Spring 6 & Spring Boot 3 for Beginners (Includes 5 Projects)

34h 28m 12s

In this course, you will learn Spring Framework Core 6, Spring Boot 3, REST API, Spring MVC, WebFlux, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Docker, Thymeleaf, IntelliJ IDEA, Maven, and Building Projects

No Spring framework experience is needed, I will teach you all the Spring framework core features so that you will understand Spring Boot in-depth and how it works behind the scenes.

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What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is basically an extension of the Spring framework which eliminated the boilerplate configurations required for setting up a Spring application.

Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that helps developers build Spring-based applications quickly and easily. The main goal of Spring Boot is to quickly create Spring-based applications without requiring developers to write the same boilerplate configuration again and again.

What is Spring MVC?

  1. Spring MVC is a popular module in Spring Framework and it is used to develop web applications as well as RESTful web services.

  2. Spring MVC is called a web framework because it provides all the required components to develop a complete web application.

  3. The Spring MVC framework provides Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and ready components that can be used to develop flexible and loosely coupled web applications

What is Thymeleaf?

Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments, capable of processing HTMLXMLJavaScriptCSS, and even plain text.

The main goal of Thymeleaf is to provide an elegant and highly-maintainable way of creating templates.

It's commonly used to generate HTML views for web applications.

Thymeleaf is a very popular choice for building UI so we will be using Thymeleaf to build the view layer in the Spring MVC web application (Blog App).

