Serverless Framework Bootcamp: Node.js, AWS & Microservices

5h 24m 21s
Ever felt like you would like to build a back-end application that can handle millions of users, but you were terrified by the idea of managing (or learning how to manage) the infrastructure behind it?

Ever felt like you would like to focus on delivering valuable features, rather than making sure your services are up and running?

Read more about the course

Ever felt like you are paying more than you should be?

Good news!

Serverless Architecture takes the pain of site reliability off your shoulders. With Serverless Architecture, you and your team can focus on feature development. Your application will scale effortlessly, serving users reliably. You do not need to be an infrastructure expert to serve an application at scale. With Serverless, you only pay for what you use.

Serverless Framework revolutionizes the way we develop Serverless applications, by providing a developer-friendly API that supports dozens of cloud providers including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and more.

More than that, Serverless Framework intelligently helps you manage your infrastructure as code (IaC), which eliminates the chance of paying for services that are not in use.

With an active community and a rich ecosystem of plugins, you can get things done at lightspeed and without boilerplate code.

Serverless Framework is language-agnostic, which means you can use the language and runtime of your choice (Node.js, Ruby, Python, Go, C#, Java, etc).

With over 450,000 downloads per week and x5 growth over the past two years, demand for Serverless experts is on the rise. It is one of the most in-demand skills in the market.

In this course, you will learn how to develop reliable and scalable Serverless applications, following the microservices architecture. This course will be 100% hands-on, and you will be developing a real-world application;

  • REST API and CRUD endpoints (AWS Lambda, API Gateway)

  • Data persistence (AWS DynamoDB)

  • Message Queues for cross-service communication (AWS SQS)

  • Scheduled event triggers (AWS EventBridge)

  • Cloud stack management (AWS CloudFormation)

  • Object storage on the cloud (AWS S3)

  • Email notifications (AWS SES)

  • Middleware

  • Authentication and Authorization (Lambda Authorizer)

  • Data validation and error handling

  • ... much more

Besides that, you will get hands-on experience with some of the most popular and useful services on the AWS platform. Demand for AWS experts is continuously on the rise, as AWS holds the biggest stake amongst all cloud providers.

If you are a hobbyist or professional developer with basic back-end development knowledge and want to dive into Serverless or Microservices architecture, this course is for you. Basic JavasScript/Node.js background is recommended, but not mandatory.

Join me today to learn one of the hottest skills in 2020.

  • Basic understanding of JavaScript and/or NodeJS is recommended, but not required
  • Basic knowledge in back-end development is recommended, but not required
Who this course is for:
  • Developers who want to learn more about Serverless Architecture and Serverless Framework
  • Developers who want to learn how to work with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud
  • Developers who want to develop a real-world, reliable and scalable, application from zero to production
  • Intermediate JavaScript developers who want to dive into back-end development
  • Developers who want to learn best-practices when developing Lambda functions

What you'll learn:

  • Becoming familiar with Serverless Framework
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Authentication and Authorization in Microservices
  • Hands-on experience with Amazon Web Services
  • Developing applications that can effortlessly handle an extreme scale
  • Software Development with NodeJS
  • REST API Development
  • Data Persistence (DynamoDB)
  • Microservices loose communication using Message Queues (SQS)

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# Title Duration
1 Project Overview 03:57
2 Serverless Architecture in a Nutshell 02:46
3 Introduction to Serverless Framework 06:14
4 Real-world Serverless Use Cases 01:48
5 Introduction to Microservices Architecture 07:51
6 AWS Free Tier 01:02
7 Installing Node.js and NPM 00:46
8 Installing the AWS CLI 00:38
9 Installing the Serverless Framework CLI 01:06
10 Configuring the AWS CLI + IAM 03:34
11 (Optional) AWS Budgets and Alerts 03:51
12 My Postman Setup 01:32
13 Let's Connect! 00:30
14 Creating a Serverless Framework Project 02:13
15 The Anatomy of a Serverless Project 07:23
16 Deploying Our Application for the First Time 06:56
17 (Tip) Stack Removal 00:45
18 Creating an Auction (Part 1) 07:01
19 Creating an Auction (Part 2) 04:39
20 Introduction to DynamoDB 09:54
21 Creating our DynamoDB Table (IaaC) 06:20
22 Using the DynamoDB DocumentClient to Insert an Auction 07:00
23 Defining IAM Role Statements (Permissions) 06:46
24 Optimising serverless.yml (Part 1): Roles and IAM Statements 04:48
25 Optimising serverless.yml (Part 2): Intrinsic Functions and Custom Variables 07:30
26 Serverless Offline - Is It Worth It? 03:10
27 Introduction to Middy and Middleware 07:56
28 CRUD Operation: Get Auctions 06:05
29 CRUD Operation: Get Auction by ID 07:34
30 Creating a Common Middleware 04:55
31 CRUD Operation: Placing a Bid 08:20
32 Validation: Placing a Bid 04:23
33 Using Scheduled Events to Process Our Auctions 06:22
34 Creating a Global Secondary Index (status, endingAt) 07:22
35 Identifying Ended Auctions 09:25
36 Closing Auctions 07:30
37 Validation: Bidding on Closed Auctions 01:35
38 (Challenge) Getting Auctions - Filter by Status 05:17
39 JSON Schema Validation - Get Auctions Status 06:30
40 (Challenge) Create Auction Schema Validation 03:35
41 (Challenge) Place Bid Schema Validation 02:22
42 Section Introduction 03:28
43 Introduction to Auth0 02:13
44 Creating an Auth0 Application 02:31
45 Getting Test Tokens 05:09
46 Deploying Auth Service 08:11
47 Protecting Auction Service Endpoints 05:35
48 Specifying Seller Identity 02:27
49 Specifying Bidder Identity (+Validation) 04:14
50 Notification Service Setup 01:38
51 Verify Email Address (AWS SES) 01:22
52 Defining the sendMail Lambda Function 03:48
53 Sending Our First (Test) Email 05:00
54 Introduction to SQS and Message Queues 05:33
55 Provisioning AWS SQS Message Queue (MailQueue) 07:19
56 Manually Sending SQS Messages 02:26
57 Exporting MailQueue Variables (CloudFormation) 05:21
58 Importing Outputs in Auction Service 03:38
59 Notifying Bidder and Seller 07:06
60 (Challenge) Handling No Bids Case 02:48
61 (Optional) Uncommenting EventBridge Trigger 00:32
62 Setting up an S3 Bucket and Lambda Function 08:27
63 (Optional) Amazon S3 Picture Expiry 01:24
64 Uploading Picture to S3 08:07
65 Quick Error Handling Fix 02:03
66 Setting Picture URL in DynamoDB 06:34
67 (Challenge) Validate Auction Ownership 03:15
68 (Challenge) Validate Request Body (base64) 04:51
69 Front-end Demo 02:16
70 Enabling CORS on Auction Service 03:06
71 Setting up the Auctions Front-end 04:48

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