Hibernate and Java Persistence API (JPA) Fundamentals

7h 24m 19s

Are you ready to get more out of JDBC and your data using smart, streamlined techniques? This Hibernate course is a great place to start. You will start by learning about object relational mapping and Hibernate, then jump into learning about the Hibernate basics. From there, Kevin will teach you basic mapping annotations, mapping composite and collection types, and entity associations. 

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This video tutorial also covers Hibernate API, JPA API, advanced mapping and configurations, and criteria API. Finally, you will learn about the Hibernate query language and Java Persistence query language.

Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be able to simplify and clarify the persistence tier of your applications using Hibernate and Java Persistence, granting you productivity improvements and easing future maintenance.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction To Hibernate And JPA 05:22
2 MySQL Installation 07:14
3 Eclipse Installation 02:37
4 How To Access Your Working Files 03:23
5 Chapter Overview 03:24
6 Hibernate Overview 07:41
7 Object Relational Mapping - Part 1 05:22
8 Object Relational Mapping - Part 2 08:48
9 Hibernate Demo 06:16
10 Chapter Overview 02:31
11 Project Setup 06:43
12 Simple Entity Mapping 06:21
13 Building A Session Factory 08:06
14 Hibernate Configuration 07:44
15 Calling Persistence Methods 04:33
16 Chapter Overview 08:22
17 Field Versus Property Access 05:03
18 @Column 06:07
19 Identifiers - Part 1 05:36
20 Identifiers - Part 2 05:31
21 @Transient 02:13
22 @Temporal 08:17
23 @Formula 05:10
24 Basic Value Types - Part 1 05:17
25 Basic Value Types - Part 2 06:09
26 Chapter Overview 05:10
27 Mapping Composite Value Types 08:59
28 Mapping Collections Of Basic Value Types 06:14
29 Mapping A Map Of Basic Values 04:10
30 Mapping A Collection Of Composite Values 06:29
31 Chapter Overview 02:37
32 Entity Associations 07:01
33 Unidirectional One To One Association 07:59
34 Bidirectional One To One Association 06:48
35 Unidirectional One To Many Association 07:07
36 Bidirectional One To Many Association 04:43
37 @JoinTable 07:57
38 Unidirectional Many To Many Association 06:02
39 Bidirectional Many To Many Association 04:33
40 Chapter Overview 04:07
41 Persistence Lifecycle - Part 1 03:21
42 Persistence Lifecycle - Part 2 08:50
43 Saving Entities 03:25
44 Retrieving Entities 07:23
45 Modifying Entities 02:38
46 Removing Entities 03:54
47 Reattaching Detached Entities 03:28
48 Save Or Update 02:52
49 Flushing The Persistence Context 05:17
50 Chapter Overview 05:50
51 JPA Configuration 07:38
52 Saving Entities 05:33
53 Retrieving Entities 04:40
54 Modifying Entities 01:53
55 Removing Entities 02:56
56 Reattaching Detached Entities 05:54
57 Session And Entity Manager Similarities 03:12
58 Chapter Overview 03:34
59 Compound Primary Keys 07:36
60 Compound Join Columns 07:11
61 Enumerations 06:14
62 Mapped Superclass Inheritance 06:51
63 Table Per Class Inheritance - Part 1 06:10
64 Table Per Class Inheritance - Part 2 06:15
65 Single Table Inheritance 06:10
66 Building A Persistence Layer 07:21
67 Views For Complex Queries 02:29
68 Schema Generation 04:50
69 Chapter Overview 04:01
70 Writing Queries 06:11
71 Expressions And Operators 05:19
72 Parameters 05:54
73 Joins 06:27
74 Functions 05:30
75 Named Queries 05:36
76 Lazy Loading 04:32
77 Chapter Overview 04:27
78 Simple Selections 06:36
79 Restrictions 06:42
80 Paging 03:32
81 Wrap Up 02:21

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