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 04:27
2 Quick Overview of Spring Framework 01:31
3 Create and Setup Spring Application in IntelliJ IDEA 02:15
4 Understanding Tightly Coupling and Loose Coupling 11:48
5 Spring IOC Container - Theory 05:46
6 Steps for Java Based Configuration 06:33
7 Spring IOC Container - Example 13:09
8 Summary - How Spring IOC Container Works 02:51
9 Steps for Annotation Based Configuration 08:07
10 Annotation Based Configuration Example 10:40
11 @Qualifier and @Primary Annotations 05:45
12 Stereotype Annotations - @Controller, @Service and @Repository 09:09
13 Difference Between Java Based and Annotation Based Configuration 05:41
14 What is Dependency Injection 05:08
15 Example - Without Dependency Injection 08:53
16 Example - Dependency Injection using Spring Framework 07:34
17 Constructor Based Dependency Injection 08:10
18 Setter Based Dependency Injection 06:18
19 When to Use Construction Injection and Setter Injection? 06:00
20 Why Constructor Injection is Recommended? 04:16
21 Field Based Dependency Injection 06:59
22 @Bean Annotation In-Depth 11:17
23 @Bean Annotation - initMethod and destroyMethod Attributes 05:26
24 Assignment - Sending an Email 02:51
25 Assignment Solution 1 - Using Annotation Based Configuration 10:19
26 Assignment Solution 2 - Using Java Based Configuration 04:11
27 What is Spring Boot? 07:10
28 Spring Boot Features 08:03
29 Creating Your First Spring Boot Project 06:46
30 Understanding Spring Boot Project Structure 06:56
31 Spring Boot Starters Feature 10:24
32 Spring Boot Starter Parent 07:54
33 Spring Boot Auto Configuration Feature - Theory 04:11
34 Spring Boot Auto Configuration Feature - In an Action 10:14
35 Understanding @SpringBootApplication Annotation 10:14
36 How Spring Boot Works Internally 08:16
37 Section Introduction 01:49
38 Create Spring Boot Project using Spring Initializr and Import in IntelliJ IDE 05:53
39 Create Simple Spring Boot REST API 07:22
40 Spring Boot REST API That Returns Java Bean as JSON 05:40
41 Create Spring Boot REST API returns List in JSON Format 03:53
42 Spring Boot REST API with Path Variable - @PathVariable 07:59
43 Spring Boot REST API with Request Param - @RequestParam 06:42
44 Spring Boot POST REST API - @PostMapping and @RequestBody 09:22
45 Spring Boot PUT REST API - @PutMapping and @RequestBody 09:06
46 Spring Boot DELETE REST API - @DeleteMapping 04:48
47 Using Spring ResponseEntity to Manipulate the HTTP Response 09:40
48 Define Base URL for REST API’s in Spring MVC Controller - @RequestMapping 05:32
49 Section Introduction 01:50
50 Create and Setup Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ 06:01
51 Configure MySQL Database in Spring Boot App 05:31
52 Create User JPA Entity 06:52
53 Create Spring Data JPA Repository - UserRepository 06:21
54 Build Create User REST API 13:36
55 Build Get User By ID REST API 08:15
56 Build Get All Users REST API 05:29
57 Build Update User REST API 10:13
58 Build Delete User REST API 05:05
59 Understanding DTO Pattern 04:08
60 How to Use DTO in Spring Boot Project 05:18
61 Refactor Create User REST API to use DTO 10:16
62 Create and Use UserMapper Class 05:21
63 Refactor Get User By Id REST API to use DTO 03:43
64 Refactor Get All Users REST API to use DTO 03:45
65 Refactor Update User REST API to use DTO 04:31
66 ModelMapper and MapStruct Libraries Overview 04:31
67 Using ModelMapper Library to Map Entity to DTO and Vice Versa 13:25
68 Using MapStruct Library: Step 1 - Add Maven Dependencies 04:34
69 Using MapStruct Library: Step 2 - Create Mapper 05:08
70 Using MapStruct Library: Step 3 - Using Mapper and Test CRUD REST API's 07:11
71 Spring Boot REST API Exception Handling Overview 1 04:25
72 Spring Boot REST API Exception Handling Overview 2 02:19
73 How to Create and Use Custom Exception - ResourceNotFoundException 13:08
74 Handing Specific Custom Exception - ResourceNotFoundException 10:35
75 Handing Specific Custom Exception - EmailAlreadyExistsException 08:39
76 Spring Boot REST API Global Exception Handling 03:58
77 Validation with Spring Boot - Overview 04:13
78 Validate Create and Update User REST API Requests 06:34
79 Customizing Validation Error Response 11:46
80 Actuator Section Overview 01:21
81 Adding Actuator to Spring Boot App 04:22
82 The /info Endpoint 03:31
83 The /health Endpoint 02:29
84 The /beans Endpoint 03:16
85 The /conditions Endpoint 02:39
86 The /mappings Endpoint 03:38
87 The /configprops Endpoint 02:35
88 The /metrics Endpoint 05:12
89 The /env & /threaddump Endpoints 03:47
90 The /loggers Endpoint 04:40
91 The /shutdown Endpoint 03:04
92 Section Overview and Demo 04:01
93 Generate REST API Documentation using SpringDoc OpenAPI 08:28
94 Define General API Information using Annotations 06:18
95 Customizing Swagger API Documentation with Annotations 11:53
96 Todo Management Project - Understanding Requirements 02:09
97 Create and Setup Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ IDEA 05:10
98 Configure MySQL Database in Spring Boot Application 05:28
99 Create Todo JPA Entity 05:55
100 Create TodoRepository and TodoDto 08:00
101 Build Add Todo REST API 13:41
102 Using ModelMapper Library 07:07
103 Build Get Todo REST API 10:40
104 Build Get All Todos REST API 06:50
