Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games

29h 35m 29s

This "critically-acclaimed" and "insanely successful" Unreal Engine course was created in collaboration with Epic Games. The course now has high-quality handwritten subtitles throughout, available as closed captions so you can turn them on or off at your convenience. This is one of the best Unreal Engine tutorials on the web.

Read more about the course

This course started as a runaway success on Kickstarter. Get involved now, and get access to all future content as it's added. The final course will be over 50 hours of content and 300+ lectures.

Learn how to create and mod video games using Unreal Engine 4, even if you're a complete beginner. Unreal is a free-to-use game development engine used by AAA studios and indie developers worldwide. It can be a complex beast to get into, but we break it down step-by-step

Already know Unreal and want to learn VR or Multiplayer? Check out our other Unreal courses, just look for the green leaf for our other world-class Unreal courses.

We start super simple so you need no prior experience of Unreal or coding! With our online tutorials, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. We believe project-based learning is the best way to learn Unreal Engine.

Benefit from our world-class support from both other students, and the instructors who are on the forums regularly. Go on to build several games including a tank game, and a First Person Shooter.

You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual video. Our thriving discussion forum will help you learn and share ideas with other students.

You will learn C++, the powerful industry-standard language from scratch. By the end of the course, you'll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.

"Any serious game programmer needs to know C++"Jason Gregory, Lead Programmer at Naughty Dog (creators of Uncharted & The Last of Us)

Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unreal Engine is a fantastic platform which enables you to make AAA-quality games. Furthermore, these games can be created for Windows, consoles, macOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source!

If you're a complete beginner, we'll teach you all the coding and game design principles you'll need. If you're an artist, we'll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you're a coder, we'll teach you game design principles.

What this course DOESN'T cover...

Whereas this course is already huge, we can't possibly cover everything in that time. Here are some things we will not be covering...

  • Team collaboration topics.

  • Editor plugins or modifications.

  • Physics engine modification.

  • Multiplayer features.


  • 64-bit PC capable of running Unreal 4 (recommended).
  • Or a Mac running MacOS 10.14 Mojave or higher
  • About 15GB of free disc space.

Who this course is for:

  • Competent and confident with using a computer.
  • Artists who want to bring their assets alive in a game engine.
  • Developers who want to re-skill across to coding.
  • Complete beginners who are willing to work hard.
  • Existing programmers who want to re-skill to game development.

What you'll learn:

  • C++, the games industry standard language.
  • How to use the Unreal Engine 4 Editor.
  • Git as a version control and backup system.
  • Object Oriented Programming and how to put it into practice.
  • Sound effects and audio to add depth to your games.
  • Game design principles.
  • Programming patterns and best practices.
  • Unreal's Terrain Editor to create epic landscapes.
  • Artificial Intelligence behaviour programming for enemies.
  • Strong and transferable problem solving skills.
  • Modern game development technologies and techniques.
  • A fundamental understanding of computers.
  • Write code that is clean and to understand.
  • Unreal Gameplay Framework to make games easily.
  • Advanced vehicle physics.
  • Blackboard and Behaviour Tree for customizable AI.
  • Animation Blueprint for custom character animation.
  • C++ template programming to reduce repetition.
  • Vector maths for game play and physics calculations.

