Master Microservices with Java, Spring, Docker, Kubernetes

23h 57m 28s

'Master Microservices with Spring, Docker, Kubernetes' course will help in understanding about microservices architecture and how to build it using SpringBoot, Spring Cloud components, Docker and Kubernetes.

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By the end of this course, students will understand all the below topics:

  1. What is microservices architecture and how it is different from monolithic and SOA architectures

  2. How to build production ready microservices using  Spring, SpringBoot and Spring Cloud

  3. What are cloud native apps & 12 factor principles behind them

  4. Configuration management in microservices using Spring Cloud Config Server

  5. Service Discovery and Registration pattern inside microservices and how to implement using Spring Eureka server

  6. Building resilient microservices using RESILIENCE4J framework

  7. Handling Cross cutting concerns and routing inside microservices using Spring Cloud Gateway

  8. Implementing Distributed tracing & Log aggregation in microservices using Spring Sleuth and Zipkin

  9. Monitoring microservices using Prometheus and Grafana

  10. Role of Docker in microservices and how to build docker images, containers

  11. Role of Docker compose and how to use it to run all the microservices inside a application

  12. Most commonly used Docker commands

  13. Role of Kubernetes in microservices as a container orchestration framework.

  14. How to setup a Kubernetes cluster inside GCP using GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and deploy microservices inside it

