Uber Clone - Typescript, NodeJS, GraphQL, React, Apollo

22h 41m 56s
April 9, 2024

We will do a Uber clone (backend + frontend + deployment). From head to toe using JavaScript! This time full stack, full JavaScript stack!


Uber Clone Typescript NodeJS GraphQL React Apollo

Before you take the course, you need to …

  • An average understanding of JS is required. If you are a beginner, please start with the class below!
  • An intermediate or better understanding of TYPESCRIPT!
  • An intermediate or higher understanding of React is required.
  • Medium or high level GRAPHQL, understanding of APOLLO is required.
  • Implementation Features and Concepts for Learning

You will experience the creation of a global hot service, Uber, from the backend to the frontend.

Fully reproduced Uber-clone spelling. Users can download Google Maps data, send and receive local vehicle information, and also chat in real time between the driver and the client.

Backend Uber: Graphql Yoga, Express, TypeORM, Bcrypt, Mailgun, JWT, Twilio, Postgresql, Cloudinary, Heroku

Frontend Uber: React, Typescript, Styled Components, Popmotion, Google Maps Javascript SDK



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# Title Duration
1 #0.1 Requirements 01:52
2 #0.2 What are we building 07:26
3 #0.3 What are we using 02:14
4 #1.1 Project Setup- Git & Installation 06:52
5 #1.2 Project Setup. Typescript and NodeJS 02:37
6 #1.3 A word on @types 04:48
7 #1.4 GraphQL Yoga and Express part One 08:28
8 #1.5 GraphQL Yoga and Express part Two 05:56
9 #1.6 API and Schema Structue part One 06:30
10 #1.7 API and Schema Structue part Two 07:14
11 #1.8 Graphql To Typescript 10:16
12 #1.9 Typechecking Graphql Arguments 04:27
13 #1.10 Configuring TypeORM 09:31
14 #1.11 Creating a Virtual Environment on NodeJS 05:26
15 #1.12 User Entity GraphQL Type 07:31
16 #1.13 User Entity part One 09:45
17 #1.14 User Entity part Two 07:13
18 #1.15 Hashing and Encrypting User Passwords 07:57
19 #1.16 Verifying User Password 03:52
20 #1.17 Verification Entity part One 07:17
21 #1.18 Using Types on the Entities 04:19
22 #1.19 Creating the Verification Key 07:03
23 #1.20 Place Entity 04:51
24 #1.21 Ride Entity 06:46
25 #1.22 Chat and Message Entities part One 08:27
26 #1.23 Chat and Message Entities part Two 05:26
27 #1.24 Model Relationships like a Boss 06:40
28 #1.25 Resolver Types 03:23
29 #1.26 Planning the Resolvers part One 07:40
30 #1.27 Planning the Resolvers part Two 06:10
31 #1.28 FacebookConnect Resolver part One 04:14
32 #1.29 FacebookConnect Resolver part Two 08:24
33 #1.30 FacebookConnect Resolver part Three 05:44
34 #1.31 Testing the FacebookConnect Resolver 05:47
35 #1.32 EmailSignIn Resolver part One 06:04
36 #1.33 EmailSignIn Resolver part Two 02:53
37 #1.34 Introduction to Twilio 03:10
38 #1.35 StartPhoneVerification Resolver part One 08:49
39 #1.36 StartPhoneVerification Resolver part Two 07:20
40 #1.37 StartPhoneVerification Resolver part Three: Sending SMS 05:21
41 #1.38 CompletePhoneVerification part One 03:44
42 #1.39 CompletePhoneVerification part Two 07:49
