Learn Blockchain Technology & Cryptocurrency in Java

5h 44m 32s

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that allows for decentralized and distributed storage of information. Maybe the hottest topic at the moment in the field of software engineering - besides artificial intelligence and machine learning - is blockchain technology. Many experts in the industry predict that the blockchain will disrupt the ways we interact with technology. In this course you will learn about the basics of blockchain technology as well as about cryptocurrencies.

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You can learn about the concrete implementation of these technologies in Java - although you can skip the implementation parts if you wish.

Chapter 1 - Blockchain Theory

  • the fundamental basics of blockchain technology

  • SHA-256 hashing technique

  • centralized and decentralized ledgers

  • the concept of mining (and miners)

  • consensus algorithms

  • proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS)

  • the byzantine generals problem

Chapter 2 - Blockchain Implementation

  • implementing a simple blockchain from scratch in Java

Chapter 3 - Cryptocurrency Theory

  • motivation behind cryptocurrencies

  • Merkle trees and transaction verification algorithms

  • mining in cryptocurrencies

  • mempools

  • unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs)

  • elliptic curve cryptography in cryptocurrencies

  • what is a wallet?

  • orpahned blocks and the block verification problem

  • the 51% attack

  • soft fork and hard fork

Chapter 4 - Cryptocurrency Implementation

  • implementing a simple cryptocurrency from scratch in Java

Chapter 5 - Altcoins & Cryptocurrency Evolution

  • Ethereum, Solidity and the Ether cryptocurrency

  • what are ICOs?

  • cardano and ADA

  • altcoins

  • LiteCoin (LTC)

  • Dash

You should take this course, if you are interested in blockchains and cryptocurrency technology. Thanks for joining my course, let's get started!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:33
2 What is the motivation behind blockchains? 05:45
3 Data structure behind blockchains 06:56
4 SHA256 hashing algorithm 07:39
5 SHA256 hashing algorithm example 08:46
6 Decentralized ledgers 09:40
7 Blockchain mining #1 08:29
8 Blockchain mining #2 09:11
9 Consensus protocol 02:00
10 Byzantine generals problem 05:53
11 What is proof-of-work (PoW)? 05:05
12 What is proof-of-stake (PoS)? 08:16
13 Decentralized and distributed networks 04:28
14 Blockchain implementation I 05:46
15 Blockchain implementation II 05:41
16 Blockchain implementation III 07:36
17 Blockchain implementation IV 05:04
18 Blockchain implementation V 07:55
19 Blockchain implementation VI 06:44
20 Cryptocurrency motivation 04:11
21 Cryptocurrency policies 04:56
22 Mempools 07:08
23 Mempools example 04:18
24 Merkle-tree motivation 07:21
25 Merkle-tree implementation 06:57
26 PublicKey and PrivateKey 05:23
27 UTXOs 05:05
28 Wallets 03:14
29 51% attack 06:17
30 Orphaned blocks and block verification 05:47
31 Who pays the miners exactly? 02:22
32 What is a fork? 07:13
33 Cryptocurrency implementation I 01:40
34 Cryptocurrency implementation II 07:46
35 Cryptocurrency implementation III 01:37
36 Cryptocurrency implementation IV 04:10
37 Cryptocurrency implementation V 08:29
38 Cryptocurrency implementation VI 06:48
39 Cryptocurrency implementation VII 03:27
40 Cryptocurrency implementation VIII 03:30
41 Bitcoin 03:20
42 Altcoins and ICOs 05:31
43 Ethereum 07:04
44 Ethereum and the DAO attack 03:31
45 Cardano 11:53
46 LiteCoin 05:36
47 Dash 09:54
48 Why do we need elliptic curve cryptography? 02:50
49 What are elliptic curves? 04:20
50 Point addition and point doubling 14:03
51 Double and add algorithm 04:31
52 Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem 03:35
53 Elliptic curve based Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm 05:49
54 Digital signatures with elliptic curves 10:45
55 RSA and elliptic curve cryptography 03:13
56 Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) implementation I 08:13
57 Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) implementation II 04:47
58 Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) implementation III 04:31

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