Java Foundations: The Complete Course with Java 21 Updates

88h 37m 5s
This course is designed for absolute beginners in programming and for those who don't mind learning Java at a slower pace. If you need an accelerated course, it might not be suitable (although you can speed up playback and find useful moments). Even if you already know the basics of Java, you can skip familiar sections and focus on new ones for yourself, such as Regex, Streams/Lambdas API, Optionals, Date/Time, SQL, Database/JDBC - topics that many experienced developers often don't know as well as they should. The course sections on these topics cover more than many individual courses on similar subjects - at a comparable price. If you want to start a career as a professional developer, this course will help you master the basics with an instructor who has extensive experience in hiring and training developers. The course focuses on real Java skills needed for a successful start and rapid growth, emphasizing practical skills rather than academic knowledge. The instructor leverages their experience of observing successful and unsuccessful candidates to create a course that will help you achieve success and secure a sought-after developer role.
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In this course, you will learn topics such as:

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • Many developers know the syntax of Java but lack the skills to utilize its capabilities for creating complex, maintainable, and team-friendly code.
  • Regular Expressions
    • Many Java developers are not well-versed in regular expressions, which makes text processing, validation, and key information extraction challenging. We will learn to use regular expressions to reduce code volume and increase its flexibility.
  • Functional Programming using Lambdas and Streams API
    • Despite the widespread use of functional programming, many Java developers have not mastered the capabilities of lambdas and the Streams API. We will explore these powerful tools to simplify and enhance data processing.
  • Optionals
    • The concept of "null" has caused numerous errors. Optionals aim to solve this problem, but many developers have yet to master their use. We will explore how to avoid issues related to null.
  • Date and Time API in Java 8
    • Java 8 introduced significant improvements in handling dates and times, but many developers have not mastered the new API. We will demonstrate how to work with dates and times correctly using a modern approach.
  • Working with Databases and SQL
    • Although many Java developers work with databases through frameworks like Spring Boot, this often leads to insufficient understanding of how these frameworks interact with the database. We will provide foundational knowledge to help you better utilize these tools.
  • Introduction to Spring Framework and Spring Boot
    • The Spring Framework and Spring Boot have revolutionized Java application development. These frameworks are almost always necessary for Java developers in the job market. We will introduce you to the basics of Spring and prepare you for the next step in your learning journey.

If you are ready to put in the effort and start a new stage of your career, join us!

