Instagram Clone Coding 3.0

20h 48m 39s
April 4, 2024

Instagram: backend + frontend + application + server. NodeJS, Prisma, GraphQL, Hooks, React Native. You implement almost all Instagram features, including taking photos, uploading photos, channels, searching for channels, likes, subscribing, notifications and sending messages. Instagram backend: NodeJS, Prisma, GraphQL, Passport, Heroku. Instagram front-end and app clones: React, Apollo, React Hooks, React Native, Expo.


Before the start of the course:

  • Good Javascript Understanding Required
  • You need an entry-level understanding of REACT JS and React Native.
  • Understanding GRAPHQL required

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome! 02:03
2 #2.1 Requirements 02:13
3 #3.0 Setup 05:01
4 #3.1 Apollo Server 06:45
5 #3.2 Babel 08:25
6 #3.3 POC API 09:29
7 #3.4 Prisma Setup 09:25
8 #3.5 Prisma Migrate 11:42
9 #3.6 Prisma Client 11:18
10 #3.7 Prisma Client part Two 07:14
11 #3.8 Prisma Studio 03:34
12 #3.9 Architecture part One 08:53
13 #3.10 Architecture part Two 08:52
14 #3.11 Dotenv 04:23
15 #3.12 Recap 08:21
16 #4.0 Create Account part On 10:27
17 #4.1 Create Account part Two 10:52
18 #4.2 Create Account part Three 12:57
19 #4.3 seeProfile 07:38
20 #4.4 login 11:03
21 #4.5 login part Two and Refactor 12:29
22 #4.6 Divide and Conquer 06:38
23 #4.7 updateProfile 11:37
24 #4.8 authentication part One 07:45
25 #4.9 authentication part Two 09:39
26 #4.10 authentication part Three 10:30
27 #4.11 Protecting Resolvers part One 06:20
28 #4.12 Protecting Resolvers part Two 12:51
29 #4.13 Recap 09:59
30 #4.14 File Upload part One 08:34
31 #4.15 File Upload part Two 09:18
32 #4.16 File Upload part Three 07:23
33 #4.17 File Upload part Four 09:08
34 #4.18 Ejecting from Apollo Server 06:28
35 #4.19 Changing Avatar 11:36
36 #4.20 Followers part One 08:00
37 #4.21 Following User 08:31
38 #4.22 Unfollow User and See Followers 13:53
39 #4.23 Followers Pagination part One 12:15
40 #4.24 Followers Pagination part Two 06:03
41 #4.25 Following Pagination 11:57
42 #4.26 Computed Fields part One 12:51
43 #4.27 Computed Fields part Two 10:16
44 #4.28 Computed Fields part Three 06:40
45 #4.29 Searching Users 07:19
46 #5.0 TS Setup part One 07:59
47 #5.1 TS Setup part Two 09:08
48 #6.0 Photos Model 07:59
49 #6.1 Prisma Fields vs SQL Fields 03:20
50 #6.2 Upload Photo part One 11:56
51 #6.3 Upload Photo part Two 09:12
52 #6.4 Upload Photo part Three 09:04
53 #6.5 seePhoto 07:41
54 #6.6 seeHashtag 14:40
55 #6.7 editPhoto part One 11:10
56 #6.8 editPhoto part Two 10:12
57 #6.9 Like Unlike Photos 11:13
58 #6.10 Like Unlike Photos part Two 07:10
59 #6.11 seeLikes 06:26
60 #6.12 seeFeed 06:57
61 #6.13 Comment on Photos 11:57
62 #6.14 See Photo Comments 07:56
63 #6.15 isMine 04:32
64 #6.16 Delete Comment and Photos 08:14
65 #6.17 editComment 08:05
66 #6.18 protectedResolver Refactor 07:48
67 #6.19 S3 Photo Upload 09:26
68 #6.20 S3 Photo Upload part Two 10:35
69 #6.21 S3 Photo Upload part Three 05:39
70 #7.0 Introduction 03:51
71 #7.1 Models 04:42
72 #7.2 seeRooms 06:27
73 #7.3 sendMessage 12:51
74 #7.4 seeRoom 09:39
75 #7.5 readMessage 11:24
76 #7.6 Super Test 06:40
77 #7.7 Subscriptions Setup part One 10:31
78 #7.8 Subscriptions Setup part Two 12:32
79 #7.9 Filtering Subscriptions part One 06:54
80 #7.10 Filtering Subscriptions part Two 06:10
81 #7.11 Authenticating Subscriptions 15:52
82 #7.12 Recap 08:30
83 #8.0 Create React App 05:04
84 #8.1 Installing All 06:09
85 #8.2 What Does Setup Mean? 02:49
86 #8.3 Router Setup part One 10:30
87 #8.4 Router Setup part Two 10:23
88 #8.5 Auth POC 06:34
89 #8.6 Reactive Variables 08:51
90 #8.7 Introduction to Styled Components 12:18
91 #8.8 Themes on Styled Components 07:34
92 #8.9 GlobalStyles on Styled Components 06:24
93 #9.0 Styled Components 08:28
94 #9.1 React Hook Form 04:43
95 #9.2 GraphQL 12:47
96 #10.0 Introduction 02:48
97 #10.1 Login UI Clone 18:41
98 #10.2 Cleaning Login Code 13:51
99 #10.3 Shared Components 19:02
100 #10.4 Sign Up UI 08:30
101 #10.5 Forms in React 07:37
102 #10.6 Helmet Component 04:11
103 #10.7 React Hook Form 12:14
104 #10.8 React Hook Form is Awesome 14:33
105 #10.9 Apollo Client 04:29
106 #10.10 Login part One 09:27
107 #10.11 Login part Two 10:50
108 #10.12 Create Account 14:24
109 #10.13 Redirecting Users 08:02
110 #10.14 Dark Mode 08:25
111 #11.0 Header and Layout 08:12
112 #11.1 Header part Two 10:25
113 #11.2 Header part Three 12:17
114 #11.3 Avatar 08:35
115 #11.4 Photo Component part One 10:33
116 #11.5 Photo Component part Two 12:00
117 #11.6 isLiked 07:06
118 #11.7 Liking Photos 10:51
119 #11.8 Refetching Queries 06:53
120 #11.9 writeFragment 07:41
121 #11.10 readFragment 08:04
122 #11.11 Comments part One 11:32
123 #11.12 Comments part Two 10:31
124 #11.13 Parsing Hashtags 12:03
125 #11.14 Parsing Hashtags part Two 12:19
126 #11.15 cache Modify 05:11
127 #11.16 Create Comment part One 06:45
128 #11.17 Create Comment part Two 12:23
129 #11.18 Create Comment part Three 08:00
130 #11.19 Delete Comment 12:18
131 #12.0 useParams 08:41
132 #12.1 Queries and Fragments 11:27
133 #12.2 keyFields 08:43
134 #12.3 Follow Unfollow part One 04:50
135 #12.4 Follow Unfollow part Two 12:34
136 #12.5 Follow Unfollow part Three 08:57
137 #12.6 Follow Unfollow part Four 09:50
138 #12.7 Follow Unfollow part Five 04:40
139 #12.8 Web Conclusions 02:43

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