Learn Java Unit Testing with Junit & Mockito in 30 Steps

4h 44m 35s
July 10, 2024
Learn Mockito and JUnit - the most popular Java unit testing and mocking frameworks - with 25 Examples. Writing Great Unit Tests distinguishes Good Programmers from Great Programmers. In this course, you will learn how to Write Great Java Unit Tests with Mockito and JUnit.

You take 12 steps with JUnit and 18 steps with Mockito into unit testing proficiency.

Mocking with Mockito

  • Step 01 : Set up an Eclipse Project with JUnit and Mockito frameworks. First Green Bar.

  • Step 02 : Example to start understanding why we need mocks.

  • Step 03 : What is a stub? Create an unit test using Stub? Disadvantages of Stubs.

  • Step 04 : Your first Mockito code! Hurrah!!! Lets use Mockito to mock TodoService.

  • Step 05 : Stubbing variations with Mockito. A few mockito examples mocking List class : Multiple return values, Argument Matchers and throwing exceptions.

  • Step 06 : Introduction to BDD. Given When Then. BDD Mockito Syntax.

  • Step 07 : How to verify calls on a mock? Verify how many times a method is called. We will add deleteTodo method to the TodoService.

  • Step 08 : How to capture an argument which is passed to a mock?

  • Step 09 : Hamcrest Matchers.

  • Step 10 : Let's simplify things with Mockito Annotations. @Mock, @InjectMocks, @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class), @Captor

  • Step 11 : JUnit Rules. Using MockitoJUnit.rule() instead of @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class).

  • Step 12 : Real world Example with Spring

  • Step 13 : What is a spy? How to spy with Mockito?

  • Step 14 : Some Theory : Why does Mockito not allow stubbing final and private methods?

  • Step 15 : Using PowerMock and Mockito to mock a Static Method.

  • Step 16 : Using PowerMock and Mockito to invoke a private Method.

  • Step 17 : Using PowerMock and Mockito to mock a constructor.

  • Step 18 : Good Unit Tests.

JUnit Framework

  • Step 01 : Need for Unit Testing

  • Step 02 : Setting up your First JUnit

  • Step 03 : First Successful JUnit. Green Bar and assertEquals

  • Step 04 : Refactoring Your First JUnit Test

  • Step 05 : Second JUnit Example assertTrue and assertFalse

  • Step 06 : @Before @After

  • Step 07 : @BeforeClass @AfterClass

  • Step 08 : Comparing Arrays in JUnit Tests

  • Step 09 : Testing Exceptions in JUnit Tests

  • Step 10 : Testing Performance in JUnit Tests

  • Step 11 : Parameterized Tests

  • Step 12 : Organize JUnits into Suites

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:19
2 Three thing you need to know 01:46
3 JUnit Step 1 : Why is Unit Testing Important? 03:42
4 JUnit Step 2 : Setting up your first JUnit 08:06
5 Step 03 : First Successful JUnit. Green Bar and assertEquals 09:40
6 Step 04 : Refactoring Your First JUnit Test 07:45
7 Step 05 : Second JUnit Example assertTrue and assertFalse 14:46
8 Step 06 : @Before @After 07:03
9 Step 07 : @BeforeClass @AfterClass 03:31
10 Step 08 : Comparing Arrays in JUnit Tests 05:20
11 Step 09 : Testing Exceptions in JUnit Tests 03:34
12 Step 10 : Testing Performance in JUnit Tests 04:04
13 Step 11 : Parameterized Tests 11:12
14 Step 12 : Organize JUnits into Suites 03:25
15 An Overview 01:54
16 Mockito Step 01 : Setting up a Maven Project 07:32
17 Overview of this Section 02:11
18 Mockito Step 02 : Setting up SUT (System Under Test) 11:03
19 Step 03 : Stubbing Example - with Disadvantages of Stubbing 11:44
20 Step 04 : Your first Mockito code! Hurrah!!! 18:55
21 Basics of Mockito - Section Overview 01:06
22 Step 05 : Stubbing variations with Mockito - Argument Matchers & More... 13:05
23 Step 06 : BDD Style - Given When Then 13:29
24 Step 07 : Verify calls on Mocks 08:53
25 Step 08 : Capturing arguments passed to a Mock 08:44
26 Step 09 : Hamcrest Matchers 11:42
27 Step 10 : Mockito Annotations - @Mock, @InjectMocks, @RunWith, @Captor.. 10:01
28 Step 11 : Mockito Junit Rule 03:41
29 Step 12 : Real world Mockito Example with Spring 16:09
30 Step 13 : Mockito Spy 10:04
31 Step 14 : Theory : Why does Mockito not allow stubbing final & private methods? 04:26
32 Step 15 : Setting up PowerMock and SystemUnderTest 08:38
33 Step 15 : Continued. Mocking Static Method 12:32
34 Step 16 : Invoking Private Methods 05:44
35 Step 17 : Mocking a Constructor 09:26
36 Step 18 : Writing Good Unit Tests 07:23

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