 Converting World Space to Local Space 05:46
156 World List of Constraints 10:37
157 Refactoring Body Update 21:17
158 Deriving the Distance Jacobian 22:34
159 Populating the Distance Jacobian 13:19
160 Solving System of Equations (Ax=b) 20:21
161 Gauss-Seidel Method 05:23
162 Constrained Pendulum 12:55
163 Solving System of Constraints Iteratively 14:28
164 Warm Starting 17:20
165 Adding the Bias Term 08:13
166 Ragdoll with Joint Constraints 12:04
167 Preventing NaN Errors 03:31
168 Penetration Constraint 13:47
169 Deriving the Penetration Jacobian 09:52
170 Penetration Constraint Class 27:10
171 Solving Penetration Constraints 05:56
172 Penetration Warm Starting 05:15
173 Penetration Constraint Friction 14:17
174 Clamping Friction Magnitude Values 08:02
175 Penetration Constraint Bounciness 09:06
176 Unstable Stack of Boxes 12:51
177 Allowing for Multiple Contact Points 12:42
178 Reference & Incident Edges 10:38
179 Finding Incident Edge 21:52
180 Getting Ready for Clipping 18:40
181 Clipping Function 17:08
182 Testing Multi-Contact Boxes 04:09
183 Testing Multiple Objects & Constraints 10:05
184 Contact Caching 14:07
185 Continuous Collision Detection 06:50
186 Broad & Narrow Split 04:16
187 Euler Integration Review 23:58
188 MidPoint & RK4 Integrators 10:25
189 Verlet Integration 20:43
190 Stick Constraints 20:15
191 Conclusion & Next Steps 12:35

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