Spring Framework 6 Beginner to Guru

38h 3m 13s

This course is All Things Spring! Do you wish to master Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3? Then this is the course for you. This course is for developers with no previous Spring Framework or Spring Boot experience. This course has been developed by a back end developer, for back end developers!

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Inside this course, you will learn about:

  • Build a Spring Boot Web App

  • Use Spring for Dependency Injection

  • Create RESTful Web Services with Spring MVC

  • Create RESTful Web Services with Spring Webflux

  • Create RESTful Web Services with Spring Webflux.fn

  • Learn Best Practices using Project Lombok with Spring

  • Create MapStruct Mappers as Spring Components

  • Spring MockMVC with Mockito and JUnit 5

  • Spring Data JPA

  • Spring Data MongoDB

  • Spring Data R2DBC (Reactive)

  • Spring RestTemplate

  • Spring WebClient

  • Spring WebTestClient

  • Spring Security HTTP Basic Authentication

  • Spring Security OAuth2 Authentication w/ JWT

  • Spring Authorization Server

  • Spring WebMVC OAuth2 Resource Server

  • Spring WebFlux OAuth2 Resource Server

  • Spring Cloud Gateway

  • Spring Boot Maven Plugin

  • Spring Boot Gradle Plugin

  • Use Java Bean Validation with Spring

  • Spring Boot Auto-Configuration with MySQL

  • Use Spring Boot and Flyway for Database Migrations

  • Hibernate Database Relationship Mapping with Spring Data JPA

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 01:23
2 Instructor Introduction 02:18
3 Getting the Most out of this Course 05:38
4 Setting Up Your Development Environment 03:45
5 Is Your IDE Free Like a Puppy? 02:46
6 Getting Help with the Spring Framework 07:32
7 Using GitHub 12:21
8 Introduction 01:17
9 Introduction to Spring 07:51
10 Application Overview 04:48
11 Spring Initilizer 05:38
12 Open Project in IntelliJ 08:44
13 Using JPA Entities 04:33
14 JPA Relationships 04:15
15 Code Examples in GitHub 03:58
16 Equality in Hibernate 03:33
17 Spring Data Repositories 03:57
18 Initializing Data with Spring 11:08
19 Publisher Relationships 04:28
20 Introduction to H2 Database Console 06:02
21 Introduction to Spring MVC 05:43
22 Create Service Layer 03:42
23 Configuring Spring Controllers 03:56
24 Thymeleaf Templates 08:19
25 Project Review 02:58
26 Introduction 01:08
27 SOLID Principles of OOP 06:37
28 The Spring Context 04:12
29 Spring Test Context 04:12
30 Basics of Dependency Injection 08:14
31 Dependencies Without Injection 03:42
32 Dependency Injection without Spring 06:12
33 Dependency Injection using Spring Framework 08:30
34 Primary Beans 03:03
35 Using Qualifiers 08:03
36 Spring Profiles 06:11
37 Default Profile 03:25
38 Spring Bean Life Cycle 05:26
39 Spring Bean Life Cycle Demo 08:42
40 Introduction 02:30
41 HTTP Protocol 07:18
42 HTTP Request Methods 05:34
43 Postman Demonstration 05:09
44 Beginners Guide to REST 06:04
45 Richardson Maturity Model 04:05
46 Spring Framework and RESTFul Services 07:11
47 Introduction 01:39
48 Create New Project 04:09
49 Project Lombok Features 07:20
50 Project Lombok POJOs 04:14
51 Project Lombok Builders 03:51
52 Project Lombok Constructors 02:30
53 Project Lombok Logging 05:07
54 Delombok 02:08
55 Introduction 01:31
56 Introducing SFG Beer Works 01:24
57 HTTP GET with Spring MVC List Operation 04:41
58 HTTP Client 02:57
