Ultimate Java Part 1: Fundamentals
3h 21m 58s
April 30, 2024
Java is the most widely used and in-demand programming language. It's used in 90% of fortune 500 company websites, most big banks and financial companies, almost all Android apps, and much, much more... But despite its popularity, there’s lots of bad info out there about Java. Dozens of myths, misconceptions, bad advice and downright poor tutorials. That's why I've designed this series.
The first part of this series is your first step towards a career in web or mobile development. Forget trying to piece together different YouTube tutorials or reading outdated blog posts or books.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Setting Up the Development Environment | 02:14 |
2 | Anatomy of a Java Program | 04:42 |
3 | Your First Java Program | 07:19 |
4 | How Java Code Gets Executed | 04:39 |
5 | Interesting Facts about Java | 01:47 |
6 | Course Structure | 02:27 |
7 | Introduction | 00:35 |
8 | Variables | 03:11 |
9 | Primitive Types | 05:20 |
10 | Reference Types | 04:48 |
11 | Primitive vs Reference Types | 04:25 |
12 | Strings | 07:04 |
13 | Escape Sequences | 02:40 |
14 | Arrays | 05:26 |
15 | Multi-dimensional Arrays | 02:37 |
16 | Constants | 01:52 |
17 | Arithmetic Expressions | 04:04 |
18 | Order of Operations | 01:22 |
19 | Casting | 06:28 |
20 | The Math Class | 04:43 |
21 | Formatting Numbers | 05:50 |
22 | Reading Input | 05:06 |
23 | Project- Mortgage Calculator | 02:11 |
24 | Solution | 04:19 |
25 | Summary | 00:47 |
26 | Introduction | 00:48 |
27 | Comparison Operators | 01:46 |
28 | Logical Operators | 04:37 |
29 | If Statements | 04:26 |
30 | Simplifying If Statements | 03:30 |
31 | The Ternary Operator | 02:30 |
32 | Switch Statements | 03:51 |
33 | Exercise- FizzBuzz | 05:58 |
34 | For Loops | 03:49 |
35 | While Loops | 04:27 |
36 | Do..While Loops | 01:18 |
37 | Break and Continue Statements | 03:16 |
38 | For-Each Loop | 03:08 |
39 | Project- Mortgage Calculator | 01:28 |
40 | Solution | 05:01 |
41 | Summary | 00:56 |
42 | Introduction | 00:39 |
43 | Clean Coding | 01:12 |
44 | Creating Methods | 04:42 |
45 | Refactoring | 02:26 |
46 | Extracting Methods | 06:17 |
47 | Refactoring Repetitive Patterns | 06:16 |
48 | Project- Payment Schedule | 02:11 |
49 | Solution | 09:12 |
50 | Refactoring the Code | 03:23 |
51 | Summary | 00:44 |
52 | Introduction | 00:32 |
53 | Types of Errors | 01:27 |
54 | Common Syntax Errors | 03:10 |
55 | Debugging Java Applications | 08:09 |
56 | Packaging Java Applications | 04:12 |
57 | Course Wrap Up | 00:41 |
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