Deploy Spring Boot Microservices on AWS ECS with Fargate
This course is for Java developers interested in learning how to deploy Spring Boot Microservices on AWS cloud using AWS ECS(Elastic Container Service). By the end of this course, you will know how to deploy, auto scale and load balance Spring Boot Microservices in Docker containers on AWS Serverless Infrastructure. All lectures are designed for beginners, and you will learn all of the above topics by following short and simple, step-by-step video lessons.
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You will learn how to:
Run Spring Boot Microservices with different Spring Boot profiles: dev, prod.
How to build Docker images,
Publish Docker images to Docker Hub and AWS ECR,
Scan your Spring Boot Microservices for security vulnerabilities.
You will learn to:
Create a cluster on AWS Fargate (serverless) infrastructure,
Run multiple instances of your Spring Boot Microservices behind Amazon Application Load Balancer,
Make your Microservices Auto Scale on demand,
Create an SSL certificate and enable secure HTTPS communication for your Microservices,
Work with Route 53 and enable HTTPS communication for a custom domain name,
Deploy scalable MySQL server using Amazon RDS,
Implement Centralize Configuration and learn to use Amazon Parameter Store to manage configuration properties in one central location,
You will learn to Encrypt sensitive configuration properties and store them encrypted on AWS,
Learn to use Service Connect & Service Discovery to enable your Microservices to discover each other and communicate with each other,
You will learn about Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment(CI/CD) and how to use Amazon Developer Tools like CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodePipeline to automate the release process of new code.
Watch Online Deploy Spring Boot Microservices on AWS ECS with Fargate
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 04:30 |
2 | Introduction to ECS | 07:01 |
3 | Microservices Architecture on AWS | 05:47 |
4 | What is ECS Cluster, Service, and Task? | 03:03 |
5 | AWS Account & Pricing | 07:48 |
6 | Run Users Microservice with Spring Tools Suite | 05:34 |
7 | Run Users Microservice using command-line | 02:31 |
8 | Run Albums Microservice with Spring Tools Suite | 02:59 |
9 | Download Postman HTTP Client | 03:26 |
10 | Microservices demo | 11:40 |
11 | Introduction | 02:36 |
12 | A Docker File | 07:26 |
13 | Docker Hub vs Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) | 04:04 |
14 | Where to find Docker | 02:22 |
15 | Creating a Repository in Docker Hub | 03:13 |
16 | Building Docker Image for Docker Hub | 03:04 |
17 | Pushing Docker Image to Docker Hub | 02:33 |
18 | Create a repository in Amazon ECR | 04:40 |
19 | Scan Image for Security Vulnerabilities | 02:13 |
20 | Install or Update AWS CLI | 03:46 |
21 | Access Credentials for AWS CLI | 04:05 |
22 | Configure AWS CLI | 05:04 |
23 | Push Docker Image to Amazon ECR | 03:33 |
24 | View Image. Run Manual Scan. View Scan Results. | 03:59 |
25 | The New ECS Experience | 02:07 |
26 | Creating a new AWS Fargate Cluster | 08:08 |
27 | Configure task definition and containers | 07:22 |
28 | Configure environment, storage, monitoring, and tags | 06:40 |
29 | Creating a New ECS Service | 09:06 |
30 | Overview of an Active ECS Service | 05:04 |
31 | Configure a Security Group | 03:38 |
32 | Trying how Microservice works | 04:22 |
33 | Stopping a task | 04:36 |
34 | Introduction | 06:44 |
35 | Enable load balancer | 07:39 |
36 | Load Balancer Security Group | 05:30 |
37 | Trying how load balancer works | 09:00 |
38 | Point Custom Domain name to a Load Balancer | 04:48 |
39 | Trying how custom domain name works | 03:14 |
40 | Introduction | 03:24 |
41 | Request a TLS/SSL certificate from Amazon | 02:12 |
42 | Validate Domain Name Ownership | 01:28 |
43 | Create HTTPs Listener | 03:08 |
44 | Configure Security Group to allow port 443 | 02:37 |
45 | Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPs | 01:58 |
46 | Trying how it works | 02:02 |
47 | ECS Auto Scaling - Introduction | 03:21 |
48 | Configure Auto Scaling | 07:42 |
49 | Trying how it works | 10:58 |
50 | AWS RDS - Create MySQL Database | 08:46 |
51 | Creating a new ECS Task Definition | 09:45 |
52 | Deploy the New Task Definition | 02:03 |
53 | Configure Database Instance Security Group | 03:28 |
54 | Trying how it works | 06:16 |
55 | Introduction | 02:39 |
56 | Creating First Configuration Parameter | 04:59 |
57 | Encrypting Sensitive Configuration Properties | 04:09 |
58 | Creating the rest of the parameters | 02:14 |
59 | Updating Task Definition | 07:41 |
60 | Configure Execution Role | 02:13 |
61 | Trying how it works | 03:01 |
62 | Introduction | 04:11 |
63 | Service Discovery with Application Load Balancer | 03:39 |
64 | Service Connect - Introduction | 01:39 |
65 | Service Connect - Behind the Scenes | 06:24 |
66 | Enable Service Connect | 05:57 |
67 | Service Connect overview | 03:41 |
68 | Configure Users Service to user local DNS of Albums Microservice | 05:52 |
69 | Trying if Service Connect Discovery URL Works | 06:41 |
70 | Push Albums Microservice to AWS ECR | 04:43 |
71 | Create RDS MySQL Database for Albums Microservice | 04:48 |
72 | Define configuration parameters for Albums Microservices in the Parameter Store | 06:55 |
73 | Creating Task Definition for Albums Microservice | 08:00 |
74 | Creating ECS Service for Albums Microservice | 08:11 |
75 | Configure Security Group for Albums Microservice | 02:47 |
76 | Configure Security Group for Albums RDS | 02:16 |
77 | Introduction | 06:56 |
78 | Create CodeCommit repository for users microservice | 01:59 |
79 | Grant Permissions to work with AWS CodeCommit | 02:56 |
80 | Generate Git Credentials | 01:23 |
81 | Push code to AWS Code Commit repository | 07:35 |
82 | Creating Build Project | 10:53 |
83 | Buildspec.yml file overview | 04:26 |
84 | Grant ECR Permission | 02:37 |
85 | Creating Code Pipeline | 08:11 |
86 | Making code change that triggers Pipeline | 08:00 |
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