59 Using Path Parameters - Get By Id 06:19
60 Spring Boot Development Tools 04:07
61 HTTP POST with Spring MVC 08:23
62 Set Header on HTTP Response 04:33
63 HTTP PUT with Spring MVC 06:33
64 HTTP DELETE with Spring MVC 04:08
65 HTTP PATCH with Spring MVC 05:25
66 Introduction 02:25
67 Introduction to Testing with MockMVC 09:21
68 MockMVC Configuration 06:49
69 Return Data With Mockito 05:15
70 Using JSON Matchers 05:50
71 MockMVC Test List Beers 03:13
72 Create JSON Using Jackson 04:59
73 MockMVC Test Create Beer 05:46
74 MockMVC Test Update Beer 04:03
75 MockMVC Test Delete Beer 03:56
76 MockMVC Test Patch Beer 04:53
77 DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself 02:48
78 DRY - Refactoring 03:57
79 URI Builder 03:01
80 Introduction 01:31
81 Exception Handling Overview 06:34
82 Throw Custom Exception with Mockito 02:49
83 Using Exception Handler 02:44
84 Controller Advice 02:42
85 Using ResponseStatus Annotation 02:42
86 Using Java Optional 04:00
87 Introduction 02:52
88 Data Transfer Objects 04:27
89 Refactoring to DTOs 02:32
90 Spring Data JPA Dependencies 03:23
91 Creating JPA Entities 03:38
92 Hibernate UUID Id Generation 03:26
93 Spring Data JPA Repositories 02:42
94 Spring Boot JPA Test Splice 04:31
95 MapStruct Dependencies and Configuration 04:36
96 MapStruct Mappers 03:28
97 JPA Services 03:08
98 JPA Get Operations 03:05
99 Controller Integration Test 06:11
100 Testing for expected Exceptions 03:36
101 JPA Save New Beer Operation 06:44
102 JPA Update Beer by Id Operation 04:27
103 JPA Update Beer Not Found 06:34
104 JPA Delete Beer by Id 03:35
105 JPA Delete by Id Not Found 05:02
106 Introduction 02:24
107 Data Validation Overview 07:55
108 Java Bean Validation Maven Dependencies 01:49
109 Controller Binding Validation 03:11
110 Custom Validation Handler 04:11
111 Custom Error Body 03:52
112 JPA Validation 03:30
113 Database Constraint Validation 04:08
114 Controller Testing with JPA 03:41
115 JPA Validation Error Handler 02:01
116 JPA Validation Error Message 05:01
117 Introduction 02:30
118 Overview of MySQL 07:49
119 Create MySQL Schema and User Accounts 05:49
120 Adding MySQL Dependencies 03:15
121 Spring Boot MySQL Profile 05:03
122 Console Logging of SQL Statements 04:40
123 JPA Updates for MySQL 05:25
124 Hikari Datasource Pool 05:24
125 Schema Script Generation 04:33
126 Spring Boot Database Initialization 03:21
127 Introduction 02:34
128 Overview of Flyway 05:44
129 Flyway Dependencies 02:14
130 Flyway Migration Script Configuration 08:40
131 Add Database Column 05:08
132 Flyway Advanced Spring Boot Configuration 03:04
133 Fixing Integration Tests using H2 03:16
134 Introduction 01:55
135 Beer CSV Data 02:58
136 Beer CSV POJO 03:13
137 Mapping with OpenCSV 06:02
138 CSV Parse Service 05:32
139 Save CSV Data to Database 08:27
140 Hibernate Create and Update Timestamp 03:13
141 Fix Integration Tests 02:16
142 Introduction 01:33
143 Overview of Query Parameters 03:23
144 List Beers Spring MVC Test 03:14
145 Capture Query Parameters with Spring MVC 04:57
146 Update Service to Accept Query Parameter 03:39
147 Refactor Service with Conditional Logic 03:20
148 Find By Name with Spring Data JPA 05:01
149 Complete Implementation 02:59
150 Complete Search Functionality 08:24
151 Introduction 01:50
152 What is Paging and Sorting? 03:55
153 Paging and Sorting with Spring 03:14
154 Add Paging Parameters 04:46
155 Create Page Request Object 05:44
