Spring Professional Certification Exam Tutorial - Module 01

4h 33m 57s
April 24, 2024

Spring Professional Exam Tutorial explains and answers all questions from Spring Professional Certification Study Guide. Each answer to exam topic is explained in detail with video tutorial, description and good example for you to get deep understanding of discussed topic. With this course you will get all required knowledge and skills to pass Spring Professional Certification Exam.


Course is divided into 8 modules:

  • Module 01 - Container, Dependency, and IoC

  • Module 02 - Aspect Oriented Programming

  • Module 03 - Data Management: JDBC, Transactions, JPA, Spring Data

  • Module 04 – Spring Boot

  • Module 05 - Spring MVC and The Web Layer

  • Module 06 – Security

  • Module 07 – REST

  • Module 08 – Testing

This course covers first module of the entire course and inside you can find answers to all topics from Spring Professional Certification Study Guide first section, which is Container, Dependency, and IoC.

  • Java
  • Maven
  • IDE of your choice
Who this course is for:
  • Spring Professional Exam & Certification Candidates

What you'll learn:

  • Knowledge and skills required for Spring Professional Certification Exam
  • Spring Professional Certification Study Guide Explanation & Answers
  • Container, Dependency, and IoC

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# Title Duration
1 Environment Setup 09:54
2 Question 01 - What is dependency injection and what are the advantages? 12:05
3 Question 02 - What is a pattern? What is an anti-pattern. [...] 09:21
4 Question 03 - What is an interface and what are the advantages of [..]? 10:23
5 Question 04 - What is meant by "application-context"? 04:14
6 Question 05 - What is the concept of a “container” and what is its lifecycle? 08:45
7 Question 06 - How are you going to create a new instance of an [..] Context? 15:43
8 Question 07 - Can you describe the lifecycle of a Spring Bean in an [...]? 07:51
9 Question 08 - How are you going to create an ApplicationContext in an [..]? 02:36
10 Question 09 - What is the preferred way to close an application context? [..] 05:25
11 Question 10 - Can you describe Dependency injection using Java [..] 22:23
12 Question 11 - Are beans lazily or eagerly instantiated by default? How do [...]? 09:46
13 Question 12 - What is a property source? How would you use @PropertySource? 03:11
14 Question 13 - What is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and what is it used for? [...]? 04:49
15 Question 14 - What is a BeanPostProcessor and how is it different to a [...]? 10:46
16 Question 15 - What does component-scanning do? 03:12
17 Question 16 - What is the behavior of the annotation @Autowired with [...]? 15:11
18 Question 17 - What do you have to do, if you would like to inject [...]? 07:08
19 Question 18 - How does the @Qualifier annotation complement the use of [...]? 05:33
20 Question 19 - What is a proxy object and what are the two different types [...]? 13:33
21 Question 20 - What are the advantages of Java Config? What are the limitations? 11:50
22 Question 21 - What does the @Bean annotation do? 07:48
23 Question 22 - What is the default bean id if you only use @Bean? How can [...]? 02:34
24 Question 23 - Why are you not allowed to annotate a final class with [...]? 05:34
25 Question 24 - How do you configure profiles? What are possible use cases [...]? 13:28
26 Question 25 - Can you use @Bean together with @Profile? 03:24
27 Question 26 - Can you use @Component together with @Profile? 04:02
28 Question 27 - How many profiles can you have? 02:14
29 Question 28 - How do you inject scalar/literal values into Spring beans? 04:57
30 Question 29 - What is @Value used for? 05:42
31 Question 30 - What is Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short)? 08:01
32 Question 31 - What is the Environment abstraction in Spring? 05:27
33 Question 32 - Where can properties in the environment come from? 09:19
34 Question 33 - What can you reference using SpEL? 05:21
35 Question 34 - What is the difference between $ and # in @Value expressions? 02:27

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