Full Stack HATEOAS: Spring Boot 2.1, ReactJS, Redux
5h 51m 37s
Full Stack introduction to HATEOAS. In this course, you will learn the core concepts of HATEOAS as well as how to leverage this on a ReactJS Application. HATEOAS stands for: Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State (HATEOAS) It is a REST application architecture in which the servers provide information dynamically through hypermedia (links) that drive the interaction between the client and server.
Read more about the course
In this course we will cover the following concepts:
•“Link” (org.springframework.hateoas)
•“linkTo” & “methodOn” (org.springframework.hateoas.mvc.ControllerLinkBuilder)
•“Resource” & “Resources” (org.springframework.hateoas)
•“ResourceAssembler” interface (org.springframework.hateoas)
We have 3 learning goals:
Goal 1: build a prototypeof a REST API with Spring Boot 2.1 and Java 11
Goal 2: Set up ReactJSstarter project to work with Resources and Links
Goal 3:Deploy our prototype to Heroku’sfree tier
Thank you!
- Basic Knowledge of Java and Spring Boot
- Practical experience building at least one simple CRUD App (MySQL, H2) with Spring Boot is a MUST
- Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript (ES6 Syntax is Mandatory)
- Have an IDE of Choice for Spring development (IntelliJ, Eclipse, STS, etc)
- Previous experience with .jsp, Thymeleaf will come in handy
- Basic Knowledge of Git and a Github account is a MUST
- Previous basic experience with React / Redux is a MUST (FREE COURSE INSIDE!)
Who this course is for:
- Beginner Java and Spring Boot enthusiast with at least 4 to 8 weeks of experience with these technologies
- Java and Spring Boot developers looking to add ReactJS and Redux to their tool belt
What you'll learn:
- Introduction to HATEOAS and how to use it with a ReactJS app
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:07 |
2 | Demo | 04:33 |
3 | WATCH BEFORE YOU BUY: Limited Course Support | 04:25 |
4 | Create Spring Boot project | 11:08 |
5 | Load DB with Sample Data | 04:29 |
6 | Create Service Layer and Custom Exception | 07:49 |
7 | Create CapabilityController, Introduction to Resource and Resources | 16:35 |
8 | Post Operation - Happy Path | 05:44 |
9 | Implement ErrorMap | 10:02 |
10 | PUT Operation | 08:35 |
11 | Delete Operation | 02:28 |
12 | Resource Assembler | 19:19 |
13 | IMPORTANT - Requirements for this section! | 04:30 |
14 | Project Walkthrough | 14:27 |
15 | Redux Store | 21:35 |
16 | GET_CAPABILITIES Part 1 | 15:56 |
17 | GET_CAPABILITIES Part 2 | 17:27 |
18 | DELETE_CAPABILITY | 18:22 |
19 | BUG FIX: Cannot read property 'capabilityList' of undefined | 05:16 |
20 | Open - Close Modals | 12:59 |
21 | ADD_CAPABILITY Part 1 | 17:05 |
22 | ADD_CAPABILITY Part 2 | 20:30 |
23 | GET_CAPABILITY | 18:49 |
24 | UPDATE_CAPABILITY | 24:33 |
25 | FINAL_TOUCHES | 17:57 |
26 | CONNECT TO CLEAR DB | 22:04 |
28 | DEPLOY REACT APP | 10:38 |
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