156 Refactor Spring Data JPA Repositories 06:53
157 Add Sort Parameter 03:13
158 Introduction 02:32
159 Overview of Database Relationships 06:56
160 Review of Database Changes 03:43
161 One to Many Bidirectional 04:49
162 Create Beer Order Repository 07:17
163 Persisting Beer Order Relationships 06:43
164 Association Helper Methods 05:59
165 Many to Many 06:57
166 Many to Many Persistence 07:18
167 One to One Bi-Directional 03:57
168 Cascade on Persist 04:43
169 Hibernate Cascade Types 02:33
170 Introduction 02:48
171 Overview of Database Transactions 18:48
172 Database Locking Demo 07:44
173 Spring Data JPA Transactions 07:32
174 Optimistic Locking Demo 05:02
175 Introduction 02:01
176 Project Code Review 04:58
177 Add Spring Data REST Dependency 02:39
178 List All With Spring Data REST 04:26
179 Set Base Path 01:54
180 Customize URL Path 04:57
181 Version Property - ETag Header 02:47
182 API Profile 03:46
183 Create with Spring Data REST 02:40
184 Update Data with Spring Data REST 02:14
185 Delete Data with Spring Data REST 01:52
186 Use Repository Methods 02:47
187 Introduction 02:15
188 Project Code Review 03:31
189 Create Client Service 03:46
190 Get List as JSON String 05:09
191 Get List as Java Map 04:55
192 Get List as Jackson Object 03:46
193 Spring Pageable with Jackson 07:10
194 RestTemplateBuilder Configuration 04:01
195 Externalize Root URL 03:34
196 Uri Components Builder 02:53
197 Query Parameters 03:35
198 URL Parameters 04:43
199 HTTP Post with RestTemplate 03:50
200 Get Response Header 03:16
201 HTTP Put with RestTemplate 04:04
202 HTTP Delete with RestTemplate 02:37
203 Introduction 01:28
204 Create Mock Test Class 05:33
205 Using Mockito 04:48
206 Mock Test Create Beer 04:50
207 Refactor Setup Method 02:44
208 Mock Test Update Beer 05:15
209 Mock Test Delete Beer 02:11
210 Mock Test Not Found 02:40
211 Mock Test Query Param 04:20
212 Introduction 01:54
213 Adding Spring Security Dependencies 04:10
214 Calling Rest API with Postman and HTTP Basic 03:18
215 Customizing User Name and Password 02:50
216 Testing Spring Security with JUnit 5 03:31
217 Spring Security Config - Disable CSRF 05:27
218 Spring Security with Web Application Context 04:37
219 HTTP Basic with RestTemplate 05:51
220 Refactor of RestTemplate Builder Config 02:07
221 HTTP Basic with RestTemplate Mock Context 01:56
222 Introduction 01:48
223 Overview of OAuth 2 and JWT 08:10
224 Introduction to Spring Authorization Server 03:38
225 Create New Project 03:19
226 Add Authorization Server Filter Chain 06:25
227 Add Default Security Filter Chain 01:45
228 Create User Details Service 01:59
229 Add Registered Client Repository 03:40
230 Create JWK Source 03:34
231 Create JwtDecoder 01:13
232 Set Authorization Server Settings 01:41
233 Get Authorization Token Using Postman 07:22
234 Introduction 01:49
235 Maven Dependencies 02:08
236 Spring Security Configuration 04:46
237 Testing with Postman 03:02
238 Spring MockMVC Testing with JWT 03:35
239 Refactor JWT Tests 05:04
240 Introduction 01:49
241 Maven Dependencies and Spring Configuration 04:01
242 Spring Authorized Client Manager 03:57
243 Http Request Interceptor 04:41
244 Add Interceptor to RestTemplate Builder 05:38
245 Mock OAuth2 Manager 09:35
246 Introduction 02:03
247 Reactive Manifesto 04:31
248 What is Reactive Programming? 05:54
249 Reactive Streams API 04:45
250 Create Spring Boot Project 03:17
251 Implement Repository 04:47
