RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and JPA

25h 8m 11s

This video course also covers the H2 in-memory database and teaches how to build RESTful Web Service that stores data in a database without a need to install MySQL or any other database server. You will also learn how to use H2 console to preview data stored in an in-memory database tables or in a MySQL database server. When it comes to storing data in a database you will learn how to use Spring Data JPA Query Methods as well as Native SQL Queries.

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This is a very practical video course aimed at beginner Java developers to help them build their very first RESTful Web Service application with Java, Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA to implement features like: 

  • User sign-up and User sign-in, 

  • Email verification,

  • Password Reset,

  • Get user details API call, 

  • Get list of users API call and implement Pagination, 

  • Update user details and Delete user details API calls, 

  • Learn to secure Web Service endpoints with Spring Security

  • Learn to use Amazon AWS Simple Email Service(SES) to send and request to confirm user email address, 

  • and learn to generate and include the JSON Web Token in HTTP Request.

Students will learn how to use Postman HTTP client software to send: HTTP POST, GET, DELETE and PUT requests, as well as how to set needed HTTP Headers. We will also cover how to: 

  • Send data to your RESTful WebService via HTTP Body and,

  • How to pass data via URL Query String and as a Path parameter,

  • How to enable your RESTful Web Service to respond to Cross Origin AJAX HTTP Requests.

You will also learn how to make your RESTful Web Service accept and respond back with JSON or XML media type.

This video course you will learn how to: 

  • Download and install Spring Tool Suite(STS), 

  • Download and install MySQL server and MySQL Workbench GUI, 

  • Download and run Apache Tomcat,

  • Add a specific Apache Tomcat Version to your Spring Tool Suite, 

  • User Maven to build and run your project as well as package it into a deployable WAR file, 

  • You will also learn how to run your Web Service as a stand along Java application with build-in Tomcat, 

  • Deploy your RESTful Web Service to Apache Tomcat as well as, 

  • Start up your own Amazon AWS EC2 Service in Amazon Cloud, install Java, MySQL, Tomcat and deploy RESTful Web Service to your very own cloud server. 

You will also learn how to use JUnit 5 to test your code and how to use one of the most popular test frameworks called Rest Assured to test RESTful Web Service endpoints of your REST Api.

  • Basic knowledge of Java
  • Mac computer
Who this course is for:
  • Beginner Java developers
  • Java developers interested in learning how to Build, Deploy RESTful Web Services
  • Java developers interested in learning how to Test Rest API with Rest Assured framework

What you'll learn:

  • Build a RESTful Web Service with Spring MVC and Spring Boot
  • Learn how to implement User Sign-in functionality
  • Learn how to implement User Sign-up functionality
  • Protect RESTful Web Service with Spring Security Framework
  • Learn how to implement Token-Based Authentication
  • Implement Password Reset and Email Verification features
  • Use Spring Data JPA Query Methods
  • Use Spring Data JPA Native SQL Queries
  • Download and Install MySQL Server on Mac
  • Download and Install MySQL Workbench
  • Download and Install Spring Tool Suite
  • Create new project using Spring Tool Suite and Spring Initializer
  • Download, run and stop Apache Tomcat
  • Deploy RESTful Web Service application to Apache Tomcat
  • Run RESTful Web Service application as a stand along Java application
  • Build and run REST API with Maven
  • Use Postman HTTP client to send HTTP Request to a Web Service endpoints
  • Start up Amazon EC2 server
  • Install Java, MySQL and Apache Tomcat on Amazon AWS EC2 server
  • Deploy RESTful Web Service to Amazon AWS EC2 server
  • Use H2 in-memory database
  • Use H2 database console to preview data in memory database as well as in a stand along MySQL database server
  • Use JUnit 5 to test code
  • Use Rest Assured to test RESTful Web Service endpoint