Watch Online Java Foundations: The Complete Course with Java 21 Updates

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# Title Duration
1 1 - Welcome to the World of Java 03:20
2 2 - What is Java 05:06
3 3 - Installing JDK 21 IntelliJ IDE on MacOS with SDKMan Homebrew 15:57
4 4 - Installing JDK 21 IntelliJ IDE on Windows with Chocolatey 20:00
5 5 - Legacy Lesson Install JDK 17 on Windows 03:04
6 6 - Legacy Lesson Install JDK 17 on MacOS 04:13
7 7 - Legacy Lesson Installing a Java Editor IntelliJ IDE 05:44
8 8 - Hello World Our First Simple Application 09:17
9 9 - Asking for Help 06:33
10 10 - Coding Exercises for the Whole Course 06:25
11 12 - Object Orientation 34:44
12 13 - Class Basics 17:53
13 14 - Variables Data Types 18:51
14 15 - var Variables 06:50
15 16 - Simple Collections with Arrays 19:58
16 17 - Methods 32:55
17 18 - Varargs 11:25
18 19 - Static Methods 09:04
19 20 - Static Variables 06:28
20 21 - Static Initializers 05:42
21 22 - The Object Superclass 15:02
22 23 - Member Visibility Methods 33:12
23 24 - Member Visibility Fields 07:20
24 25 - Constructors 22:51
25 26 - Getters Setters 22:46
26 28 - Intro 00:58
27 29 - Creating Strings 17:09
28 30 - Upper Lower Casing 10:00
29 31 - Strings Blank or Empty 05:39
30 32 - Replacing Text Within Strings 06:30
31 33 - Removing White Space strip 19:10
32 34 - Getting Individual Characters of a String charAt 05:28
33 35 - Comparing String for Alphabetical Order compareTo 09:36
34 36 - Determining if Text is Contained in a String contains 03:18
35 37 - String Concatenation concat 29:16
36 38 - Determining the Length of a String length 10:34
37 39 - Getting Parts of a String substring 20:37
38 40 - Searching within a String indexOf 32:12
39 41 - Splitting String Apart split 23:39
40 42 - Beginning Ending of Strings startsWith endsWith 08:25
41 43 - Comparing Strings for Equality contentEquals 15:06
42 44 - JDK 21 String Templates 11:05
43 46 - Intro to Regular Expressions 02:24
44 47 - ABCs of Regular Expressions Part One 13:09
45 48 - ABCs of Regular Expressions Part Two 34:24
46 49 - Capture Groups Part One 25:28
47 50 - Capture Groups Part Two 12:58
48 51 - Named Capture Groups 13:04
49 52 - Comments in Regular Expressions 11:26
50 53 - Wrapping Up Phone Number Parsing 06:44
51 54 - Additional Character Classes 19:54
52 55 - Parsing a Real Text Document 40:14
53 56 - Greedy Operators 15:32
54 57 - Finding Multiple Matches 16:07
55 60 - Bits and Bytes 09:05
56 61 - Hexadecimal Numbers 09:33
57 62 - Numeric Data Types 17:26
58 63 - Bigger Numbers 11:33
59 64 - Floating Point Numbers 19:41
60 66 - Simple Math Operations 37:27
61 67 - Standard Math Functions 17:36
62 68 - More on Random Numbers 07:02
63 69 - Coding Exercise Calculating the Area of a Circle 06:05
64 70 - Coding Exercise Calculating Centripetal Force 21:50
65 71 - Comparing Numbers 05:52
66 72 - Introducing BigDecimal 09:10
67 73 - Using BigDecimal 12:31
68 74 - More on BigDecimal BigInteger 11:59
69 76 - Formatting Numbers 19:48
70 77 - Customizing Number Formatters 13:04
71 79 - Numeric Wrapper Classes 24:42
72 81 - Intro to Control Flow 06:01
73 82 - Conditionals with IfElse 27:21
74 83 - Control Flow Inequalities 07:51
75 84 - The Switch Statement 19:42
76 85 - Switch Statement New Features 22:39
77 86 - While Loops Part One 26:46
78 87 - Switch Statement Pattern Matching in JDK 21 14:58
79 88 - Legacy Lesson see JDK 21 version Switch Statement Pattern Matching JDK 17 11:17
80 89 - While Loops Part Two 22:04
81 90 - DoWhile Loops Part One 32:15
82 91 - DoWhile Loops Part Two 23:35
83 92 - For Loops 26:19
84 93 - A Simpler For Loop 09:40
85 94 - The Enhanced For Loop 04:40
86 95 - Applying Loops to Regex 06:21
87 97 - Intro to Testing 02:54
88 98 - Setting Up 18:59
89 99 - Our First Test 28:36
90 100 - Writing the Second Test 23:33
91 101 - Testing Edge Cases 12:19
92 102 - Testing Annuity Calculation 19:22
93 103 - Reimplementing the Guessing Game with TDD 19:51
94 104 - Guessing Game TDD Part Two 37:23
95 105 - Implementing Randomness 19:51
96 106 - Testing for Randomness A Deeper Explanation 25:26
97 107 - Tracking the Number of Guesses 34:40
98 108 - Handling More than Four Guesses 11:39
99 109 - Wrapping up Testing 24:58
100 110 - Reimplementing the Guessing Game User Interface 13:21
101 111 - Debugging Code Part One 35:46
102 112 - Debugging Code Part Two 17:05
103 114 - Intro 01:32
104 115 - Enums 31:01
105 116 - Enum Ordinals 22:00
106 117 - Enum Methods 20:57
107 118 - Enum Fields 22:39
108 119 - Enum ValueOf 12:22
109 120 - The this Keyword 12:54
110 121 - Setup for More Advanced OOP Topics 13:18
111 122 - Employee Salaries Continued 29:02
112 123 - Completing Other Employee Cases 24:28
113 124 - Introducing a Programmer Class 34:12
114 125 - Implementing the Other Employee Classes 26:24
115 126 - Introducing Interfaces 29:30
116 127 - Revisiting Class Hierarchies 20:55
117 128 - Completing the Employee Class Hierarchy 19:03
118 129 - Dealing with the Null Case 07:35
119 130 - Introducing Abstract Classes 22:17
120 131 - Factory Methods 27:38
121 132 - Nested Classes 09:49
122 133 - Other Types of Nested Classes 17:44
123 134 - Records 20:36
124 135 - Lambdas Versus Anonymous Classes 18:43
125 136 - Composition Versus Inheritance 24:54
126 137 - Default Methods 22:00
127 138 - Comparing Classes with instanceof 19:23
128 139 - Unnamed Patterns 11:53