252 Mono Operations 06:59
253 Flux Operations 05:49
254 Filter Flux Objects 03:36
255 Error Handling 06:05
256 Step Verifier 02:47
257 Introduction 01:56
258 Overview of Spring Data R2DBC 04:56
259 Create Spring Boot Project 02:29
260 Initializing Database 05:11
261 Create Database Entity 02:43
262 Create Spring Data R2DBC Repository 02:47
263 Test Save New Entity 02:37
264 Add Create and Update Date with Auditing 01:55
265 Initializing Database 05:42
266 Introduction 02:12
267 Create WebFlux Controller 06:15
268 List Flux from Database 05:10
269 Using Path Variables 05:49
270 Create New Beer Entity 05:20
271 Testing Create with Postman 03:49
272 Update Beer Entity 06:26
273 Test Update with Postman 01:39
274 Delete Beer Entity 03:26
275 Add Validation 04:28
276 Introduction 01:34
277 Test List Beers 03:34
278 Test Get By ID 02:01
279 Test Create Beer Entity 03:30
280 Test Update Beer Entity 02:00
281 Test Delete Beer Entity 02:02
282 Test Method Order 04:18
283 Introduction 02:05
284 Test Validation Failure On Create 02:02
285 Test Validation Failure On Update 01:36
286 Test Get By ID Not Found 02:41
287 Test Update Not Found 02:06
288 Test Delete Not Found 03:12
289 Verify MongoDB installation 02:48
290 Create New Spring Boot Project 02:34
291 Add Entity, Model, and Mapstruct 05:01
292 Add Mongo Database and Client Configuration 01:49
293 Mongo Database Authentication 03:26
294 Add Spring Data Repository 03:02
295 Test Save New Document 05:33
296 Using Awaitility 03:26
297 Implement CRUD Operations 07:25
298 Find By Name with Spring Data Mongo 05:52
299 Find By Beer Style with Spring Data Mongo 06:12
300 Initializing Database 02:59
301 WebFlux.fn Overview 02:35
302 WebFlux Handler 03:52
303 WebFlux Router 08:33
304 Get by Id Endpoint 03:34
305 Create Endpoint 06:29
306 Update Endpoint 03:24
307 Patch Endpoint 02:41
308 Delete Endpoint 02:09
309 Return HTTP 404 on not found 04:12
310 Add Validation 06:32
311 Using Query Parameters with WebFlux.fn 04:39
312 Create New Spring Boot Project 01:37
313 Get List as JSON String 05:23
314 Get List as Java Map 04:35
315 Get List as Jackson Object 02:51
316 Get List as Java POJOs 03:13
317 Webclient Global Configuration 04:34
318 Uri Components Builder 03:18
319 Query Parameters 02:39
320 HTTP Post with WebClient 05:36
321 HTTP Put with WebClient 02:34
322 Maven Dependencies 01:53
323 Spring Security Configuration 04:41
324 Testing API Using Postman 01:52
325 Spring webTestClient Testing with JWT 04:48
326 Maven Dependencies 02:44
327 Spring Security Configuration 06:40
328 Testing with Postman 02:33
329 Spring webTestClient Testing with JWT 04:58
330 Maven Dependencies and Spring Configuration 02:02
331 Spring Security Configuration 03:45
332 WebClient Filter Configuration 05:34
333 Overview of Spring Cloud Gateway 03:24
334 Create Spring Cloud Gateway Project 03:03
335 Server Port Mapping 04:27
336 v1 Route Mapping 05:22
337 Troubleshooting Spring Cloud Gateway 06:05
338 Gateway Resource Server Configuration 08:56
339 The Maven Build Lifecycle 05:38
340 Maven from the Command Line 05:13
341 Spring Boot Executable Jars 03:18
342 Running Spring Boot Executable Jars 03:13
343 Spring Boot Repackage to Executable Jar 02:54
344 Running Spring Boot With Maven 03:42
345 Resource Filtering 04:15
346 Maven Build Info 03:11
347 Introduction to the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin 06:32