Watch Online Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome To The Course 02:40
2 Installing Unreal Engine 07:14
3 Community & Support 01:33
4 Navigating The Viewport 06:37
5 Moving & Placing Actors 05:28
6 C++ versus Blueprint 04:30
7 Helping Us To Help You 06:22
8 Section Intro - Warehouse Wreckage 01:41
9 Project Setup 04:17
10 Blueprint Event Graph 05:31
11 Physics Simulation 04:37
12 Objects and References 09:44
13 Adding an Impulse 08:19
14 Blueprint Classes and Instances 07:46
15 Spawning Actors 06:21
16 Data Types 06:27
17 Pawns and Actor Location 08:37
18 Control Rotation 04:51
19 Vector Addition & Multiplication 06:55
20 Get Forward Vector 06:14
21 Importing Assets 09:43
22 Geometry Brushes (BSP) 08:53
23 Materials and Lighting 05:51
24 Actor Components 06:09
25 Collision Meshes 09:05
26 Variables 07:48
27 Booleans and Branches 05:46
28 Functions 09:12
29 Return Types 06:49
30 Pure Functions 06:09
31 Member Functions 08:34
32 Loading Levels & Delay Nodes 04:43
33 Wrap-up and Recap 01:50
34 Section Intro - Obstacle Assault 03:09
35 Project Setup 06:22
36 Customizing The Character 06:26
37 Compilers and Editors 05:36
38 PC - Installing Visual Studio 05:51
39 Mac - Installing XCode 04:28
40 Installing VSCode 04:17
41 Compiling a C++ Project 08:42
42 UPROPERTY Variables 10:39
43 Live Coding Issues 03:21
44 C++ Files & BeginPlay 08:01
45 Using Structs In C++ 08:37
46 Calling Functions in C++ 06:15
47 Tick 06:07
48 Local Variables 06:59
49 Pseudo Code 04:08
50 Function Return Values 08:46
51 Velocity & DeltaTime 07:48
52 Scope Resolution Operator 08:35
53 If Statements 07:34
54 Using Member Functions 06:07
55 Blueprint Child Classes 09:08
56 Forcing Character Collisions 11:36
57 GameMode 06:26
58 Writing To The Output Log 09:58
59 FString 07:58
60 Member Functions 13:26
61 Return Statements 09:06
62 Const Member Functions 05:36
63 FRotator 08:52
64 Level Design & Polish 09:48
65 Obstacle Assault: Wrap-Up 02:21
66 Section Intro - Crypt Raider 04:34
67 Project Setup 06:24
68 Modular Level Design 09:57
69 Modular Level Layout 12:31
70 Solution: Modular Level Layout 14:25
71 Light Types 08:39
72 Lumen & Light Bleed 11:57
73 Level Lighting 09:14
74 Character Blueprint 06:25
75 Inheritance vs Composition 04:51
76 C++ Actor Component 04:37
77 Pointer Types & GetOwner() 08:45
78 Dereferencing & Arrow (->) Operator 07:31
79 Linkers, Headers and Includes 07:52
80 FMath::VInterpConstantTo 13:06
81 Scene Components 09:20
82 Line Tracing & Sweeping 06:31
83 GetWorld() 08:13
84 DrawDebugLine() 08:16
85 References vs Pointers 08:38
86 Const References & Out Parameters 09:33
87 Geometry Sweeping 10:11
88 Input Action Mappings 06:01
89 Blueprint Callable 06:46
90 FindComponentByClass() & nullptr 09:12
91 DrawDebugSphere() 07:30
92 Grabbing With Physics Handle 11:54
93 Waking Physics Objects 07:57
94 Returning Out Parameters 06:09
95 Overlap Events 14:38
96 Constructors 08:51
97 TArray 08:14
98 While & For Loops 08:56
99 Range Based For Loops 02:38
100 Actor Tags 05:24
101 Early Returns 05:45
102 Dependency Injection 08:55
103 Casting & Actor Attachment 05:53
104 Adding and Removing Tags 06:21
105 Boolean Logical Operators 08:01
106 Level Polish 13:06
107 Crypt Raider: Wrap-Up 02:08
108 Differences Between UE5 and UE4 04:19
109 Project Intro 06:53
110 Pawn Class Creation 08:13
111 Creating Components 10:54
112 Forward Declarations & Capsule Component 12:13
113 Forward Declaration & Constructing The Capsule 06:18
114 Static Mesh Components 06:16
115 Deriving Blueprint Classes 05:21
116 Instance vs Default 08:38
117 Editing Exposed Variables 14:57
118 Exposing The Components 11:38
119 Creating Child C++ Classes 12:09
120 Possessing The Pawn 04:08
121 Handling Input 14:05
122 Local Offset 13:20
123 Movement Speed 14:13
124 Local Rotation 17:58
125 Casting 11:17
126 Using the Mouse Cursor 16:47
127 Rotating the Turret 11:00
128 The Tower Class 12:46
129 Fire 08:35
130 Timers 13:40
131 The Projectile Class 05:59
132 Spawning The Projectile 11:31
133 Projectile Movement Component 08:48
134 Hit Events 14:29
135 Health Component 14:37
136 Applying Damage 14:41
137 The Game Mode Class 07:36
138 Handling Pawn Death 20:49
139 Custom Player Controller 11:21
140 Starting The Game 10:20
141 The Start Game Widget 12:08
142 Countdown Timer 14:11
143 Displaying Countdown Time 10:54
144 Winning And Losing 14:13
145 Game Over HUD 08:44
146 Hit Particles 10:06
147 Smoke Trail 06:37
148 Death Particles 06:40
149 Sounds 10:47
150 Displaying A Lose Screen 16:20
151 Polish And Wrap-Up 12:48
152 Section Intro: Simple Shooter 02:03
153 Project Setup 09:56
154 Pawns vs Characters in C++ 12:34
155 Character Movement Functions 18:12
156 Controller Aiming 13:31
157 Third Person Camera Spring Arm 08:58
158 Skeletal Animations 101 08:21
159 Editing Collision Meshes 05:10
160 Animation Blueprints 101 13:17
161 2D Blend Spaces 10:40
162 Connecting Animation To Gameplay 09:00
163 Inverse Transforming Vectors 09:40
164 Calculating Animation Speeds 11:55
165 Gun Actors 11:35
166 Spawning Actors At Runtime 06:38
167 Attaching To Meshes Via Sockets 10:21
168 Shooting Architecture 06:15
169 Spawning Particle Effects 08:15
170 Player View Point 10:53
171 Line Tracing By Channel 12:41
172 Impact Effects 04:38
173 Dealing Damage To Actors 08:05
174 Virtual Methods In C++ 10:17
175 Overriding TakeDamage 09:08
176 Blending Animations By Booleans 04:43
177 Blueprint Pure Nodes 06:29
178 Create and Setup an AI controller 04:01
179 AI Aiming 06:14
180 Nav Mesh And AI Movement 10:49
181 Checking AI Line Of Sight 07:40
182 BehaviorTrees And Blackboards 08:07
183 Setting Blackboard Keys In C++ 05:55
184 Behavior Tree Tasks And Sequences 08:25
185 BT Decorators And Selectors 12:14
186 Custom BTTasks In C++ 07:54
187 Executing BTTasks 10:32
188 BTTasks That Use The Pawn 10:49
189 BTServices In C++ 15:06
190 Ignoring Actors In Line Traces 06:05
191 Ending The Game 10:17
192 Setting Timers In C++ 10:52
193 Displaying A Lose Screen 11:33
194 Iterating Over Actors 10:26
195 Calculating The Win Condition 12:21
196 Refactoring PullTrigger 07:54
197 Weapon Sound Effects 06:37
198 Randomized Sound Cues 08:36
199 Sound Spatialization 06:46
200 Crosshairs and HUDs 07:43
201 Health Bars 07:51
202 AimOffsets 12:06
203 Animation State Machines 10:04
204 Complex State Machines 13:02
205 Wrap-up And Challenges 08:50

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