129 140 - OOP Recap 20:47
130 142 - Solutions Explanations to Exercises 81 36:12
131 143 - Solutions Explanations to Exercises 82 83 42:05
132 144 - Solutions Explanations to Exercises 84 89 20:39
133 145 - Solutions Explanations to Exercises 810 819 20:05
134 146 - Solutions Explanations to Exercises 820 822 20:50
135 147 - Intro to Collections 04:52
136 148 - List Basics 22:28
137 149 - Linked Lists 26:52
138 150 - Looping with Iterators 20:33
139 151 - Loose Ends of Lists 07:22
140 152 - Additional List Methods 27:03
141 153 - Listcontains Objectequals 43:51
142 154 - Implementing Comparator to Sort Lists 31:05
143 155 - Implementing Comparable to Sort Lists 38:11
144 156 - Intro to Sets 19:54
145 157 - Sets Hashcode 22:46
146 158 - LinkedHashSet 12:34
147 159 - TreeSet 25:41
148 160 - Intro to Maps 04:12
149 161 - A Map Scenario 25:43
150 162 - Using Map Implementations 29:47
151 163 - Additional Map Methods 24:50
152 164 - JDK 21 Collections Changes 08:07
153 165 - Wrapping Up 03:56
154 167 - Intro to Streams Lambdas 01:48
155 168 - First Steps into Streams API 22:17
156 169 - Streams Explained 11:10
157 170 - Creating Streams 42:41
158 171 - Summing with Streams 28:58
159 172 - Sorting with Streams 25:10
160 173 - Filtering with Streams 24:10
161 174 - Additional Filtering Techniques 20:43
162 175 - Flattening Streams of Streams 31:35
163 176 - Alternatives to Filter 30:09
164 177 - The Map Reduce Pattern 45:33
165 178 - Intro to More Advanced Streams 23:46
166 179 - Big Data Summing 46:07
167 180 - Domain Models with Streams API 18:50
168 181 - Grouping Records 24:16
169 182 - Summing by Groups 22:19
170 183 - Nested Groupings 29:01
171 184 - Reducing with Collect 18:13
172 185 - Partitioning vs Grouping 12:57
173 186 - Functional Interfaces 11:46
174 187 - Functional Methods of Collections 38:30
175 189 - Exceptions 36:20
176 190 - Checked Exceptions 19:10
177 191 - Generics Part One 30:20
178 192 - Generics Part Two 34:28
179 193 - Optionals Part One 31:02
180 194 - Optionals Part Two 42:24
181 195 - Dates Times Intro 28:46
182 196 - Dates Times Periods Durations 08:03
183 197 - Dates Times Time Zones 15:44
184 198 - Dates Times Parsing Formatting 31:43
185 199 - Dates Times Temporal Adjustors Immutability 13:00
186 200 - Getting Started with Databases 12:26
187 201 - Installing DBeaver SQL Client 09:17
188 202 - Installing Squirrel SQL Client 14:54
189 203 - Lets Learn Some SQL 20:43
190 204 - Creating Retrieving Records 20:55
191 205 - Database Functions 12:29
192 206 - The UD in CRUD 12:47
193 207 - Creating a New Database Project 29:13
194 208 - TDD for Saving a Person 19:22
195 209 - Writing the JDBC Code to Save a Person 28:58
196 210 - Tidying Up Explaining Our Save Code 37:33
197 211 - Creating a Custom Save Exception 08:32
198 212 - Finding a Person By ID 41:33
199 213 - FindById A Negative Case 10:59
200 214 - Deleting a Person 09:44
201 215 - Deleting Multiple People at Once 18:50
202 216 - Updating a Person 34:26
203 217 - Creating a Reusable CRUD Repository 21:15
204 218 - CRUD Repository FindById 09:34
205 219 - CRUD Repository Completing the Remaining Methods 22:53
206 220 - CRUD Repository Implementing a Custom Annotation 31:42
207 221 - CRUD Repository Allowing Multiple SQL Annotations 38:33
208 222 - CRUD Repository Custom ID Annotation 28:54
209 223 - Loading Five Million People with PeopleRepository 32:31
210 224 - Speeding up the Queries with Indexes 22:51
211 225 - Creating an Address Table 30:24
212 226 - Saving One Address 39:40
213 227 - Saving a Person without an Address 20:01
214 228 - Fetching a Person with Their Address 20:09
215 229 - Fetching Address in One Go with Join Queries 29:00
216 230 - Joins with Missing Addresses 40:03
217 231 - Adding a Second Address Field 41:30
218 232 - Brief Word of Encouragement 04:15
219 233 - Challenge Adding a Spouse 04:38
220 234 - Adding Children 28:54
221 235 - Fetching Children in One Join 21:25
222 236 - Writing Code to Fetch Children in One Join 32:41
223 237 - Troubleshooting Techniques for Broken Tests 17:01
224 238 - Fixing FindAll for JoinFetched Child Code 29:05
225 239 - Join Tables 13:57
226 240 - Optimizing with Caching 27:12
227 241 - Optimizing Prepared Statements 17:36
228 242 - Conclusion 34:33
229 243 - Introduction 09:33
230 244 - Creating the PeopleDBWeb Project 14:51
231 245 - Implementing Web Hello World 09:06
232 246 - Web HTTP Basics 22:05
233 247 - Displaying a Simple List of People 22:53
234 248 - Introducing a Bootstrap Table for People 25:20
235 249 - Formatting Dates Salaries 30:03
236 250 - Introducing Spring Data 44:03
237 251 - Saving People 42:17
238 252 - UI Database Tweaks 31:16
239 253 - Validating Data 29:52
240 254 - Deleting People 27:27
241 255 - Updating People 37:59
242 256 - Internationalization 40:00
243 257 - Uploading a File 33:13
244 258 - Saving Uploaded Files 38:14
245 259 - Retrieving Uploaded Files 35:23
246 260 - Handling Exceptions in UI 35:11
247 261 - Introducing a Service Layer for Coordination Logic 28:44
248 262 - Coordinating Deletes with a Service 18:16
249 263 - Custom Query Methods 17:21
250 264 - Pagination 39:02
251 265 - Importing a CSV File 37:44
252 266 - Fixing Deletes UI Loose Ends 26:19
253 267 - Items Not Covered Thoroughly 35:12
254 268 - Where to Go from Here 32:08

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