C++ Game Engine Programming

31h 48m 39s

This course provides a gentle and comprehensive introduction to the basics of 2D game engine architecture. We will cover several popular programming patterns used in game development and try to apply all the theory in practice by writing a small 2D game engine using modern C++, SDL, and Lua.

We will write a small ECS framework from scratch to manage entities, components, and systems. We will discuss how engine developers design their code and how to organize game objects in memory with performance in mind.

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Tools You Will Need

Tools for a C++ Game Engine:

  • C++: A powerful compiled programming language.
  • SDL2: A library for cross-platform rendering and input.
  • GLM: A library for mathematical calculations.
  • Dear ImGui: A library for creating engine tool interfaces.
  • Sol: A library for binding modern C++ and Lua.
  • Lua: A fast and easy-to-use scripting language.

We will try to write most of our engine code from scratch. All these libraries and tools are cross-platform, so you will be able to write code on Windows, macOS, or Linux!

Is This Course Right for You?

Target Audience: Beginner programmers looking to learn C++ in the context of game development. Students should be able to write basic code (if-else, loops, functions, classes) and be familiar with OOP.

Required Knowledge: You do not need to know C++ before starting the course. Many successful students have had experience developing web, mobile, and game applications in languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Go, Swift, JavaScript, and others.

Course Differences

The course does not just teach how to create a game in C++. It allows you to understand the abstraction of the game and write a small engine from scratch in C++, covering ECS, data-oriented design, C++ templates, the game loop, SDL rendering, event systems, resource management, memory, and performance. It also includes integrating Lua into C++ code to add scripting capabilities.

Although there are other resources on game engine development, they are either too theoretical or excessively long. If you are looking for a gentle introduction to the world of game engine programming and want to understand how games work from the inside out, this course is for you!