43 #1.40 EmailSignUp Resolver 08:06
44 #1.41 Creating Custom JWT 05:19
45 #1.42 Authenticating Users with Custom JWT 04:29
46 #1.43 Testing Authentication Resolvers 05:13
47 #1.44 Custom Auth Middleware on Express part One 03:38
48 #1.45 Custom Auth Middleware on Express part Two 09:03
49 #1.46 Using Resolver Context for Authentication 07:30
50 #1.47 GetMyProfile Resolver 06:03
51 #1.48 Protecting Resolvers with Middlewares 12:37
52 #1.49 Sending Confirmation Email part One 05:02
53 #1.50 Sending Confirmation Email part Two 07:50
54 #1.51 Sending Confirmation Email part Three 03:50
55 #1.52 Testing Email Sending 03:20
56 #1.53 RequestEmailVerification Resolver 06:56
57 #1.54 CompleteEmailVerification Resolver 06:03
58 #1.55 Testing Email Verification Resolvers 02:26
59 #1.56 UpdateMyProfile Resolver part One 05:33
60 #1.57 UpdateMyProfile Resolver part Two 06:47
61 #1.57.1 UpdateMyProfile Resolver Bug Fixing 03:36
62 #1.58 ToggleDrivingMode Resolver 05:13
63 #1.59 ReportMovement Resolver 06:23
64 #1.60 AddPlace Resolver 06:24
65 #1.61 EditPlace Resolver 09:01
66 #1.62 DeletePlace Resolver 05:02
67 #1.63 GetMyPlaces Resolver and Testing 07:18
68 #1.64 GetNearbyDrivers Resolver part One 07:32
69 #1.65 GetNearbyDrivers Resolver part Two 04:38
70 #1.66 DriversSubscription part One 09:45
71 #1.67 DriversSubscription part Two 06:05
72 #1.68 Authenticating WebSocket Subscriptions part One 08:38
73 #1.69 Authenticating WebSocket Subscriptions part Two 05:23
74 #1.70 Filtering Subscription Messages 10:53
75 #1.71 Filtering Subscription Messages part Two 10:22
76 #1.72 RequestRide Resolver 06:26
77 #1.73 GetNearbyRides Resolver 07:02
78 #1.74 NearbyRideSubscription 08:28
79 #1.75 Testing the NearbyRideSubscription 03:42
80 #1.76 UpdateRideStatus Resolver part One 08:08
81 #1.77 UpdateRideStatus Resolver part Two 07:11
82 #1.78 GetRide Resolver 11:18
83 #1.79 RideStatusSubscription 06:12
84 #1.80 Testing the RideStatusSubscription 04:06
85 #1.81 Creating a ChatRoom 05:07
86 #1.82 GetChat Resolver 09:55
87 #1.83 BugFixing 09:52
88 #1.84 Testing GetChat Resolver 04:41
89 #1.85 SendChatMessage Resolver 08:04
90 #1.86 MessageSubscription 07:30
91 #1.87 Backend Conclusions 01:10
92 #2.0 Create React App with Typescript 06:02
93 #2.1 Apollo Setup part One 05:04
94 #2.2 Apollo Setup part Two 03:35
95 #2.3 Apollo Setup part Three 06:51
96 #2.4 Apollo Setup Recap 04:03
97 #2.5 Connecting Local State to Components 07:08
98 #2.6 Typescript and React Components 05:09
99 #2.7 Typescript and Styled Components part One 04:00
100 #2.8 Typescript and Styled Components part Two 04:04
101 #2.9 Global Styles Set Up 04:59
102 #2.10 Planning the Routes 06:46
103 #2.11 Router and Routes 09:25
104 #2.12 OutHome Component 06:52
105 #2.13 Login Component and React Helmet 04:40
106 #2.14 Route Components Review 06:18
107 #2.15 Inputs and Typescript part One 09:19
108 #2.16 Inputs and Typescript part Two 11:38
109 #2.17 Notifications with React Toastify 07:26
110 #2.18 PhoneLogin Mutation part One 12:26
111 #2.19 Magic with Apollo Codegen 09:00
112 #2.20 PhoneLogin Mutation part Two 07:23
