Java Spring Tutorial Masterclass - Learn Spring Framework 5

45h 18m 33s

There is no doubt that having Spring Framework skills on your résumé will make you a more employable Java developer. Spring developers are in high demand and are paid handsomely.  However, the framework is huge.  That’s because it consists of lots of modules and projects.  Learning it can take you months.  You will often find that a Java Spring tutorial or training course will focus on parts of the framework that don’t get used that much.

Read more about the course

What Spring technologies should you focus on initially?

Many Java spring courses teach you all sorts of things you really don’t need to know when you are starting out.

If you are just starting out with Spring, the areas that will have the biggest impact for you are Spring Core, Spring MVC and Spring Boot 2.

Spring Core is an application framework and inversion of control (ioc) container for the java platform.

Spring MVC, or Spring Web MVC to be more precise is a web framework and provides Model View Controller architecture. It’s built around a DispatcherServlet.

Spring Boot 2.0 is a way to create standalone Spring based Applications that you can just run – so it simplifies the entire process of creating and deploying Spring apps – It can embed databases and do all sorts of configuration automatically.

These three areas are a great place to start – just having these skills will take you a long way.  Of course, there is more to learn, but these are the areas to focus on initially.

Why this course is perfect if you want to learn Spring 5 fast.

Firstly, here are some comments about the course.

"Great and deep understanding of Spring in this course. Perfect speed, new technologies, and explanation of every detail. " - Arkadiusz Siry

"Amazing.Very good instructions" - Emmanuel Akono Sarsah

Check the reviews for more - This is one of the highest rated Spring courses on Udemy.

A Java Spring tutorial needs to teach you the core technologies listed above as an absolute minimum.  This course will get you up to speed with those technologies.

Having good knowledge of a Java template engine that works with the Spring 5 framework, and a detailed understanding of the build tools (for building single and multi module projects) is highly desirable.

We’ve added comprehensive training for Thymeleaf 4 as well as Maven 3 in the course to give you those skills.

This content is ready for you to get started with today.  We’ve been working hard on some final training that we believe will round out a Spring developers skills perfectly.

The final content we are in the process of adding to the course now is for Gradle (another build tool), Spring Data (provides access to persistence stores), JPA (Java Persistence Layer), Hibernate (Object Relational Mapping tool) and database versioning (like source control but for databases).

This content will be provided to existing students in the course for free in the coming weeks.

Bonus Free Spring training

Our original course was released with Spring 4 which was the current version at the time – we created a course around that, using the Eclipse editor.

Unlike other Udemy Spring courses, we completely upgraded the content to Spring 5 – We re-recorded what is effectively a brand new course for Spring 5 using JetBrains award winning IntelliJ IDEA and released if free to existing students.

This older content is still available for you to access after you have been through the brand new training – It’s still useful as some companies still use Spring 4 technology.

What skills do you need to take the course?

This course is for anyone who wants to get into Spring framework programming.  We assume you have never used Spring previously.

Any Java Enterprise edition (Java EE) technology requires you to know at least some Java programming. That’s because Java EE is built on top of the Java Standard Edition (Java SE).  That’s the regular Java language.

The Spring Framework is built on top of Java EE, and thus you need to have some basic Java programming skills to be able to go through this course.

If you’ve been through at least some of the Java Masterclass on Udemy (created by one of the instructors in this course) or similar Java training, then you will have no problem going through the course.

Who are the instructors?

Your instructors are Tim Buchalka and Goran Lochert.  Both have many years of commercial programming experience using the technologies taught in the course.

Tim has been working with Java for 18 years, and Goran is both Spring certified and Oracle Java certified.

They have a number of very successful Udemy courses, including Tim’s Java Masterclass and Goran’s Oracle Java Certification course.

Here’s what’s important. There’re lot of people teaching Spring who are not developers. We’re developers with many years’ experience with JEE and Spring, who also teach Spring.

And you guessed it. Learning Spring the “wrong way” is not only a wasted opportunity, it may harm your career in the long run.  If you don’t follow industry best practices when creating Spring projects, you not going to fit in well with a future employer.