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# Title Duration
1 Install HTTP client Postman 02:10
2 Postman overview 10:42
3 Resource and Collection URIs 11:13
4 HTTP Methods: GET, POST, DELETE and PUT 03:45
5 HTTP Headers: Accept and Content Type 04:14
6 Introduction to Web Service Application Layers 04:30
7 A few suggestions 03:24
8 Downloading and Installing MySQL on MAC 03:17
9 Start MySQL Server and Login 06:15
10 Creating MySQL Database and a new User 06:26
11 Downloading and Installing MySQL Workbench 03:03
12 Connect to MySQL Database using MySQL WorkBench 05:28
13 MySQL WorkBench brief overview 04:16
14 Install Java Platform (JDK) 05:49
15 Download and Install Spring Tool Suite(STS) 01:57
16 Create new Spring Boot Project with Spring Tool Suite 06:13
17 Creating a new Spring project using Spring Boot Initializr 04:43
18 Create Users Rest Controller class 02:46
19 Adding Methods to Handle POST, GET, PUT, DELETE HTTP requests 03:14
20 Running Web Service Application 04:37
21 Update POM.XML file 06:17
22 Configure MySQL Database Access Details 04:27
23 Adding method to handle HTTP Post Request 02:21
24 Implementing the Create User Request Model class 03:22
25 Implementing Create User Response Model 06:06
26 Implementing the UserDto 04:39
27 Making use of UserRest and UserDto in RestController 03:20
28 Implementing Service class method 03:58
29 Implementing UserEntity class 06:14
30 Set Default Value for Email Verification Status field 01:08
31 Implementing UsersRepository class 05:33
32 Autowire UserRepository into Service class 05:01
33 Trying how the User Sign up works 06:13
34 Preventing Duplicate Entries with @Column(unique=true) 03:47
35 Check if user already exists 06:20
36 Generate User Public ID 06:31
37 Adding Spring Security to our project 05:23
38 Encrypt User Password 02:54
39 Make the Sign-up Web Service Endpoint Public 08:52
40 Migrating from WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter 13:40
41 Implementing User Sign-in Request Model 01:57
42 [Updated] Implementing loadUserByUsername() 05:45
43 [Updated] Implementing SecurityConstants class 04:35
44 [Updated]Adding Maven Dependencies to generate and validate JWT 02:35
45 [Updated] AuthenticationFilter Part 1. Implementing attemptAuthentication(). 05:55
46 [Updated] AuthenticationFilter Part 2. Implementing successfulAuthenticatio(). 03:49
47 [Updated] AuthenticationFilter Part 3. Register with HttpSecurity. 01:40
48 Trying how user Authentication/Login works 06:59
49 [Updated] Add UserId to HTTP Response Header 11:52
50 [Updated]Customize Login URL Path 02:34
51 [Updated] Implementing Authorization Filter. 10:33
52 Trying how User Authorization works 04:18
53 [Updated] Reading Token Secret from a properties file 05:58
54 Get User Details Resource Method 05:06
55 Implement Service layer method 03:09
56 Update UserRepository 04:00
57 Trying the Get User Details API Call 05:38
58 Update POM.XML 01:15
59 Responding with XML or JSON 07:20
60 Consuming XML or JSON 04:26
61 Introduction 02:41
62 Implementing ErrorMessages enum 05:40
63 Implementing UserServiceException 03:15
64 Handle a Specific Exception 06:57
65 Return Custom Error Object Representation 04:14
66 Handle All Other Exceptions 04:57
67 Update User Details Resource Method 05:49
68 Implementing Service Layer Method 05:39
69 Trying the Update User Details API Call 02:55
70 Delete User Resource Method 06:05
71 Implementing Service Layer Method 02:45
72 Trying the Delete User API Call 04:55
73 The Get Users Request URL 03:40
74 The Get Users Resource Method 05:39
75 Get Users Service Layer Method 06:02
76 Trying the Get Users API Call 05:53
77 Running Your Web Services App without STS 02:44
78 Create Context Path to Your Web Service 04:23
79 Run Your App as a Java application 04:35
80 Generating WAR file 04:26
81 Install Apache Tomcat on Windows 13:32
82 Downloading Apache Tomcat on Mac 02:14
83 Starting and Stopping Apache Tomcat 02:52
84 Creating a new Apache Tomcat User 02:40
85 Deploying Your Web Service to Apache Tomcat 04:42
86 Introduction 02:50
87 [Updated] Startup your own Linux virtual server in Amazon EC2 12:46
88 Configure Virtual Server Firewall Rules(Security Group) 03:48
89 Connect To Your Server via SSH 04:41
90 Update Server Software Packages and Update Java 03:35
91 Download & Install Apache Tomcat on AWS EC2 Linux Server 10:28
92 Configure remote access to Manager app 02:33
93 Configure Apache Tomcat Users 03:13
94 Download and Install MySQL Server on EC2 Linux Server 03:19
95 Installing MySQL on AWS Linux 2 AMI 05:50
96 Install MariaDb Server on EC2 Linux 2 AMI 04:44
97 Create Database and Add Database User 04:03
98 Deploy Our Web Service App on Apache Tomcat 03:53
