Java Programming Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery
9h 15m 36s
Learn Java from scratch with an industry expert. You'll learn Java programming fundamentals all the way to advanced skills and reinforce your learning with over 80 exercises and 18 quizzes. The only course you need to go from complete programming beginner to being able to get hired as a Backend Developer!
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Java Programming Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery | 02:12 |
2 | What is Java? | 04:17 |
3 | When Do We Need Java? Backend vs. Frontend | 03:12 |
4 | Time To Get Your Hands Dirty - Your First Java Program | 04:51 |
5 | Creating Classes | 06:41 |
6 | Using Classes to Create Objects | 03:32 |
7 | Structuring the Application with Packages | 05:32 |
8 | Adding Class Members to Classes | 07:07 |
9 | Understanding the Application Structure | 01:49 |
10 | Understanding Variables | 02:31 |
11 | Working with Variables in Java | 02:35 |
12 | Working with Primitives | 05:54 |
13 | Sizes of Primitives | 02:44 |
14 | Performing Operations with Operators | 01:31 |
15 | Arithmetic Operators | 04:31 |
16 | Assignment Operators | 02:08 |
17 | Unary Operators | 04:22 |
18 | Relational Operators | 02:13 |
19 | Storing Text Variables in Strings | 07:16 |
20 | Understanding Casting | 02:44 |
21 | Casting in Java | 05:09 |
22 | Storing Multiple Values in One Variable | 03:23 |
23 | Working with Arrays | 02:05 |
24 | Primitives vs. Objects | 03:52 |
25 | Objects Containing Primitives | 01:10 |
26 | Objects Containing Objects | 02:24 |
27 | Understanding the Stack and Heap | 04:48 |
28 | The Meaning of Pass by Value | 04:59 |
29 | If Statement | 03:17 |
30 | Demo: If Statement | 06:28 |
31 | Switch Statement | 03:52 |
32 | Demo: Switch Statement | 06:46 |
33 | While Loop | 02:54 |
34 | Demo: While Loop | 04:00 |
35 | Do While Loop | 02:11 |
36 | Demo: Do While Loop | 02:13 |
37 | For Loop | 03:10 |
38 | Demo: For Loop | 04:13 |
39 | Foreach Loop | 01:59 |
40 | Demo: Foreach Loop | 01:50 |
41 | Controlling Loops with Break and Continue | 05:49 |
42 | The Syntax of a Basic Method | 02:37 |
43 | Adding Input Parameters to Methods | 02:44 |
44 | Adding the Return Type and the Return Statement | 02:20 |
45 | Invoking Different Methods | 03:41 |
46 | Exercise: Imposter Syndrome | 02:57 |
47 | Understanding Access Modifiers | 02:07 |
48 | Public Access Modifier | 01:43 |
49 | Demo: Public | 02:15 |
50 | Private Access Modifier | 03:07 |
51 | Demo: Private | 02:18 |
52 | Default Access (No Modifier) | 02:18 |
53 | Demo: Default | 01:26 |
54 | Protected Access Modifier | 01:55 |
55 | Demo: Protected | 01:52 |
56 | Static Modifier | 04:37 |
57 | Demo: Static | 03:15 |
58 | String Class | 01:06 |
59 | Methods on the String Class | 05:42 |
60 | Understanding String Immutability | 06:20 |
61 | Comparing Strings | 05:05 |
62 | Working with StringBuilder | 04:42 |
63 | LocalDate | 05:07 |
64 | LocalTime | 03:14 |
65 | LocalDateTime | 04:32 |
66 | ZonedDateTime | 05:35 |
67 | Duration and Period | 05:02 |
68 | Calculating with Dates and Times | 04:14 |
69 | Formatting and Parsing Dates | 10:02 |
70 | Introduction to OOP | 03:37 |
71 | OOP Pillar 1: Inheritance | 05:48 |
72 | OOP Pillar 2: Encapsulation | 04:23 |
73 | OOP Pillar 3: Abstraction | 01:54 |
74 | OOP Pillar 4: Polymorphism | 07:17 |
75 | Overriding, Overloading and Hiding | 06:56 |
76 | Constructors Explained | 02:41 |
77 | Default Constructor | 02:19 |
78 | Custom Constructor | 03:07 |
79 | Using super() and this() | 05:36 |
80 | Constructors and Inheritance | 05:35 |
81 | What Are Enums? | 01:46 |
82 | Creating and Using Basic Enums | 03:23 |
83 | Enums with Members | 03:53 |
84 | How Enums Work Beneath the Surface | 04:35 |
85 | Understanding Interfaces | 04:20 |
86 | Creating Interfaces | 03:07 |
87 | Implementing Interfaces | 03:19 |
88 | Interfaces with Default Methods | 03:15 |
89 | Interfaces with Static and Private Methods | 02:51 |
90 | Implementing Interfaces with Conflicting Method Signatures | 02:46 |
91 | Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods | 06:08 |
92 | Final Keyword | 02:39 |
93 | Understanding Generics | 04:51 |
94 | Using Classes with Generics | 03:38 |
95 | Collection Framework: List | 06:17 |
96 | Collection Framework: Set | 03:13 |
97 | Collection Framework: Queue | 05:18 |
98 | Collection Framework: Map | 06:54 |
99 | Understanding Exceptions | 01:42 |
100 | Throwing Exceptions | 04:09 |
101 | Checked and Unchecked Exceptions | 04:47 |
102 | Handling Exceptions: Throws | 04:31 |
103 | Handling Exceptions: Try/Catch | 03:13 |
104 | Handling Exceptions: Try with Resources | 05:28 |
105 | Creating Custom Exceptions | 06:30 |
106 | Reading and Writing Files | 02:11 |
107 | Reading Files with FileReader | 04:51 |
108 | Writing to Files with FileWriter | 04:06 |
109 | Getting Started with Lambda Expressions | 01:54 |
110 | Functional Interfaces | 03:11 |
111 | Understanding Lambda Expressions | 02:46 |
112 | Writing Lambda Expression | 09:06 |
113 | Lambda Expressions as Arguments | 08:30 |
114 | Scope and Lambda Expressions | 04:31 |
115 | Built-in Functional Interfaces | 08:39 |
116 | Shorthand Lambda Expression: Method Reference | 08:54 |
117 | Understanding Streams | 02:46 |
118 | Stream API: Source Operations | 04:54 |
119 | Stream API: Terminal Operations | 10:40 |
120 | Stream API: Intermediate Operations | 04:20 |
121 | Using the Stream API: Practical Examples | 03:19 |
122 | Different Parts of the Memory: Heap, Stack, Metaspace | 06:27 |
123 | The Automatic Garbage Collection Process | 03:19 |
124 | Understanding StackOverflowError and OutOfMemoryError | 02:22 |
125 | Understanding Concurrency and Multithreading | 03:55 |
126 | Working with Threads | 07:22 |
127 | Atomic Classes | 04:11 |
128 | Synchronized | 04:37 |
129 | Lock Interface | 05:14 |
130 | Concurrent Collections | 04:55 |
131 | ExecutorService and Thread Pools | 05:35 |
132 | Common Problems in Multithreading | 09:34 |
133 | Using Scanner for Interactive Console Apps | 04:16 |
134 | Thank You | 01:18 |
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