Because you are working with career professional developers, you will learn Spring 5 the right way in this course.

What if you have questions?

As if this course wasn’t complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).

This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.

That’s just one reason why Tim was voted top 10 in the  Udemy instructor awards (out of a whopping 18,000 instructors), and quickly became a top-rated, bestselling instructor on the Udemy site. 

Student Quotes: “I loved the course because the instructor was really good and explained everything + the support team is really quick in answering our questions the course is worth buying, and i would suggest people to buy it.” –Hamza Shahid

  • You’ve either already got it or it’s FREE. Here’s the checklist:
  • A computer - Windows, Mac, and Linux are all supported. Setup and installation instructions are included for each platform.
  • Your ENTHUSIASM to learn the worlds #1 web framework, and then to showcase it on your RESUME!
  • Everything else needed to start programming in the Spring Framework is already included in the course.

Who this course is for:

  • The course is 100% for you if you’re wanting to become a Spring programmer!
  • However, if you’re already an expert Spring programmer with years of experience and knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you.
  • You should at list some basic Java knowledge Java experience - check out the Java Masterclass on Udemy if you need those skills.

What you'll learn:

  • Be able to apply in confidence for Spring developer jobs.
  • Master the core skills needed to become a Spring Framework developer.
  • Obtain the skills to create your own Spring 5 projects.
  • Confidently be able to transition to other Java EE technologies.
  • Learn industry "Best Practices" for Spring 5 development from professional developers.
  • Have the ability to demonstrate your knowledge of Spring Framework development.
  • Understand core technologies like Spring Core, Spring MVC, and other technologies.
  • Know how Spring fits in the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) space.

