Java Design Patterns

16h 20m 37s

Our Java Design Patterns Course is the best value-for-money education you can give your programmers. During an intensive 4 days, we cover all of the Gang-of-Four patterns, in addition to some other lesser-known ones. Your programmers will learn how design patterns fit into the big picture in Java. Each pattern is followed by exercises. These help the student to apply what they have learned in the lecture. After each exercise we demonstrate the solution with a walk-through. We have taken great care to make sure that each pattern is accurately taught. We make sure that the code they see is safe for use in industrial strength code.

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Is this course for you?

  • Learn how a Java Specialist thinks when designing a Java system.
  • Learn how each pattern is used in the Java Development Kit (JDK).
  • Learn how the Java Virtual Machine optimizes our well-factored code on-the-fly.
  • Learn how we can make our patterns thread-safe.
  • Learn how modern Java 8 lambdas and Java 11 features can reduce code when implementing design patterns.
  • Learn how the Singleton can cause "code smells".
  • Learn how to get rid of copy & paste code and those pesky switch and if-else statements.
  • Improve your team communication by introducing a richer design vocabulary.

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# Title Duration
1 Lay of the Land 08:41
2 Why Learn Patterns 15:36
3 What is a Design Pattern 06:02
4 References Used in Course 07:47
5 Unified Modeling Language (UML) 14:03
6 Java Memory Management 11:42
7 Java HotSpot Optimizations 06:54
8 Modern Java Syntax 03:57
9 Abstract Class Pattern (PLoPD4) 15:36
10 Abstract Class Pattern Exercise Walkthrough 15:53
11 Builder Pattern (GoF and Effective Java) 19:44
12 Builder Exercise 1 Walkthrough 06:47
13 Builder Exercise 2 Walkthrough 02:16
14 Essence Pattern (PLoPD4) 10:40
15 Memento Pattern (GoF) 22:16
16 Memento Pattern Exercise 1 Walkthrough 11:00
17 Memento Pattern Exercise 2 Walkthrough 03:08
18 Proxy Pattern (GoF) 32:19
19 Proxy Pattern Exercise 1 Walkthrough 03:48
20 Proxy Pattern Exercise 2 Walkthrough 07:23
21 Flyweight Pattern (GoF) 51:38
22 Strategy Pattern (GoF) 33:35
23 Strategy Exercise 1 Walkthrough 15:03
24 Strategy Exercise 2 Walkthrough 09:04
25 Null Object Pattern (PLoPD3) 16:57
26 Null Object Exercise Walkthrough 12:12
27 Iterator Pattern (GoF) 27:32
28 Iterator Pattern Exercise Walkthrough 09:45
29 Factory Method (GoF and Refactoring) 27:41
30 Template Method Pattern (GoF) 11:16
31 Template Method exercise 08:18
32 Composite Pattern (GoF) 12:34
33 Composite Exercise Walkthrough 17:21
34 Visitor Pattern (GoF) 17:29
35 Visitor Exercise Walkthrough 08:07
36 Acyclic Visitor Pattern (PLoPD3) 12:53
37 Acyclic Visitor Exercise Walkthrough 05:02
38 Object Recursion Pattern (PLoPD4) 09:05
39 Default Visitor Pattern (PLoPD3) 19:48
40 Default Visitor Exercise Walkthrough 12:53
41 Adapter Pattern (GoF) 21:55
42 Adapter Exercise Walkthrough 12:20
43 Command Pattern (GoF) 14:25
44 Command Exercise 1 Walkthrough 05:32
45 Command Exercise 2 Walkthrough 02:11
46 Decorator Pattern (GoF) 28:55
47 Decorator Exercise Walkthrough 11:32
48 Extension Object Pattern 34:10
49 Singleton Pattern (GoF) 40:51
50 Singleton Exercise 1 Walkthrough 00:59
51 Singleton Exercise 2 Walkthrough 01:34
52 Singleton Exercise 3 Walkthrough 14:22
53 State Pattern (GoF) 24:48
54 State Exercise Walkthrough 20:28
55 Facade Pattern (GoF) 11:16
56 Session Facade Pattern (JEE) 03:42
57 Prototype 17:12
58 Abstract Factory Pattern (GoF) 10:30
59 Abstract Factory Exercise Walkthrough 05:15
60 Interpreter Pattern (GoF) 16:21
61 Interpreter Exercise Walkthrough 11:35
62 Mediator Pattern (GoF) 13:04
63 Observer Pattern (GoF) 28:14
64 Observer Exercise Walkthrough 08:21
65 Bridge Pattern (GoF) 13:45
66 Bridge Exercise Walkthrough 10:08
67 Chain of Responsibility Pattern (GoF) 10:36
68 Chain of Responsibility Exercise Walkthrough 13:06
69 Conclusion 09:45

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