RabbitMQ : Messaging with Java, Spring Boot And Spring MVC
RabbitMQ : It is an open source message broker software. You might have heard Java Messaging Service (JMS) by which two Java applications can communicate with each other. Using RabbitMQ message broker two Java applications can interact with each other in same way as we human being do by text message. Message can not go directly from one Java app to other and hence we need Queue and Exchange. Do not aware of RabbitMQ ,Queue, Exchange OR JMS ?
Read more about the course
If YES, then you came to right place as you will learn all these things in this course. You can say Its all in one for you. This course is all about RabbitMQ starting with Core Java and then using RabbitMQ with Spring Boot and Spring MVC.
At the end you will learn to deploy your RabbitMQ Spring MVC and Spring Boot application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
Let me give you an idea that what you will learn from this course.
You will learn concept of Java Messaging Service (JMS) & RabbitMQ Message Broker.
You will learn how to publish and consume messages using core Java.
You will learn different types of exchanges like Direct, Fanout, Topic and Headers Exchange.
You will learn to use RabbitMQ in Spring Boot application using Rabbit Template and Rabbit Listener.
You will learn to use RabbitMQ in Spring MVC application using Rabbit Template and Rabbit Listener.
Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring MVC Applications Deployment To Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Spring Boot and RabbitMQ Deployment To Heroku (Cloud Platform)
Watch Online RabbitMQ : Messaging with Java, Spring Boot And Spring MVC
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:21 |
2 | Understanding Of Java Messaging Service (JMS) | 03:24 |
3 | What is Exchange and Queue ? | 04:28 |
4 | Different Types Of Exchanges | 00:55 |
5 | RabbitMQ Installation | 05:10 |
6 | Create Queue in RabbitMQ | 01:49 |
7 | Publishing Message To Queue | 05:07 |
8 | Consuming Message From Queue | 07:14 |
9 | Multiple Consumers Scenario & Round Robin Fashion | 04:20 |
10 | Purge The Messages | 02:13 |
11 | Understanding Real Time Scenario To Use RabbitMQ | 02:50 |
12 | Publishing JSON Message To Queue | 06:04 |
13 | What is Direct Exchange ? | 03:01 |
14 | Creating Direct Exchange & Binding Queues with it | 03:28 |
15 | Publishing Message To Direct Exchange | 05:45 |
16 | Consuming Message From Queue | 02:11 |
17 | What is Fanout Exchange ? | 02:09 |
18 | Creating Fanout Exchange & Binding Queues with it | 03:05 |
19 | Publishing Message To Fanout Exchange | 04:46 |
20 | What is Topic Exchange ? | 10:28 |
21 | Creating Topic Exchange & Binding Queues with it | 02:04 |
22 | Publishing Message To Topic Exchange | 03:59 |
23 | What is Headers Exchange ? | 05:05 |
24 | Creating Headers Exchange & Binding Queues with it | 02:59 |
25 | Publishing Message To Headers Exchange | 06:04 |
26 | Introduction To RabbitMQ With Spring Boot & Rabbit Template | 01:44 |
27 | Spring Boot Project Set Up & Configuration | 03:43 |
28 | Rabbit Template With Spring Boot | 11:06 |
29 | Rabbit Listener With Spring Boot | 04:25 |
30 | Publishing Message To Headers Exchange Using Rabbit Template | 07:24 |
31 | Rabbit Listener With Spring Boot & Headers Exchange | 04:11 |
32 | Introduction To RabbitMQ With Spring MVC & Rabbit Template | 02:08 |
33 | Spring MVC Project Set Up & Configuration | 03:55 |
34 | Rabbit Template With Spring MVC | 10:28 |
35 | Rabbit Listener With Spring MVC | 06:59 |
36 | Publishing Message To Headers Exchange Using Rabbit Template | 06:50 |
37 | Rabbit Listener With Spring MVC & Headers Exchange | 03:55 |
38 | Introduction To Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) | 01:31 |
39 | Creating Account On Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) | 03:54 |
40 | Creating RabbitMQ Service On Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) | 03:02 |
41 | Spring Boot Deployment To Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) | 12:30 |
42 | Spring Boot Deployment To PCF Using Spring Cloud | 05:23 |
43 | Spring MVC Deployment To Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) | 07:44 |
44 | What Is Default Exchange ? | 03:30 |
45 | Default Exchange Example | 02:44 |
46 | Introduction To Exchange To Exchange Binding | 02:40 |
47 | Bind Exchange with Another Exchange | 02:28 |
48 | Exchange To Exchange Binding In Action | 03:02 |
49 | Course Update | 01:15 |
50 | Introduction To Heroku | 01:14 |
51 | Create Account On Heroku | 03:12 |
52 | Verify Account On Heroku | 04:44 |
53 | Download and Install Git | 01:45 |
54 | Download & Install Heroku CLI | 02:40 |
55 | Create Heroku Application | 01:48 |
56 | Getting RabbitMQ on Heroku | 02:17 |
57 | Spring Boot Version Update | 03:15 |
58 | Heroku CLI Login | 02:04 |
59 | Deploy Spring Boot App On Heroku | 03:06 |
60 | Thank You | 00:36 |
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