Watch Online Java Spring Tutorial Masterclass - Learn Spring Framework 5

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:42
2 Which Version Of Java? 04:34
3 Installing JDK 11 on Windows 05:42
4 Installing and Configuring IntelliJ IDEA on Windows 10:31
5 Installing JDK 11 on a Mac 02:47
6 Installing and Configuring IntelliJ IDEA on a Mac 11:14
7 Installing JDK 11 on a Linux Machine 07:21
8 Installing and Configuring IntelliJ IDEA on a Linux Machine 11:38
9 Your Programming Careers Questions Answered 01:54
10 Spring 5 Feature Overview 02:09
11 Maven and Other Tools 04:14
12 Creating a Maven Project 06:32
13 Importing Maven Projects 01:57
14 Maven Lifecycle Plugin and Goals 04:06
15 Fix our Maven Project 09:51
16 What is Logging? 07:06
17 Using Logging with Logback 13:22
18 Logback Configuration 16:19
19 Project Overview 04:13
20 Create Multi Module Project 08:30
21 Project Setup 14:31
22 Using a Spring Container 17:13
23 Implementing the Game 12:16
24 Constructor Based Dependency Injection 07:51
25 Setter Based Dependency Injection 03:45
26 Setter or Constructor 04:49
27 Using Bean Lifecycle Callbacks 13:13
28 XML or Annotation Configuration 05:54
29 Autowiring Beans 09:59
30 Beans as Components 08:35
31 Using Java Annotation Configuration 09:55
32 Message Generator Challenge 10:03
33 Implementing MessageGenerator Logic 06:02
34 Console Module Setup Challenge 10:56
35 Application Events 08:19
36 Finish Game Logic 07:20
37 Using Qualifiers 11:50
38 Creating Custom Annotations 06:29
39 Using Properties 10:47
40 minNumber Challenge 09:12
41 Code Cleanup and Constructor Injection 10:18
42 Code Cleanup Challenge 08:25
43 Lombok Introduction 05:16
44 Setup Lombok 13:15
45 Using Lombok 06:00
46 Lombok Challenge 03:21
47 Spring MVC Introduction 02:52
48 Creating todo List Project 01:38
49 Project Setup Challenge 11:18
50 Setup Maven War Plugin 09:47
51 Setup Maven Cargo Plugin and Tomcat 08:10
52 Setup Dispatcher Servlet 15:51
53 Simple Controller 11:35
54 View Resolver and View 13:55
55 Spring MVC Request Processing 03:13
56 Model and Model Attributes 11:06
57 Simple Service Challenge 10:35
58 Request Parameters 08:25
59 Project Requirements 01:40
60 ToDo Item Class 09:20
61 ToDo Data Class 14:49
62 Creating the Todo Item Controller 08:39
63 Creating View and Basic JSTL tags 10:16
64 Todo Item Service Challenge 11:19
65 Implementing the Add Item Feature 11:39
66 Implementing Post Redirect Get Pattern 09:29
67 Home View and Navigation 17:56
68 Delete Item Challenge 04:49
69 Implement Edit Item Feature 12:03
70 View Item Challenge 11:18
71 Introduction to Spring Boot 2 02:06
72 Using Spring Initializr 05:28
73 Understanding Spring Boot Project Structure 09:25
74 Simple Spring Boot Application 19:03
75 Add Spring Boot to an Existing Project 16:11
76 Spring Boot Web Module 08:06
77 Thymeleaf Introduction 02:26
78 Setup Thymeleaf and Initial Template 13:32
79 Spring Boot Developer Tools 08:22
80 Game Service Challenge 09:33
81 Play Thymeleaf Template 18:22
82 Thymeleaf Preprocessing 12:20
83 Thymeleaf Template Challenge 13:48
84 Thymeleaf Fragments 13:24
85 Thymeleaf Fragment Challenge 05:56
86 Thymeleaf Decoupled Template Logic 17:33
87 Thymeleaf Decoupled Template Logic Challenge 15:11
88 Bug Fixes 01:18
89 Spring Internationalization 24:27
90 Thmyeleaf Internationalization Challenge 14:28
91 Message Generator Internationalization Main Message 09:45
92 Message Generator Internationalization Result Message 12:25
93 Request Interception 13:27
94 Locale Change Interceptor 08:12
95 Thymeleaf Recap 04:06
96 What is Gradle? 03:27
97 Creating a Gradle Spring Boot Project 05:45
98 Gradle Build Lifecycle Projects and Tasks 02:25
99 Understanding the Gradle Scripts 06:49
100 Running Gradle Tasks 06:33
101 Simple Spring Gradle Application 06:35
102 Creating a Spring Boot Project Challenge 05:57
103 Configure Gradle Multi-module Project 15:09
104 Configure Sub Modules 08:19
105 Testing our Project 07:44
106 More Content 00:49
107 Install JDK for Windows 05:16
108 Install Eclipse for Windows 07:55
109 Install Tomcat for Windows 06:30
110 Configure Tomcat Within Eclipse for Windows 08:15
111 Install JDK for Mac 02:45
112 Install Eclipse for Mac 07:35
113 Install Tomcat for Mac 06:06
114 Configure Tomcat Within Eclipse for Mac 06:43
115 Install JDK for Linux 04:21
116 Install Eclipse for Linux 08:32
117 Install and Configure Tomcat for Linux 09:14
118 Introduction to JEE 05:35
119 Exploring Java EE basics: Drilling into the Concepts 09:19
120 Exploring Java EE basics: Building the Servlet 09:51
121 Exploring Java EE basics: Creating a JSP and running the App 11:39