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# Title Duration
1 Motivations & Learning Outcomes 16:29
2 How to Take this Course 02:59
3 Project Technologies & Libraries 22:06
4 Linux Dependencies 06:24
5 macOS Dependencies 02:36
6 A Small Note for Windows Programmers 03:40
7 Compilation 11:11
8 Header & Implementation Files 06:14
9 Linking 11:39
10 Makefile 08:36
11 Lua Version & Lua Header Files 04:48
12 Compiling & Testing All Dependencies 15:43
13 Configuring Visual Studio on Windows 34:22
14 Library Binaries 09:33
15 Game Loop 08:49
16 Game Class 18:06
17 Creating an SDL Window 15:46
18 Polling SDL Events 13:41
19 Rendering our SDL Window 06:51
20 Fullscreen Window 08:31
21 Fake Fullscreen vs. Real Fullscreen 03:54
22 Drawing an SDL Rectangle 06:41
23 Double-Buffered Renderer 02:33
24 Loading PNG Textures 10:15
25 Object Movement & Velocity Vectors 11:06
26 Capping the Game Framerate 15:20
27 SDL Delay 07:39
28 Delta Time 13:29
29 Uncapped Framerate 01:44
30 Logger Class 12:25
31 Logger Class Implementation 18:33
32 Popular Logging Libraries 04:41
33 Source Subfolders 05:13
34 Makefile Variables 12:27
35 Creating C++ Objects 15:24
36 Examples of C++ Object Creation 05:37
37 Organizing Game Objects 07:51
38 Object Inheritance Design 05:19
39 Component-Based Design 16:27
40 Entity-Component-System Design 22:10
41 ECS Folder Structure 21:03
42 System Component Signature 17:27
43 Working with C++ Templates 07:59
44 Component Type Template 10:42
45 Exercise: System Functions 06:16
46 Adding & Removing Entities from Systems 08:14
47 Operator Overloading for Entities 10:41
48 Component Pool 11:31
49 The Pool Class 07:18
50 Implementing the Pool Class 13:46
51 Registry Systems & Entity Signatures 10:55
52 Entity Creation & Management 17:55
53 Function Templates to Manage Components 12:00
54 Adding Components 17:55
55 Function to Add Components 18:24
56 Function to Remove Components 07:11
57 Templates as Placeholders 07:55
58 Implementing System Functions 29:41
59 Creating our First Entity 11:22
60 Smart Pointers 14:58
61 Converting ECS Code to Smart Pointers 11:45
62 SDL Raw Pointers 03:34
63 Adding our First Components 10:06
64 Exercise: Entity Class Managing Components 17:50
65 Entity Class Managing Components 07:26
66 A Warning About Cyclic Dependencies 02:20
67 Movement System 16:03
68 Movement System & Delta Time 03:30
69 Render System 17:28
70 Managing Game Assets 13:56
71 The Asset Store 23:42
72 Displaying Textures in our Render System 20:29
73 Exercise: Displaying the Tilemap 08:19
74 Displaying the Tilemap 15:07
75 Rendering Order 17:49
76 Sorting Sprites by Z-Index 16:22
77 Animated Sprites 06:35
78 Animation System 27:43
79 Entity Collision Check 18:15
80 Implementing the Collision System 27:56
81 Exercise: Render Collider Rectangle 02:22
82 Render Collider Rectangle 06:09
83 Killing Entities & Re-Using IDs 10:00
84 Implementing Entity Removal 20:01
85 Introduction to Event Systems 11:27
86 Event System Design Options 12:41
87 Starting to Code the Event System 10:51
88 Event Handlers 30:38
89 Emitting Events & Subscribing to Events 19:24
90 Exercise: Key Pressed Event 03:32
91 Implementing the Key Pressed Event 07:33
92 Event System Design Patterns 06:28
93 Keyboard Control System 21:18
94 Camera Follow System 24:00
95 Sprites with Fixed Position 06:09
96 Camera Movement for Colliders 03:05
97 Projectile Emitter Component 05:21
98 Health Component 32:04
99 Projectile Duration 14:22
100 Exercise: Shooting Projectiles 03:07
101 Shooting Projectiles 13:28
102 Tags & Groups 11:20
103 Optimizing Access of Tags & Groups 05:49
104 Implementing Tags & Groups 22:50
105 Projectiles Colliding with Player 18:59
106 Projectiles Colliding with Enemies 04:30
107 Error Checking and Validation 05:21
108 Data-Oriented Design 18:21
109 Avoiding Data Gaps 07:30
110 Packed Pool of Components 20:59
111 Coding Packed Pools of Data 31:04
112 Checking for Null Pool 01:55
113 Array of Structs vs. Struct of Arrays 14:22
114 Cache Profiling with Valgrind 10:18
115 Popular ECS Libraries 15:30
116 Adding Fonts to the Asset Store 13:05
117 Render Text System 27:01
118 Exercise: Display Health Values 03:12
119 Rendering Health Values 20:26
120 Introduction to Dear ImGui 18:22
121 Dear ImGui Demo Window 24:19
122 Immediate-Mode GUI Paradigm 19:41
123 Render GUI System 17:59
124 Button to Spawn Enemies 15:19
125 Exercise: Customizing New Enemy 07:15
126 Custom Enemy Values with ImGui 33:37
127 Killing Entities Outside Map Limits 08:27
128 Flipping Sprites on Collision 17:26
129 Exercise: Keep Player Inside the Map 01:45
130 Keeping the Player Inside the Map 03:38
131 Culling Sprites Outside Camera View 10:41
132 Do Not Cull Fixed Sprites 01:43
133 Game Scripting 15:12
134 The Lua Scripting Language 08:41
135 Lua State 22:45
136 Reading Lua Tables 13:09
137 Lua Functions 16:34
138 Level Loader Class 19:45
139 Reading Assets from a Lua Table 27:13
140 Reading Entities from a Lua Table 21:22
141 Handling Multiple Objects in a Lua Level 08:33
142 Scripting Night-Day Tilemap 12:38
143 Scripting Entity Behavior with Lua 09:55
144 Script System 13:59
145 Lua Bindings 18:23
146 Binding Multiple Lua Functions 12:16
147 Loading Different Lua Levels 03:54
148 Division of C++ & Lua Code 04:50
149 Next Steps 06:26

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