348 The Gradle Build LIfecycle 04:17
349 Gradle from the Command Line 03:35
350 Running Spring Boot with Gradle 01:55
351 Spring Boot Build Info 02:03
352 Introduction to OpenAPI 06:44
353 OpenAPI for Spring Boot Development 04:59
354 Springdoc Maven Dependencies 02:59
355 Springdoc Spring Security Configuration 07:07
356 Save OpenAPI Specification in Maven Build 06:34
357 Atlassian Swagger Request Validator 04:41
358 RestAssured Test 03:47
359 Spring Security Configuration 04:22
360 Configure Swagger Request Validator 04:12
361 Whitelist Validation Rules 03:48
362 Types of Artificial Intelligence 06:13
363 Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs) 06:50
364 Overview of OpenAI 08:33
365 Setting Up Your Development Environment for Spring AI 04:11
366 Create New Spring Boot Project 03:14
367 Configure OpenAI API Keys 04:09
368 Add OpenAI Service 05:05
369 Exploring LLM Capabilities 16:20
370 Create Spring MVC Controller 03:33
371 Test Controller with Postman 03:17
372 Using Prompt Templates 05:20
373 Directing OpenAI to format the Response 06:07
374 Directing OpenAI to Respond with JSON 03:23
375 Binding OpenAI Responses With JSON Schema 06:45
376 OpenAI Response Meta Data 02:55
377 Project Review 06:00
378 Implement Create Beer Entity 06:15
379 Implement Get By ID 02:24
380 Implement Update By ID 03:00
381 Implement Delete By Id 02:23
382 Implement List Beers 03:11
383 Test Operations Against Real Server 04:40
384 Java Virtual Threads 04:41
385 Introduction to Actuator 04:04
386 Actuator Configuration 03:27
387 Alternate Security Configuration 01:27
388 Spring Boot Actuator Kubernetes Integration 03:07
389 Add Actuator to WebFlux 03:04
390 Introduction to Logbook 03:22
391 Logbook with Spring MVC 04:10
392 Logstash Configuration for JSON Log Output 06:44
393 Logbook with Webflux 04:09
394 Logbook with Spring RestTemplate 03:51
395 Logbook with Spring WebClient 03:45
396 Introduction to Caching 07:08
397 Add Cache Dependencies and Config 01:52
398 Configure Method Cache for Get By Id 05:25
399 Configure Cache for List Beers 04:34
400 Cache Eviction 04:52
401 Using Spring Cache Manager 03:49
402 Introduction to Spring Events 04:25
403 Create Application Event Pojos 02:45
404 Create Application Event Listener 02:41
405 Publish Spring Event 04:12
406 Test Application Event 02:42
407 Asynchronous Event Processing 04:17
408 Add Audit Entity 04:38
409 Add Audit Mapper 02:32
410 Persist Audit Event 03:55
411 Your Assignment - Add Order Functionality 03:09
412 Create DTOs 04:26
413 Create Mappers 03:35
414 Add Validation 03:12
415 Initialize Order Data 11:38
416 TDD - Get Operations 08:17
417 Implement Get Operations 07:53
418 Add Create Order DTO 04:44
419 TDD - Create Operation 03:57
420 Implement Create Operation 05:08
421 Add Order Update DTO 05:10
422 TDD - Update Operations 03:51
423 Implement Update Operations 07:37
424 TDD Delete Operations 02:23
425 Implement Delete Operations 03:18
426 Fix Failing Tests 03:33
427 Introduction to Docker 06:06
428 Creating a Docker Image with Maven 03:42
429 Running Images with Docker 05:58
430 Running Auth Server 03:24
431 Spring Configuration for Docker 06:04
432 Update Gateway Routes and Security 03:47
433 Running Gateway in Docker 03:17
434 Running RestMVC in Docker 04:10
435 Running MySQL in Docker 02:52
436 Running RestMVC Container with MySQL 03:34
437 Running Reactive Container 03:15
438 Running Reactive Mongo 11:03