122 Exploring Java EE basics: Adding a Service layer to the mix 09:25
123 Exploring Java EE basics: Adding JSTL Library Support 06:09
124 Exploring Java EE basics: JSTL in JSP 06:41
125 Overview of Spring Tooling 06:13
126 Install Spring IDE 04:14
127 Installing Maven 05:01
128 Creating a Maven Project 12:45
129 Understanding the Project Object Model 14:03
130 Why Spring 03:35
131 Overview of the Spring Framework 06:36
132 Spring Framework vs JEE 09:43
133 Introducing the Spring IoC container 10:57
134 Spring IoC container: Accessing metadata from the file system 14:20
135 Spring IoC container: Accessing metadata from the classpath 09:22
136 Spring IoC Container Challenge 12:27
137 Setting Constructor Arguments using the Spring bean config file 17:58
138 Setting Properties using the Spring bean config file 12:58
139 Setter based Dependency Injection in Spring 09:47
140 Setter based Dependency Injection in Spring continued 08:22
141 Spring Setter based Dependency Injection in Spring : Running the App 11:26
142 Constructor based Dependency Injection in Spring 16:06
143 Spring Constructor based Dependency Injection : Running the App 10:09
144 Creating Spring MVC Project Infrastructure 10:13
145 Adding dependencies in an alternative way in a Spring MVC Project 08:14
146 Adding Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet 13:22
147 Building the Spring Controller - "C" part of MVC 10:27
148 Context and MVC Configuration 05:15
149 Autowiring collaborating objects in Spring 07:50
150 Bringing View Resolver in the mix and running the App 12:30
151 Bean scopes for a Spring Bean 03:12
152 Spring bean scopes: Singleton and Prototype 10:47
153 Spring bean scopes, Request and Session: creating the project and Java classes 10:01
154 Spring bean scopes, Request and Session: creating the config file and Controller 07:47
155 Spring bean scopes, Request and Session: Running the App 08:48
156 Customize Spring Bean with Callbacks 11:20
157 Standard Naming for Spring Bean Callbacks 09:04
158 Spring Bean instantiation using Static Factory and Instance Factory methods 12:04
159 Spring Bean Definition with C Namespace 16:51
160 Spring Bean Definition with P Namespace 07:43
161 Pros and Cons of Spring Configuration : Annotations vs XML 07:24
162 Autowiring Spring Beans: creating project infrastructure 12:05
163 Autowiring Spring Beans: using setters, constructors and fields 12:11
164 Spring Beans as Components: Cutting down on xml config 08:19
165 Handling Properties in Spring: using XML config 12:20
166 Handling Properties in Spring: mixing XML with Annotations 10:35
167 Handling Properties in Spring using pure Annotations: creating infrastructure 13:34
168 Handling Properties in Spring using pure Annotations: building and running the a 12:28
169 Install MySQL for Windows 15:01
170 Install MySQL on Mac 12:18
171 Install MySQL on Linux 11:08
172 MySQL Workbench Basics : Environment and table creation 11:14
173 MySQL Workbench Basics : Insert and Export 10:47
174 Introduction to Spring JDBC 05:17
175 CRUD with Spring JDBC Template: Project Setup 14:54
176 CRUD with Spring JDBC Template: Creating DAO Layer 12:18
177 CRUD with Spring JDBC Template: XML config & Property file 14:17
178 CRUD with Spring JDBC Template: More with DAOs 17:58
179 CRUD with Spring JDBC Template: DAO and Test Harness 16:08
180 CRUD with Spring JDBC Template: Building App and executing Test Harness 10:26
181 CRUD with Spring JDBC Template: Expanding DAO Layer further 15:33
182 Spring JDBC Exceptions : an Overview 10:07
183 Spring Named Parameters Template: Understanding the API 10:38
184 Spring Named Parameters Template: Building the DAO 12:40
185 Spring Named Parameters Template : Components and Testing 08:58
186 Spring Java Config: Creating the project infrastructure 13:00
187 Spring Java Config: Creating the Java and Web Configuration 15:27
188 Spring Java Config: Running the App 06:59
189 Fix minor error in WebMvcConfig 04:12
190 JNDI Datasource: Building the Spring Service and Controller 14:35
191 JNDI Datasource: Conceptual Overview and Configuration 13:57
192 JNDI Datasource: Building views and Running the App 17:14
193 Spring MVC Architecture Going Deeper 06:41
194 Spring Handler Mapping Customization: Creating the infrastructure 16:21
195 Spring Handler Mapping Customization: Seeing the effect of customization 13:51
196 Spring Interceptors: an Introduction 13:40
197 Spring Interceptors: Integrating and building views with CSS inline styling 14:38
198 Spring Interceptors: Continuing building the views with CSS Internal styling 14:32