99 Sending HTTP Request to a WebService Deployed on a Remote Server 03:28
100 Introduction 03:10
101 Amazon RDS - Creating MySQL Database 06:14
102 Security Group Configuration 02:31
103 Configure application to use MySQL deployed in RDS 03:32
104 Deploying WAR to AWS Elastic Beanstalk 02:31
105 Trying how it works 01:53
106 Introduction: @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToOne 08:27
107 Add List of Addresses to JSON Payload 03:37
108 Add List of Addresses to a UserDetailsRequestModel 03:47
109 Creating AddressDTO 03:02
110 A Better Way of Mapping DTO to an Entity and Entity to a DTO 03:23
111 Trying if Deep Objects Mapping Works 03:36
112 Create AddressEntity class 07:28
113 Add @OneToMany to UserEntity class 03:01
114 Generate Public Address Id 02:21
115 Updating Service class Java code 05:16
116 Trying How it Works: Creating a new User record 05:30
117 Include List of Addresses Into Response 03:56
118 Get List of Addresses Web Service Endpoint 08:06
119 Get List of Addresses Service Interface 02:09
120 Get List of Addresses Service Interface Implementation 03:48
121 Get List of Addresses Spring Data JPA Interface 07:47
122 Trying How the Get List of Addresses Works 03:40
123 API Call to Get a Single Address Details 06:40
124 Important house keeping message 01:07
125 Introduction 03:03
126 Adding HATEOAS Support to Our Project 03:06
127 Adding Links to the AddressRest Model 09:24
128 Using the methodOn() 05:25
129 Adding Links to a Get Addresses API Call 04:57
130 Applying HAL Format 08:13
131 Introduction 03:02
132 Adding HATEOAS support to our project 02:04
133 Adding Links. Representation Model. 10:03
134 Adding Links. Entity Model. 03:23
135 Building links with methodOn() 05:16
136 Returning a collection of resources with CollectionModel. 04:57
137 Adding links to embedded list of addresses 03:34
138 Introduction 04:58
139 Verify Email Address with Amazon SES 05:02
140 Moving Out of AWS SES Sandbox 05:05
141 Submit Support Ticket to Increase Sending Limits 02:10
142 Create AWS IAM Access Credentials 04:27
143 Creating Shared Credentials File 00:43
144 Add AWS Java SDK SES Maven Dependency 01:17
145 Spring Security. Make Email Verification a Public Web Service Endpoint. 02:32
146 The verifyEmailToken() RestController Method 04:49
147 The verifyEmailToken() Service Layer Function 04:12
148 The findUserByEmailVerificationToken() Data Layer Function 01:35
149 Checking if Email Verification Token Has Expired 03:52
150 Generate and Save the Email Verification Token 05:00
151 Prevent Users with Unverified Email Address to Login 04:50
152 Trying How it works 05:14
153 Create a new Web Project 03:02
154 Download Apache Tomcat and Add to Spring STS 03:46
155 Creating Email Verification Service Web Page 05:23
156 Reading JavaScript URL Request Parameters 02:54
157 The verifyToken() AJAX HTTP Get Request 04:11
158 Deploying REST API and Email Verification Service to a Local Tomcat 09:52
159 Trying Email Verification Feature on Local Server 08:18
160 Adding Code to Send Email 10:46
161 Deploying Email Verification to a Remote Amazon EC2 Linux Server 05:19
162 Trying Email Verification on Remote Server 08:19
163 Introduction 04:40
164 Password Reset Request RestController Method 05:03
165 Password Reset Request Service Layer Method 04:31
166 Generating Password Reset Token 03:32
167 Create PasswordResetTokenEntity & Password Reset Repository 06:21
168 Update AmazonSES Class with Code that Sends Email 07:45
169 Make the /password-reset-request Public 02:32
170 Trying How Password Reset Request Works 07:27
171 Password Reset HTML Page: Add Input fields 06:03
172 Password Reset HTML Page: Add jQuery 02:09
173 Password Reset HTML Page: Add the saveNewPassword() function 10:33
174 Add Content Type HTTP Header 03:06
175 Password Reset RestController Method 03:52
176 Password Reset Service Layer Method 07:59
177 Making Password Rest URL Public 01:54
178 Deploying RESTful Web Service and the Verification Service App 04:58
179 Trying How Password Reset Works 07:40
180 Introduction to Testing with JUnit & Mockito 04:20
181 Test Cases Source Code and Test Libraries Dependency 04:18
182 Creating a new JUnit 5 Test Case 04:39
183 Mocking Objects with Mockito @Mock 08:57
184 JUnit 5 Assertions. Asserting Successful Method Execution. 07:50
185 JUnit 5. Expect an Exception with assertThrows() 05:33
186 The testCreateUser() method. Mocking Objects. 10:13
187 Testing the createUser() Service Method 07:56
188 The testCreateUser() method. Adding more code. 14:47
189 doNothing(). Exclude Integration Code from Unit Test. 07:52
190 Assert an Exception is thrown in the createUser() method 04:03
191 Create a New Test Case 02:40
192 Create Mock Objects and Configure Methods Behaviour 06:39
