Master Spring 6 Spring Boot 3 REST JPA Hibernate

36h 15m 18s

'Master Spring framework, Spring Boot, REST, JPA, Hibernate' course will help in understanding about Spring framework and how to build web applications, Rest Services using Spring, Spring MVC, SpringBoot, Thymeleaf, Spring JDBC, Spring Data JPA etc. By the end of this course, students will understand all the below topics:

Read more about the course
  1. What is Spring framework ?
  2. Spring Vs Java EE
  3. Evolution of Spring and release timeline of Spring
  4. Different projects inside Spring
  5. Spring Core Concepts like Inversion of Control (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI) & Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
  6. Different approaches of Beans creation inside Spring framework
  7. Bean Scopes inside Spring framework
  8. Autowiring of the Spring Beans
  9. Introduction to MVC pattern & overview of web apps
  10. Spring MVC internal architecture & how to create web applications using Spring MVC & Thymeleaf
  11. Spring MVC Validations
  12. How to build dynamic web apps using Thymeleaf & Spring
  13. Thymeleaf integration with Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security
  14. Deep dive on Spring Boot, Auto-configuration
  15. Spring Boot Dev Tools
  16. Spring Boot H2 Database
  17. Securing web applications using Spring Security
  18. Authentication , Authorization, Role based access
  19. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) & Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
  20. Database create, read, update, delete operations using Spring JDBC
  21. Introduction to ORM frameworks & database create, read, update, delete operations using Spring Data JPA/Hibernate
  22. Derived Query methods in JPA
  23. OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany mappings inside JPA/Hibernate
  24. Sorting, Pagination, JPQL inside Spring Data JPA
  25. Building Rest Services inside Spring
  26. Consuming Rest Services using OpenFeign, Web Client, RestTemplate
  27. Spring Data Rest & HAL Explorer
  28. Logging inside Spring applications
  29. Properties Configuration inside Spring applications
  30. Profiles inside Spring Boot applications
  31. Conditional Bean creation using Profiles
  32. Monitoring Spring Boot applications using SpringBoot Actuator & Spring Boot Admin

The pre-requisite for the course is knowledge of Java, basic exposure on HTML, CSS & interest to learn.

Watch Online Master Spring 6 Spring Boot 3 REST JPA Hibernate

#1: Introduction to the course & Agenda of the course

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