105 Build Update Todo REST API 11:00
106 Build Delete Todo REST API 06:24
107 Build Complete Todo API 08:16
108 Build In Complete Todo REST API 06:34
109 Section Overview 01:08
110 Authentication and Authorization 04:11
111 Adding Spring Security to Spring Boot Project (Todo Management) 04:13
112 Spring Boot Auto Configuration for Spring Security 09:22
113 Customizing the Default User 03:59
114 Configure and Understand Basic Authentication 09:07
115 In-Memory Authentication 06:36
116 Understanding Role-Based Autherization 15:30
117 Method Level Security 11:42
118 Creating User and Role JPA Entities 10:48
119 Creating UserRepository and RoleRepository 04:29
120 Creating CustomUserDetailsService Class Implements UserDetailsService 08:05
121 How Database Authentication Works in Spring Security 09:11
122 Spring Security Database Authentication 12:49
123 Module Introduction - What you will learn in this section? 01:14
124 Transaction Management with Spring Data JPA 07:01
125 Use Case - Placing Order on eCommerce Shopping Website 03:18
126 Create and Setup Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ 06:44
127 Configure MySQL Database 05:20
128 Create Order and Payment JPA Entities 08:11
129 Create OrderRepository and PaymentRepository Interfaces 02:28
130 Create OrderRequest and OrderResponse DTO Classes 02:28
131 Create Service Layer 09:35
132 Create Place Order REST API and Test using Postman 06:37
133 Handle Transaction using Spring @Transactional Annotation 06:33
134 Create Spring Boot Project 06:12
135 Configure MySQL Database 05:21
136 Create Product JPA Entity 04:45
137 Create ProductRepository Interface 02:31
138 Create JPQL and Native SQL Queries to Search Products 05:25
139 Create Service Layer 03:03
140 Build Search REST API and Test using Postman 10:10
141 What is ORM? 03:25
142 What is JPA? 05:39
143 What is Hibernate? 04:04
144 JPA vs Hibernate 02:47
145 What is Spring Data JPA? 03:46
146 Hibernate vs Spring Data JPA 04:47
147 Basic Flow of Spring Data JPA 03:49
148 Create and Setup Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ IDEA 06:35
149 Understanding Spring Boot Starter Data JPA Dependency 04:18
150 Connect Spring Boot Project with MySQL Database 11:17
151 Create Product Entity with @Entity and @Id 08:04
152 Using JPA Annotations - @Table, @Column, @GeneratedValue and @UniqueConstraint 12:00
153 Primary key generation strategies - AUTO, IDENTITY, SEQUENCE and TABLE 14:24
154 Adding Hibernate annotations - @CreationTimestampВ andВ @UpdateTimestamp 02:36
155 Using Lombok Library to Reduce Boilerplate Code 04:46
156 Understanding Spring Data JPA Repository Interfaces and it’s Hierarchy 08:16
157 Decompile Spring Data JPA Library to Understand Repository Interfaces 07:32
158 Steps to Create Spring Data JPA Repository - ProductRepository 06:03
159 Overview of Spring Data JPA Repository Methods 03:51
160 save() - Save an Entity to the Database Table 12:16
161 save() - Update an Entity to the Database Table 06:24
162 findById() - Retrieve a Single Entity from the Database 03:55
163 saveAll() - Save Multiple Entities to the Database Table 06:19
164 findAll() - Retrieve All the Entities From the Database Table 04:15
165 deleteById() - Delete a Single Entity from the Database 03:44
166 delete() - Delete an Entity From the Database Table 07:06
167 deleteAll() - Delete All the Entities From the Database Table 10:01
168 count() - Get the Number of Records in the Database Table 03:32
169 existsById() - Check if Entity Exists With Given ID in the Database Table 05:46
170 Overview of Creating Query Methods From Method Names Strategy 02:44
171 How Query Generation From Method Names Works Behind the Scene 05:09
172 Understanding Rules and Supported Keywords to Create Query Methods 12:44
173 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by Single Field Name 13:14
174 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by Multiple Field Names 12:40
175 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by Distinct 04:42
176 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by GreaterThan 05:49
177 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by LessThan 05:02
178 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by Containing 05:12
179 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by Like 05:44
180 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by Between (Price Range Example) 06:17
181 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by Between (Date Range Example) 08:49
182 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Find by In 05:28
183 Spring Data JPA Query Method - Limiting Query Results 07:03
184 What is Spring MVC? 03:33
185 What is DispatcherServlet? 03:23
186 Spring MVC Components 08:31
187 How Spring MVC Works Internally 03:18
188 Spring Boot Web MVC Architecture (Three - Layer Architecture) 01:48
189 What is Thymeleaf? 04:05
190 How Thymeleaf Engine Works? 02:34
191 Create Spring Boot Project and Integrate Thymeleaf 05:34
192 Spring Boot Auto Configuration for Thymeleaf 03:48
193 Thymeleaf Hello World Example 08:02
194 Thymeleaf Variable Expressions 12:03
195 Thymeleaf Selection Expressions 08:20
196 Thymeleaf Message Expressions 06:58
197 Thymeleaf Link (URL) Expressions 10:21
198 Thymeleaf Fragment Expressions 11:45