193 Asserting with assertNotNull, assertEquals and assertTrue 03:37
194 Create a new JUnit Integration Test Case 06:13
195 Test the Generate UserId Method 04:14
196 Test If JWT Token Has Not Expired 06:10
197 Test the Expired JWT Token 05:43
198 What is H2 In-memory Database and Why Using It 03:20
199 H2 Database Console Preview 07:54
200 Adding Support for the H2 Database 08:00
201 Sign in to H2 In-Memory Database 05:01
202 Protect the H2 In-Memory Database with a Password 02:04
203 API Call to Create a New User and Preview User Details in an In-Memory Database 03:45
204 Introduction 03:56
205 Creating a new maven project 04:41
206 Add support for Rest Assured and JUnit 5 to your project 07:39
207 Create User API Call: Creating a Test Method 02:20
208 Create User API Call: Setting Request URL, Context Path and a Port number 03:18
209 Create User API Call: Create HTTP Post Request and Validate Response 08:40
210 Create User API Call: Running a Test Case 06:14
211 Create User API Call: Verify JSON Array with a list of Addresses 09:06
212 User Login API Call: Create Test Class 02:56
213 User Login API Call: Create Test Method 08:49
214 User Login API Call: Run Test Method 05:17
215 JUnit Test Methods ordering with @FixMethodOrder 04:31
216 Get User Details API Call: Create Test method 05:41
217 Get User Details API Call: Validating List of Addresses 04:12
218 Get User Details API Call: Use the pathParam() 01:21
219 Get User Details API Call: Running Test Method 03:36
220 Update User Details API Call: Create Test Method & HTTP Request 08:46
221 Update User Details API Call: Validating HTTP Response 07:05
222 Delete User Details API Call: Create Test Method 05:19
223 Delete User Details API Call: Run Test Method 02:40
224 Introduction. What If You Need to Run SQL Query? 02:29
225 Native SELECT SQL Query Example 04:47
226 JUnit Test to test Native SELECT SQL Query 10:40
227 Native SQL Query with Positional Parameters 08:27
228 Native SQL Query with Named Parameters 04:50
229 Log SQL Queries and Their Values in the Console 03:51
230 Using Advanced LIKE Expressions 05:59
231 Select Specific Columns from a Table 06:53
232 UPDATE SQL Query Example 08:32
233 JPQL Introduction 02:01
234 JPQL Select SQL Query 06:56
235 JPQL Query to Select Specific Fields Only 04:11
236 JPQL Update SQL Query 06:28
237 Do I Need To Enable CORS? 05:40
238 Send HTTP Request to Reproduce Cross Origin Issue 07:37
239 Enable Cross Origin Requests in Rest Controller 08:08
240 Global CORS configuration 05:17
241 Spring Security Configuration for CORS 13:27
242 Introduction 02:13
243 Add Swagger Dependencies 03:40
244 Create Swagger Configuration File 02:48
245 Enable Swagger URLs and View JSON Documentation 05:56
246 View API Documentation In Swagger UI 05:46
247 Add Authorization Header 07:03
248 Add /login endpoint 16:57
249 Upading API Documentation Information 06:57
250 Web Service Endpoints Additional Information 04:53
251 Share Your API with Others 01:26
252 Share Swagger UI URL 04:39
253 Introduction to Roles and Authorities 05:24
254 Authentication vs Authorization 07:32
255 Database Tables Design 02:56
256 User Roles @ManyToMany Mapping for User Entity 06:23
257 Create RoleEntity 04:48
258 Role Authority @ManyToMany Mapping for the RoleEntity 03:28
259 Create AuthorityEntity 05:52
260 Create Role Repository 03:02
261 Create Authority Repository 01:44
262 Creating Initial Roles, Authorities and Admin User 02:58
263 Create InitialUsersSetup Class 03:03
264 Creating Authorities: READ, WRITE, DELETE 05:40
265 Creating Roles: ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER 07:09
266 Create User with Admin Role 07:31
267 Create User Principal Class 12:06
268 Update Authentication and Authorization Filters 06:26
269 Configure HttpSecurity to Use the ADMIN Role 10:00
270 Configure HttpSecurity to Use the DELETE_AUTHORITY 01:07
271 hasAnyRole() and hasAnyAuthority() 01:52
272 Method Level Security Introduction 04:22
273 Enable Global Method Security 01:41
274 @Secured Annotation Example 04:48
275 @PreAuthorize Annotation Example 03:22
276 Accessing Principal Object and Method Argument 05:50
277 Trying How It Works 03:36
278 @PostAuthorize Annotation Example 06:06
279 Assign ROLE_USER to a Regular User 11:39
280 Spring Web MVC - Overview 03:28
281 Creating Spring Web MVC project 06:42
282 Configure JSP & JSTL support 07:53
283 Configure Thymeleaf support 06:11
284 The Model object 03:39
285 The ModelMap object 02:53
286 The ModelAndView object 03:11
287 Read URI path variables 05:50
288 Read query string parameters 04:32
289 Read Form Data with @ModelAttribute 08:12
290 Read JSON request body 04:10
291 Return JSON in response body 04:57
292 Bonus lecture 03:05

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