Angular 7 + Spring Boot and Cloud Microservices(Inc. Docker)

7h 12s
November 21, 2023

In this course, we will learn Microservices With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud on server side. In Client Side, we will learn Angular 7. Our project template goes on Github project so you can reach every component of project from Github repository. You know that Microservices is a popular topic for current years.


Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are

  • Highly maintainable and testable

  • Loosely coupled

  • Independently deployable

  • Organized around business capabilities.

The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack.

Spring Cloud which builds on top of Spring Boot, provides a set of features to quickly build microservices. It’s very smart to know how to get them working together, can quickly setup services, with minimal configurations.

  1. Spring Boot

  2. Spring Cloud

  3. Spring Zuul

  4. Spring Eureka

  5. Angular 7

  6. Spring Netflix service discovery

  7. Client services

  8. Server services

  9. Cassandra

  10. MySQL

  11. Liquibase

  12. NoSQL

  • Basic Java Knowledge
  • Basic Spring Knowledge
  • Basic Angular Knowledge
  • Basic SQL Knowledge
Who this course is for:
  • Java developers curious about microservices

What you'll learn:

  • Spring boot
  • Spring zuul
  • Cassandra
  • Spring Eureka
  • Mysql
  • Liquibase
  • Angular 7
  • Gradle
  • Intellij
  • Eclipse
  • Microservices
  • Spring Cloud
  • NoSQL
  • SQL
  • Spring Gateway
  • Rooting

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# Title Duration
1 What are microservices, Advantages Vs With Monolithic Application? 05:22
2 Microservice Architecture Of Our Project 03:43
3 Prerequests For Server Side 04:02
4 Open Demo Project In Intellij 03:08
5 Install And Enable Lombok - Prerequest 01:21
6 Lombok Overview 01:39
7 Spring Overview - Basic Annotations, Dependency Injection... 07:43
8 User Service Architecture And Overview 02:34
9 Creating of User Service Project With Spring Initializr 02:37
10 Configuration Of User Service Properties 07:00
11 Hibernate Overview 04:01
12 Creating Model - User Class 03:23
13 Sql Overview - Basic Queries 02:50
14 Liquibase Overview 03:21
15 Creating Liquibase Changelog 04:17
16 JPA (Java Persistence API) Repository Overview 03:25
17 Repository Class For User - JPA Repository 04:03
18 Creating User Service - MVC 04:52
19 Rest Controller Overview - Get, Post, Delete, Put, Patch 04:03
20 Creating User Controller - MVC 08:55
21 Spring Security Overview 03:32
22 User Details Service -Security 05:24
23 Spring Security Default Configuration And Customization 10:41
24 Authentication - Spring Security 03:43
25 Authorization - Spring Security 04:30
26 Spring Web Security Configuration 09:19
27 Installation 01:36
28 Configuration 02:16
29 Eureka Server - Build And Run 01:18
30 Eureka Client Service - Communication 03:33
31 Eureka Instances 08:59
32 User Service - Test 02:36
33 Cassandra - Download And Install 02:37
34 Overview 02:08
35 Installation 03:05
36 Application Properties Configuration 03:40
37 Log Model Class 03:19
38 Cassandra Id Types And Uniqueness in Cassandra 04:30
39 Summary Model Class 03:01
40 Cassandra Configuration 06:16
41 Create Log Repository - Crud Repository 01:53
42 Create Summary Repository - CRUD Repository - Custom CQL Queries 03:03
43 Create Log Service - MVC 04:43
44 Create Log Controller - MVC 05:32
45 Create Eureka Discovery Service 03:35
46 Log Service Test 04:04
47 Course Service Overview 02:35
48 Installation With Spring Initializr 02:08
49 Application Properties Configuration 05:49
50 Create Course Model Class - Java Persistence API 02:47
51 Create Transaction Model Class - Hibernate ManyToOne Relation 02:49
52 Liquibase Implementation For Model Classes 04:57
53 Liquibase Implementation For Test Data 05:03
54 Hibernate Entity Manager Factory Bean On Repository 08:10
55 Create CRUD Template With Entity Manager 03:49
56 Create Course Repository - HQL 03:34
57 Create Transaction Repository - HQL 02:37
58 Feign Client Implementation 05:15
59 Course Service And Controller - MVC (With Feign Client Call) 04:19
60 Allowing Origins for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing 01:24
61 Enable Eureka Client And Configure 05:33
62 Course Service Test 01:14
63 Installation 02:00
64 Configuration 04:37
65 Timeout Configuration 01:37
66 Allowing Origins for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing 02:02
67 Zuul Gateway Service Test 01:45
68 Gateway Path And Microservices API Path 02:54
69 Load Balance Example On User Service 08:09
70 Prerequests For Client Side 02:24
71 Angular Overview - Components, Directives... 07:11
72 Client Side - Overview 02:21
73 Installation 06:13
74 Configuration 04:24
75 Angular Model View Controller Structure 03:59
76 Angular Routing For Components And Parameters 03:04
77 Login - Authentication Implementation - MVC 14:47
78 Profile Page Controller And View Implementation 03:53
79 Register Page Controller And View Implementation 05:11
80 Course Enrollment Implementation - MVC 16:30
81 Course Detail Implementation - MVC - Log Service 16:49
82 Filter Courses: Popular And Free Text Search Implementation 05:15
83 Emitter Service - Listener - Trigger 05:52
84 Create Navigation Bar - Bootstrap NavBar 10:56
85 Docker Overview 03:24
86 Docker for User Service 05:20
87 Docker Run With Docker-Compose 04:25
88 Docker for Log Service 04:49
89 Docker for Course Service 02:58
90 Docker for Eureka Server 02:52
91 Docker for Zuul Gateway Service 02:41
92 Docker for Client Side 05:03
93 Testing 03:32

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