113 #2.21 PhoneLogin Mutation part Three 06:51
114 #2.22 VerifyPhone Screen 09:44
115 #2.23 Testing the PhoneLogin Screen and Redirecting 03:45
116 #2.24 VerifyPhone Mutation part One 12:37
117 #2.25 VerifyPhone Mutation part Two 09:41
118 #2.26 Updating Local State 14:47
119 #2.27 SocialLogin with Apollo part One 10:39
120 #2.28 SocialLogin with Apollo part Two 07:10
121 #2.29 SocialLogin with Apollo part Three 11:02
122 #2.30 SocialLogin with Apollo part Four 05:11
123 #2.31 Home Sidebar Component 07:18
124 #2.32 Home Sidebar Query 11:02
125 #2.33 Home Sidebar Query part Two 11:38
126 #2.34 Updating Driver Mode part One 09:29
127 #2.35 Updating Driver Mode part Two 09:06
128 #2.36 EditProfile Screen part One 09:13
129 #2.37 EditProfile Screen part Two 09:46
130 #2.38 EditProfile Screen part Three 04:45
131 #2.39 Uploading Profile Photo to Cloudinary part One (1) 09:02
132 #2.39 Uploading Profile Photo to Cloudinary part One(2) 08:49
133 #2.40 Uploading Profile Photo to Cloudinary part Two 03:09
134 #2.41 Settings Screen part One 11:24
135 #2.42 Settings Screen part Two 08:23
136 #2.43 Places + AddPlace Components 06:25
137 #2.44 AddPlace Mutation 11:33
138 #2.45 Edit Place Mutation 07:10
139 #2.46 Google Maps and React part One 14:36
140 #2.47 Google Maps and Geolocation 10:47
141 #2.48 Google Map Events 05:58
142 #2.49 Reverse Geocoding part One 08:34
143 #2.50 Reverse Geocoding part Two 05:28
144 #2.51 Geocoding part One 07:11
145 #2.52 Geocoding part Two 09:04
146 #2.53 Refactoring AddPlace 07:35
147 #2.54 HomeScreen User Marker 09:19
148 #2.55 HomeScreen Moving with the User 07:00
149 #2.56 HomeScreen Creating Route Markers 07:08
150 #2.57 HomeScreen Getting Directions part One 09:07
151 #2.58 HomeScreen Getting Directions part Two 11:26
152 #2.59 Calculating the Price 12:56
153 #2.60 Report Location with HOC 12:37
154 #2.61 NearbyDrivers Query 09:52
155 #2.62 NearbyDrivers Query part Two 11:15
156 #2.63 Drawing Nearby Drivers part One 13:32
157 #2.64 Drawing Nearby Drivers part Two 05:49
158 #2.65 Drawing Nearby Drivers part Three 08:06
159 #2.66 Ejecting from Apollo Boost 07:22
160 #2.67 RequestRide Mutation 14:07
161 #2.68 Getting Nearby Rides part One 14:55
162 #2.69 Getting Nearby Rides part Two 15:57
163 #2.70 Apollo Subscriptions part One 06:57
164 #2.71 Apollo Subscriptions part Two 09:59
165 #2.72 Ride Screen part One 12:03
166 #2.73 Get Ride Query part One 06:16
167 #2.74 Get Ride Query part Two 14:41
168 #2.75 Ride Status Subscription 07:51
169 #2.76 Ride Status Subscription part Two 05:06
170 #2.77 Chat Screen Query 11:31
171 #2.78 Chat Screen Mutation 13:20
172 #2.79 Chat Screen Subscription 10:24
173 #2.80 Chat Screen Subscription part Two 03:34
174 #2.81 Frontend Conclusions 04:04
175 #3.1 Deploying to Now part One 09:31
176 #3.2 Deploying to Now part Two 08:54
177 #3.3 Bugfix and conclusions 14:05
178 #4.0 Introduction 05:12
179 #4.1 Building for production part One 02:35
180 #4.2 Heroku 10:17
181 #4.3 Heroku and Databases 08:17
182 #4.4 Finishing Up 03:45

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