  15. Most commonly used Kubernetes commands

  16. Microservices Security using OAuth2

  17. What is Helm & it's role in microservices world

The pre-requisite for the course is basic knowledge of Java, Spring and interest to learn.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to the course & Agenda 05:33
2 Details of Source Code, PDF Content & other instructions for the course 07:09
3 Evolution of Microservices architecture 07:56
4 Deepdive of Monolithic architecture 10:08
5 Deepdive of SOA architecture 06:35
6 Deepdive of Microservices architecture 11:01
7 Comparisons between Monolithic, SOA & Microservices architecture 07:37
8 Definition of Microservices 03:08
9 Why Spring is the best framework for building microservices 05:17
10 Using Spring Boot for microservices development 07:48
11 Creating a Hello World service using Spring Boot 10:28
12 Using Spring Cloud for microservices development 09:53
13 Approaches to identify boundaries & right sizing for building microservices 09:52
14 Sizing & identifying boundaries with a Bank App use case 05:26
15 Sizing & identifying boundaries with a Ecommerce migration use case 06:58
16 Introduction to the microservices that we are going to build 01:40
17 Creating Bank Accounts Microservices using SpringBoot 17:04
18 Creating Bank Loans Microservices using SpringBoot 05:46
19 Creating Bank Cards Microservices using SpringBoot 05:55
20 Introduction to challenges while building, deploying microservices 04:40
21 What is Containerization technology? 08:36
22 Definition of containers 05:51
23 Introduction to Docker & its architecture 08:12
24 Understanding Docker Hub & Installing Docker 05:47
25 Creating Docker image definition using a Dockerfile 09:55
26 Create Accounts microservice Docker image from the Dockerfile 04:52
27 Start and deploy Accounts microservice using Docker image & containers 06:39
28 Deep dive of important Docker commands 10:31
29 Introduction to Buildpacks 04:34
30 Creating docker image of Loans microservice using Buildpacks 06:03
31 Creating docker image of Cards microservice using Buildpacks 06:46
32 Pushing Docker images from your local to remote Docker hub repository 06:11
33 Deep dive on docker-compose 14:07
34 Tips & Tricks around Docker Desktop Dashboard & Logs explorer 05:51
35 Introduction to Cloud-native applications 08:03
36 Differences between cloud-native Apps & Traditional enterprise Apps 06:58
37 Twelve factor App Deepdive 1 08:14
38 Twelve factor App Deepdive 2 06:56
39 Twelve factor App Deepdive 3 08:39
40 Introduction to Configurations Management challenges inside microservices 04:51
41 Configuration Management architecture inside microservices 06:53
42 Deep dive of Spring Cloud Config for Configuration management 06:16
43 Building Config Server service and load all the configurations from classpath 16:01
44 Reading configurations from a file system location 04:00
45 Reading configurations from a GitHub repository 04:42
46 Updating Accounts Microservice to read properties from Config Server 12:21
47 Updating Loans Microservice to read properties from Config Server 03:49
48 Updating Cards Microservice to read properties from Config Server 04:25
49 Generating Docker images after Config Server changes 07:22
50 Pushing all the latest Docker images with Config server changes to DockerHub 04:28
51 Updating Docker Compose file to adapt Config Server changes 16:11
52 Starting all the microservices using docker compose files based on the env 13:13
53 Refreshing properties with @RefreshScope 12:34
54 Encryption & Decryption of your properties inside Config server 07:54
55 Introduction to the Service Discovery & Registration inside microservices 08:20
56 Why not traditional load balancers for Microservices 08:33
57 Architecture of Service Discovery inside microservices 12:51
58 Client Side load balancing between microservices 06:23
59 Spring Cloud support for Service Discovery & Registration 04:26
60 Setup Service Discovery agent using Eureka server 09:37
61 Make changes for Accounts microservice to connect Eureka Server 07:16
62 Make changes for Loans & Cards microservice to connect Eureka Server 07:40
63 Degistration from Eureka server when microservices shutdown 04:43
64 Demo of heartbeats mechanism to Eureka server from clients 02:29
65 Feign Client to invoke other microservices 12:13
66 Generating Docker images after Service Discovery changes 05:02
67 Pushing all the latest Docker images with Eureka changes to Docker Hub 02:22
68 Updating Docker Compose file to adapt Service Discovery changes 04:19
69 Starting all the microservices using docker compose file 04:29
70 Running docker compose with 2 instances of Accounts microservice 05:26
71 Eureka Self-Preservation mode to avoid network trap issues 12:40
72 Introduction to the need of Resiliency inside microservices 10:03
73 Typical use case or scenario for the need of Resiliency 07:05
74 Deep dive on Circuit Breaker pattern in microservices 13:32
75 Implementing Circuit Breaker pattern - Part 1 07:30
76 Implementing Circuit Breaker pattern - Part 2 07:16
77 Implementing Circuit Breaker pattern - Part 3 05:29
78 Deep dive on Retry pattern in microservices 03:30
79 Implementing Retry Pattern in microservices 06:57
80 Deep dive on Rate Limiter pattern in microservices 03:17
81 Implementing Rate Limiter Pattern in microservices 03:33
82 Deep dive on Bulk head pattern in microservices 07:23
83 Introduction to the challenges with Routing & Cross cutting concerns 05:14
84 Introduction to Spring Cloud Gateway 11:03
85 Deep dive on Spring Cloud Gateway internal architecture 06:19