199 Spring Interceptors: Continue building views with mixed styling 12:31
200 Spring Interceptors: Running the app with a closing summary 12:27
201 Introducing Logging 08:08
202 Logging: Working with SLF4J, a powerful logging API 11:15
203 Logging: LOG4J implementation and introducing Logger, Appender and Layout 10:00
204 Logging: Continuing with log4j and getting to know Conversion Patterns 15:01
205 Logging: Configuring and wrapping up 10:20
206 Spring Interceptors: Invoking all the Interceptor methods 11:46
207 Spring Interceptors: Running the app and wrapping up! 09:53
208 Section Overview 01:52
209 RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth : Introduction & test harness 11:33
210 RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth : Class level mapping 13:12
211 RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth : Wrapping up first test 08:11
212 RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth : method attribute & fallback 12:41
213 RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth : defaultAttribute and default naming 09:08
214 RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth : resolving ambiguous request mapping 15:46
215 RequestMapping and RequestParams In-depth : multiple request mapping 14:05
216 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: Adding multiple attributes 18:30
217 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: working with 'name' attribute 09:00
218 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: working with 'value' attribute 10:13
219 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: working with ModelAndView API 10:09
220 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: Introducing Spring Form Tag and Elements 19:57
221 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: Exploring ModelAndView API 12:52
222 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: Default data binding 07:39
223 Model Attributes on Methods in-depth: Implicit resolution of logical view name 10:11
224 Session Attributes: Creating the project infrastructure 19:17
225 Session Attributes: Bringing in the Controller 19:34
226 Session Attributes: Adding the JSPs 16:42
227 Session Attributes: Cranking the Java configuration 15:57
228 Session Attributes: Testing our application 15:49
229 Session Attribute & Request Attribute: an Introduction 06:12
230 Session Attribute & Request Attribute: Applying to Interceptor and Controller 15:22
231 Session Attributes, Session Attribute & Request Attribute: Testing all 12:14
232 Spring Form Tags: An Overview 08:09
233 Spring Form Tags: Creating project infrastructure - part 1 11:59
234 Spring Form Tags: Creating project infrastructure - part 2 09:54
235 Spring Form Tags: SELECT tags - part 1 22:39
236 Spring Form Tags: SELECT tags - part 2 10:48
237 Spring Form Tags: SELECT tags - part 3 17:12
238 Spring Form Tags: CHECKBOX tags - part 1 15:59
239 Spring Form Tags: CHECKBOX tags - part 2 14:38
240 Spring Form Tags: CHECKBOX tags - part 3 07:49
241 Spring Form Tags: CHECKBOXES tags 11:00
242 Spring Form Tags: RADIOBUTTON & RADIOBUTTONS tags 17:03
243 Spring Form Validation: an Introduction 05:12
244 Spring Form Validation: Creating the project Infrastructure 19:49
245 Spring Form Validation: Creating the JSPs 21:02
246 Spring Form Validation: Running the first validation test 09:42
247 Spring Form Validation: Working with @Size and @Notblank validations 07:59
248 Spring Form Validation: Introducing Custom Validation Constraints 07:28
249 Spring Form Validation: Creating our first Custom Validation Constraint 18:08
250 Spring Form Validation: Regular Expression Validation 13:18
251 Spring Form Validation: Using Apache Commons API Validator 14:01
252 Spring Form Validation: Class Level Validation 15:39
253 Spring Form Validation: Final Changes and Test 13:37
254 IntelliJ Spring Config and Test Import 18:09
255 Import Non Web Based Project 08:34
256 Build Spring MVC Demo 11:25
257 Controller Service and JSP 09:49
258 Welcome Service and Add Beans 09:27
259 Which version of Java should you use? 05:17
260 How To Install The Java Development Kit (JDK) For Windows 04:49
261 Download and Install IntelliJ (FREE and PAID version) for Windows 09:54
262 How To Install The Java Development Kit (JDK) For Mac OS X 02:20
263 Download and Install IntelliJ (FREE and PAID version) on a Mac 09:41
264 How To Install The Java Development Kit (JDK) For Ubuntu Linux 04:37
265 Install and Configure IntelliJ (FREE and PAID version) for Ubuntu Linux 09:40
266 Bonus Lecture and Information 04:49

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