MERN Stack React, Socket io, Next.js Express,MongoDb, Nodejs

13h 2m 12s
November 21, 2023

If you are a person who is not picky about a CSS framework and wants to learn how to create enterprise-grade, practical full stack app using new technologies, then this course is for you. I can guarantee you that with this app on your resume, you will definitely land a great job. This course is NOT FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. You should have done at least 1 MERN project previously. This course is for someone who wants to get out of his/her comfort zone and build a project which will teach you valuable skills.


This course includes…

  • This is one of the most complex apps you are going to build. 13 hours of video content for a single app, which will look great on your resume.

  • React and NextJs(For Server Side Rendered Pages) for our Frontend and Express with Node on the backend. We are going to use  Socket io for Realtime connection between multiple clients for messaging.

  • Creating complex & interlinked MongoDB Models for storing the info of users, messages they send and receive, their notifications, following and followers of a user,. We are going to store everything in our database.

  • We are going to show the online users in our app to the logged user just like in any big social network .

  • Real time chat with multiple users. So no need to refresh the page to check if there is a new message. Everything is going to happen in real time. Also, we are going to play a notification sound when there is a new message.

  • We are only going to show the posts of the users you are following. So, exactly the same way it happens in big social networks.

  • We are going to have Realtime Notifications. Whenever someone likes your post or comments on your post or starts following you, a new notification will appear.

  • Crop Images before uploading to cloudinary.

  • Infinite Scroll to bring the new posts from the backend automatically on when the user is near the bottom of the page.

  • Semantic-UI as CSS framework.

  • Creating a fully responsive layout on the Frontend, only with JavaScript and No CSS media queries. Also, it is going to be optimized for Server Side Rendering (SSR).

  • Upload Profile Pictures. Also create posts with pictures. We are going to store all the images in CLOUDINARY.

  • Also, we are going to create a root user. That user can delete any post or delete any comment inside the app.

  • We are going to display all the info about your Followers and Following. Make sure to check the intro video. I have talked about this in detail there.

  • Also, we are going to give the user the option to update profile picture or profile info. We are going to have a settings tab, where you can update your password and message popup settings.

  • I am going to teach you how to populate fields inside MongoDB, I am also going to show you how to interlink the models to each other so that we do not have to store fixed values in every model.

  • Also, we are going to add the functionality to reset the password. We are going to use NodeMailer & Sendgrid to send the email with the link to the user to reset the password.

  • At the end we are going to deploy it to HEROKU.

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# Title Duration
1 New update: realTime Notifications 00:47
2 Crop Images Before Upload: New Update 01:39
3 Requirements for taking this Course 00:47
4 Introduction to Nextjs 02:32
5 Connecting to MongoDB 01:35
6 Creating Express Server 05:07
7 App.js, Layout and Navbar 10:06
8 Layout for Signup and Login Pages 39:35
9 User, Profile and Follower Models 07:30
10 Api Routes for Signup & Login 14:42
11 Connecting to Cloudinary 03:51
12 Wiring Signup and Login API to the frontend 15:14
13 How getInitialProps works 07:45
14 Authentication in NextJs 14:13
15 _app.js Functional Component 02:50
16 Creating HomePage Grid 05:49
17 Creating SideMenu 10:11
18 Search For Users 11:45
19 Fixing a bug with Search 03:26
20 Creating PostModel 03:45
21 API routes to Create, Get and Delete Post 14:00
22 API routes to Like and Unlike Post 10:23
23 API routes to comment on a Post 11:12
24 Rendering the Posts 30:38
25 CreatePost Component 13:23
26 Adding the Functionality to ADD & DELETE posts 12:45
27 Functionality to LIKE & UNLIKE POST 04:20
28 Functionality to POST & DELETE COMMENTS 06:50
29 LikesList Component 09:02
30 Add Modals for Posts 09:54
31 Implement Infinite Scroll 07:57
32 Quickly Fixing a small bug 01:38
33 API routes to GET profile info and Posts of user 06:51
34 API routes to GET Followers, Follow & Unfollow a User 12:44
35 API to update Profile 03:27
36 API to Update Password & Message Popup Settings 05:21
37 Dynamic Pages in NextJs 08:06
38 Bring Profile Data from Backend 05:52
39 ProfileMenuTabs Component 10:03
40 ProfileHeader Component 15:52
41 Followers & Following Components 14:45
42 Adding Functionality to Follow & Unfollow a User 07:58
43 Create a Root User 02:12
44 UpdateProfile Component 19:19
45 Settings Component 18:19
46 Adding Functionality to update Settings 06:17
47 [LEGACY] Only see the posts of users you are following 07:42
48 [UPDATED] Only see the posts of users you are following 10:26
49 Creating Notification Model 03:07
50 API for newLike Notification 09:18
51 API for newComment Notification 07:56
52 API for newFollower Notification 07:00
53 Fetching Notifications from Backend 06:52
54 Layout for Notifications Page 08:42
55 NewLike & NewComment Components 06:23
56 NewFollower Notification 05:59
57 PostId page 08:06
58 Creating ChatModel 03:45
59 Adding Data inside MongoAtlas 07:52
60 Bringing Chats from Backend 07:36
61 Rendering the Chats 14:58
62 Quickly fixing a bug 01:12
63 ChatListSearch Component 07:04
64 Introduction to 07:21
65 Keeping a track of users on server 07:45
66 Displaying Online users 04:11
67 Fetching Messages of a chat 09:31
68 Creating Layout for Messages and Banner 05:56
69 MessageInputField 02:59
70 Creating Message 06:29
71 Sending a new Message 13:45
72 Handling No Chat Found 06:26
73 Receiving the Messages 19:37
74 Scrolling on newMsg 03:13
75 Deleting a Message 07:50
76 Deleting a chat 05:59
77 Receiving Messages on any page 17:39
78 Quick tip to clean up the code a bit 01:23
79 API to Reset Password 13:25
80 Quickly fixing a bug 00:50
81 Working on the frontend 13:26
82 Setting up the components 04:21
83 Making Layout Responsive 10:01
84 Like Posts With Sockets 13:36
85 Implementing RealTime Like Notification 20:11
86 Adding the Cropper 14:12
87 Adding Functionality to Buttons 09:07
88 Deploying to Heroku 06:14
89 Final Thoughts 00:30

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