86 Building Spring Cloud Gateway service 15:26
87 Implementing Custom Routing using Spring Cloud Gateway 10:08
88 Implementing Cross cutting concern Tracing & Logging using Gateway Server 15:24
89 Generating and pushing Docker images with Spring Cloud Gateway changes 08:42
90 Updating Docker Compose file to adapt Spring Cloud Gateway changes 07:32
91 Introduction to the challenges related to Distributed tracing & Log aggregation 08:42
92 Introduction to Spring Cloud Sleuth & Zipkin 04:32
93 Deep dive on Spring Cloud Sleuth & it's tracing format 07:06
94 Deep dive on Zipkin internal architecture 07:27
95 Implementing Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth 10:05
96 Implementing Log aggregation with Zipkin Server 14:28
97 Pushing Sleuth message into RabbitMQ 10:25
98 Generate, Push Docker images with Sleuth & Zipkin changes 12:51
99 Introduction to the challenges related to monitoring microservices 02:52
100 Different approaches to monitor microservices 10:27
101 Setup of micrometer inside microservices 10:19
102 Setup of Prometheus to monitor microservices 15:31
103 Setup of Grafana to monitor microservices with inbuilt dashboards 10:07
104 Building custom dashboards inside Grafana 05:44
105 Sending alerts using Grafana when service is down 08:46
106 Introduction to the challenges related to container orchestration 05:28
107 Introduction to Kubernetes 08:22
108 Dee dive of Kubernetes internal architecture 17:10
109 Cloud providers support for Kubernetes 07:40
110 GCP Account Setup and creating a K8s cluster 04:46
111 Exploring K8S cluster and establish connection with it 11:26
112 Deep dive on Kubernetes YAML configurations 09:03
113 Kubernetes YAML configurations for applicable microservices 13:18
114 Create environment variables inside K8S cluster using ConfigMap 09:17
115 Deploying our microservices to Kubernetes cluster 12:14
116 Validating our microservices deployed into K8s cluster 04:08
117 Automatic Self healing inside Kubernetes cluster 06:34
118 Automatic Rollout & Rollback inside Kubernetes cluster 10:50
119 Logging & Monitoring inside Kubernetes cluster 05:12
120 Autoscaling inside Kubernetes cluster using HPA 04:06
121 Deleting Kubernetes cluster inside GCP 01:27
122 Deploying all the microservices into K8s cluster - Theory 05:13
123 Creating the K8s yaml config files for all microservices 10:23
124 How Deployment and Service are tied together inside K8s 05:41
125 Deploying all the microservices into K8s cluster 08:05
126 Validating microservices deployed into K8s cluster 03:18
127 Problems with manually created Kubernetes manifest files 07:41
128 Introduction to Helm 05:50
129 Problems that Helm solves 09:24
130 Installing Helm 06:18
131 Creating our first Helm Chart 06:16
132 Installing the Default Helm chart into K8s cluster 14:48
133 Exploring the default Helm chart content 09:12
134 Creating our own Helm template files 15:47
135 Creating Helm chart for Accounts microservice 11:12
136 Creating Helm chart for other microservice 13:07
137 Creating Helm chart for Dev and Prod environment 13:06
138 Demo of helm template command 06:01
139 Installing Helm charts into K8s cluster 11:44
140 Demo of helm upgrade command 06:03
141 Demo of helm history and rollback commands 03:41
142 Demo of helm uninstall command 02:33
143 Revision of important helm commands 06:50
144 Problem with Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service 05:02
145 Problem with Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service-Demo 05:33
146 Introduction to types of K8s Services 04:21
147 Deep dive on ClusterIP Service - Theory 04:27
148 Deep dive on ClusterIP Service - Demo 11:43
149 Deep dive on NodePort Service - Theory 04:38
150 Deep dive on NodePort Service - Demo 12:04
151 Deep dive on LoadBalancer Service - Theory 04:28
152 Deep dive on LoadBalancer Service - Demo 07:06
153 Introduction to securing Spring Cloud Gateway with OAuth2 02:59
154 Quick intro to OAuth2 framework 11:04
155 Deep dive on OAuth2 Client Credentials grant flow 10:42
156 KeyCloak Auth Server installation and setup using Docker command 07:55
157 Register Client details inside KeyCloak Auth server 05:24
158 Getting Access token from Auth Server using Client details 08:32
159 Making code changes inside Spring Cloud Gateway to secure the APIs 13:10
160 Demo of Spring Cloud Gateway security inside local system 09:03
161 Generating and Pushing latest docker image of Gateway into Docker Hub 03:11
162 Installation of KeyCloak into K8s cluster using Helm chart 12:43
163 Updating Helm charts of microservices 07:46
164 Deploying all microservices into K8s and validating security changes 05:53
165 Introduction to Authorization 04:38
166 Demo of Authorization changes using Spring Security - Part 1 10:42
167 Demo of Authorization changes using Spring Security - Part 2 06:36
168 Introduction to OAuth2 Authorization code grant flow 06:02
169 Deep dive of OAuth2 Authorization code grant flow 07:36
170 Making code changes inside Accounts microservice to secure the APIs 12:25
171 Register Client details inside KeyCloak Auth server for Spring Cloud Gateway 05:57
172 Making code changes inside Spring Cloud Gateway 12:42
173 Demo of OAuth2 Authorization code grant flow inside local system 11:37
174 Updating Helm charts of microservices 14:03
175 Deploy all microservices into K8s cluster and demo of Authorization code flow 13:15
176 Introduction to Kubernetes Ingress 09:51
177 Introduction to Service mesh 07:03
178 Deep dive on Service mesh and Istio 10:52
179 Thank You & Congratulations 01:58

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