439 Environment Clean Up 02:16
440 Introduction to Docker Compose 03:31
441 Create Docker Compose File 06:16
442 Add Auth Server and RestMVC to Compose File 06:16
443 Add Gateway to Compose and Test 06:47
444 Using Docker Compose with IntelliJ 02:35
445 Introduction to Kubernetes 04:45
446 Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop 02:53
447 Overview of Kubernetes Deployments 05:02
448 Deploy Mongo Pod and Service 04:59
449 Set Mongo Environment Variables 04:51
450 Debug CrashLoop on RestMVC 05:14
451 Kubernetes Port Forwarding and Testing in Postman 05:48
452 Introduction to Microservices 06:12
453 Twelve Factor Applications 10:00
454 The Reactive Manifesto 05:38
455 Enterprise Integration Patterns 06:31
456 Starbucks Does Not Use a Two-Phase Commit 06:57
457 Microservice Project Overview 06:26
458 Create Shared Message Library 04:57
459 Refactor Spring MVC Project to use Message Library 04:20
460 Send Order Placed Application Event 05:46
461 Interview with Marcin Grzejszczak - Lead for Spring Cloud Contract 21:16
462 Interview with James Labocki of Red Hat 16:04
463 KBE - Course Introduction 00:53
464 KBE - Setting Up Your Development Environment 02:49
465 KBE - Introduction 01:01
466 KBE - Spring Boot Project Code Review 07:44
467 KBE - Creating Docker File 06:14
468 KBE - Building and Running Docker Image 04:45
469 KEB - Introduction - Building Layered Image 01:39
470 KBE - Overview and Maven Configuration 05:19
471 KBE - Multi-Stage Docker File 07:44
472 KBE - Introduction - Building Docker Images with Maven 04:42
473 KBE - Introducing Docker Maven 09:07
474 KBE - Using Properties in Builds 04:42
475 KBE - Pushing to Docker Hub 03:59
476 KBE - Course Introduction 01:20
477 KBE - Setting Up Your Development Environment 03:16
478 KBE - Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop 03:32
479 KBE - Introduction to Deploying on Kubernetes 00:52
480 KBE - Create Deployment 04:51
481 KBE - Create Service 02:56
482 KBE - Port Forwarding 04:19
483 KBE - Terminating Services and Deployments 02:13
484 KBE - Exposing Services 03:48
485 KBE - Accessing Logs 02:52
486 KBE - Setting Environment Variables 04:53
487 KBE - Readiness Probe 05:10
488 KBE - Liveness Probe 04:29
489 KBE - Graceful Shutdown 03:50
490 KBE - Course Introduction 01:43
491 KBE - Setting Up Your Development Environment 03:16
492 KBE - Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop 03:32
493 KBE - Introduction to Spring Boot Microservices on Kubernetes 01:54
494 KBE - Overview of Microservices Used in This Course 06:33
495 KBE - Source Code Review 04:10
496 KBE - Running Services via Docker Compose 11:11
497 KBE - Introduction - Infrastructure Services 01:21
498 KBE - MySQL Service 06:00
499 KBE - JMS Service 03:21
500 KBE - Introduction to Spring Boot Microservices 02:00
501 KBE - Inventory Service 04:10
502 KBE - Inventory Failover Service 02:41
503 KBE - Beer Service 04:25
504 KBE - Order Service 04:36
505 KBE - Add Readiness and Liveness Probe Configuration 06:50
506 KBE - Add Graceful Shutdown 05:23
507 KBE - Kubernetes Ingress Controllers 05:48
508 KBE - Spring Cloud Gateway Service 07:36
509 KBE - Deleting Services and Deployments 02:20
510 KBE - Introduction to Consolidated Logging 01:47
511 KBE - Logging Configuration Code Review 03:25
512 KBE - Elasticsearch 03:33
513 KBE - Kibana 03:29
514 KBE - Filebeat 10:40

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