199 Thymeleaf Basic Attribute - th:text 02:55
200 Thymeleaf Loop or Iteration - th:each 11:49
201 Thymeleaf Looping or Iteration - th:each Attribute Status Variable 05:21
202 Thymeleaf Attribute - th:if and th:unless 09:56
203 Thymeleaf Attribute - th:switch and th:case 08:37
204 Form Handling in Thymeleaf Overview 03:49
205 Form Handling in Thymeleaf - Create Handler Method to Return Register Page 06:35
206 Form Handling in Thymeleaf Template - Design User Registration Form 15:48
207 Form Handling in Thymeleaf Template - Display User Registration Form Data 08:37
208 Create and Setup Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ 06:22
209 Understanding spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf Dependency 04:46
210 Configure MySQL Database in Spring Boot App 06:42
211 Create Student JPA Entity 06:23
212 Create StudentRepository Interface 06:45
213 Create StudentDto and StudentMapper 05:49
214 List Students Feature Backend 10:09
215 List Students Feature Frontend 15:43
216 Create Student Feature - Create Handler Method for Student Form 04:15
217 Create Student Feature - Create Student Form Handling 12:07
218 Create Student Feature - Create Handler Method for Save Student 07:48
219 Create Student Feature - Create Student Form Validation 10:34
220 Update Student Feature Backend 08:37
221 Update Student Feature Frontend 11:44
222 Delete Student Feature Implementation 07:14
223 View Student Feature Backend 05:23
224 View Student Feature Frontend 08:23
225 Create and Setup Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ 05:42
226 Understanding spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf Dependency 04:46
227 Configure MySQL Database in Spring Boot App 04:46
228 Create User and Role Entities (Many to Many Mapping) 14:52
229 Create UserRepository and RoleRepository 05:05
230 Create Thymeleaf Template for Home Page 07:32
231 Create Handler Method to Handle Registration Form Request 05:20
232 User Registration Form Handling 14:47
233 Create Handler Method to Save User Registered Data 13:34
234 Adding Validation to User Registration Form 12:27
235 Display List Registered Users - Backend 06:05
236 Display List Registered Users - Frontend 08:18
237 Add Spring Security & Use Spring Security’s Default Login and Logout Features 09:19
238 Create Custom Login Form and Configure Spring Security 16:28
239 Logout Feature Implementation 06:18
240 Configure URL’s in Spring Security 04:35
241 Database Authentication Implementation 12:57
242 Introduction to Reactive Programming 09:23
243 Reactive Stream Specifications 04:31
244 Reactive Stream Workflow 04:03
245 Understanding Project Reactor Mono and Flux 13:08
246 Spring WebFlux Overview 04:02
247 Spring Boot WebFlux Application Architecture 02:26
248 Deploy MongoDB in Docker Container 06:04
249 Create and Set up Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ IDE 06:38
250 Create Employee Entity 04:48
251 Create EmployeeRepository and Understanding Internals 05:14
252 Create EmployeeDto and EmployeeMapper 04:04
253 Build Reactive Add Employee REST API 13:55
254 Build Reactive Get Employee REST API 06:35
255 Build Reactive Get All Employees REST API 05:52
256 Build Reactive Update Employee REST API 09:30
257 Build Reactive Delete Employee REST API 05:57
258 Write a Integration Test for Add Employee REST API 11:05
259 Write a Integration Test for Get Employee REST API 06:49
260 Write a Integration Test for Get All Employees REST API 06:14
261 Refactor the Code to Use @BeforeEach Annotation 04:03
262 Write a Integration Test for Update Employee REST API 07:30
263 Write a Integration Test for Delete Employee REST API 03:43
264 General Docker Workflow 03:34
265 Create Spring Boot Project and Build Simple REST API 05:27
266 Create Dockerfile to Build Docker Image 06:14
267 Build Docker Image from Dockerfile 06:09
268 Run Docker Image in a Docker Container 07:23
269 Push Docker Image to DockerHub 07:47
270 Pulll Docker Image from DockerHub 07:55
271 Dockerizing Spring Boot MySQL Application Overview 01:23
272 Pull and Run MySQL Image in a Docker Container 07:42
273 Create a Dockerfile to Build the Image 06:12
274 Implement Profile and Build Docker image 08:23
275 Run Spring Boot App Docker Image in a Container and Test CRUD REST APIs 08:10
276 Docker Compose Overview 04:02
277 Configure and Run MySQL Image in a Container using Docker Compose 08:27
278 Configure and Run Spring Boot in a Container using Docker Compose 05:35
279 @Component Annotation 09:07
280 @Autowired Annotation 05:06
281 @Qualifier Annotation 05:29
282 @Primary Annotation 03:25
283 @Bean and @Configuration Annotations 12:57
284 @Controller, @Service and @Repository 09:03
285 @Lazy Annotation 06:21
286 @Scope Annotation 10:40
287 @Value Annotation 09:48
288 @PropertySource and PropertySources Annotations 14:22
289 @ConfigurationProperties Annotation 16:33
290 @Controller and @ResponseBody Annotations 09:48
291 @RestController Annotation 04:53
292 @RequestMapping Annotation 08:35
293 @GetMapping Annotation 04:53
294 @PostMapping and @RequestBody Annotations 10:27
295 @PutMapping Annotation 07:32
296 @DeleteMapping Annotation 05:06
297 @PathVariable Annotation 09:29
298 @RequestParam Annotation 07:29

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