Ultimate Java Part 2: Object-oriented Programming

3h 41m 47s
April 19, 2024

Heard about object-oriented programming, but not sure what it is? Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a popular style of programming. It comes up in technical interviews often and it's an essential skill for every developer. The problem is that there’s lots of bad info out there about OOP. Lots of myths, misconceptions, bad advice and downright poor tutorials and books. It took me a long time to really get it!

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# Title Duration
1 1- Introduction 00:35
2 2- Programming Paradigms 03:41
3 3- Benefits of Object-oriented Programming 02:13
4 4- Course Structure 01:49
5 1- Introduction 00:43
6 2- Classes and Objects 03:14
7 3- Creating Classes 04:25
8 4- Creating Objects 04:31
9 5- Memory Allocation 03:54
10 6- Procedural Programming 05:38
11 7- Encapsulation 04:38
12 8- Getters and Setters - Title 07:28
13 9- Abstraction 02:25
14 10- Coupling 04:19
15 11- Reducing Coupling 07:18
16 12- Constructors 05:14
17 13- Method Overloading 02:53
18 14- Constructor Overloading 02:45
19 15- Static Members 04:23
20 17- Summary 00:51
21 1- Introduction 00:55
22 2- The Problem 02:41
23 3- What Classes Do We Need? 03:42
24 4- Extracting the Console Class 02:59
25 5- Overloading Methods 02:40
26 6- Extracting the MortgageReport Class 01:26
27 7- Extracting the MortgageCalculator Class 06:18
28 8- Moving Away from Static Members 05:56
29 9- Moving Static Fields 02:19
30 10- Extracting Duplicate Logic 04:57
31 11- Extracting getRemainingBalances - Title 06:14
32 12- One Last Touch 02:02
33 1- Introduction 00:26
34 2- Inheritance 03:50
35 3- The Object Class 05:00
36 4- Constructors and Inheritance 02:42
37 5- Access Modifiers 03:57
38 6- Overriding Methods 02:51
39 7- Upcasting and Downcasting 05:21
40 8- Comparing Objects 09:49
41 9- Polymorphism 05:24
42 10- Abstract Classes and Methods 02:23
43 11- Final Classes and Methods 02:49
44 12- Deep Inheritance Hierarchies 02:49
45 13- Multiple Inheritance 02:04
46 15- Summary 01:11
47 1- Introduction 00:37
48 2- What are Interfaces 06:05
49 3- Tightly-coupled Code 03:57
50 4- Creating an Interface 05:24
51 5- Dependency Injection 01:30
52 6- Constructor Injection 03:21
53 7- Setter Injection 02:40
54 8- Method Injection 02:28
55 9- Interface Segregation Principle 07:11
56 10- Project- MyTube Video Platform 03:34
57 11- Solution 05:09
58 12- Fields 03:14
59 13- Static Methods 02:53
60 14- Private Methods 02:04
61 15- Interfaces and Abstract Classes 02:11
62 16- When to Use Interfaces 03:14
63 18- Course Wrap Up 00:33

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