Build Collaborative editor and Real-time video call with NodeJS

4h 35m 13s

In this project, you will be learning how to build a collaborative platform with real-time code editor so that you can share what you are coding/typing on the screen with other people at the same time, just like Google Docs. Also I will teach you how to create video call function for this app like FaceTime.

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This project will take you through everything from setup to execution and from empty folder to a real app…but it won't stop there. You won’t just be watching these’ll actually build this site yourself. With minimum of basic Javascript, you will see this project is super easy and fast to get started and you definitely can build your own ideal application based on the knowledge your learn from here.

Even better if you do a business in which you offer pair training or mentoring of how to code or how to debug someone’s project and then you will charge them for hour rate or something like that. Just like CodeMentor.


  • You should understand basic of HTML and CSS.

  • Basic understand of Javascript.

  • Learn the "NodeJS for newbies in 1 hour" course

  • You want to learn how to build a NodeJS web app in quick way :)

What skills will we learn during this project?

  • How to setup environment and tools for NodeJS.

  • How to use 3rd libraries to power up your app.

  • How to structure your application with good practice.

  • How to work with object models and MongoDB database.

  • How to work with NodeJS code in handlebar templates.

  • How to handle form submission and validation in NodeJS with ease.

  • How to integrate Facebook authentication to any NodeJS apps.

  • How to create real-time transactions with

  • Applying Bootstrap templates into your code.

  • How to create your own peer-to-peer server.

  • Learn how to deploy your NodeJS application on a real hosting.

What features will we build in this project?

  • A collaborative platform with code editor and video call.

  • Authenticate with email & password.

  • Authenticate with Facebook.

  • Sending transactional emails.

  • Real-time collaborative code editor like Google Docs.

  • Real-time chat message like Facebook Messenger.

  • Real-time video call like FaceTime.

  • Hosting the app on a live host.

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# Title Duration
1 Vision of this project 03:22
2 What are we building? 05:19
3 Install NodeJS and npm 03:57
4 Install GUI Tool for MongoDB database 01:44
5 Create your first web app 02:51
6 What are we building in this task? 00:44
7 Understanding project's structure 06:51
8 Implementing Bootstrap 07:07
9 Create your first static page 05:25
10 What are we building in this task? 00:51
11 Create Contact page 09:55
12 Form validation 11:12
13 Sending Transactional Emails 10:32
14 What are we building in this task? 00:40
15 Create Register & Login page 07:16
16 Create database for User 16:38
17 Register with Email & Password 22:24
18 Login with Email & Password 09:20
19 Logout function 04:49
20 What are we building in this task? 00:45
21 Create Facebook app 01:30
22 Authenticate with Passport Facebook 14:00
23 What are we building in this task? 00:54
24 Create Task function 09:24
25 What are we building in this task? 00:58
26 Create Code Editor 07:24
27 Create Chat function 19:50
28 Create Room chat 08:10
29 What are we building in this task? 01:15
30 Sharing code editor 13:19
31 Save task to database 07:37
32 What are we building in this task? 00:43
33 Create UI for video call 08:15
34 Create account for PeerJS Server 01:41
35 Setting up WebRTC 12:04
36 Heroku & Mlab 05:00
37 Heroku Deployment 10:50
38 Updating Gmail & Facebook settings 07:48
39 Create our own Peer Server for video call 12:49

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