Automated Software Testing with WebdriverIO

9h 47m 21s
November 21, 2023

Learn web automation and testing using next generation selenium framework called WebdriverIO. This course is designed to be as practical as possible. We will be coding straight from the start! All you need to do is install NodeJS and your favorite code editor and have a little bit of programming knowledge ideally in Javascript.


What will you learn in this course?

  • How to install, create and setup multiple testing projects

  • Web Automation and Elements Interaction with WebdriverIO API

  • How to implement page objects design pattern which is very popular in test automation field

  • Implement Automation Framework with Typescript

  • Behavior Driver Development using popular  combination of WebdriverIO + CodeceptJS

  • Behavior Driver Development using WebdriverIO + Cucumber

  • Visual regression testing using Percy library

  • Continuous integration using Jenkins and how to setup testing pipeline

  • Cloud testing using BrowserStack

  • Tips and tricks from the experts in the automation field

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:08
2 Why WebdriverIO ? 01:19
3 Project Setup 04:04
4 WDIO Overview 02:37
5 Setup Commands Autocomplete 01:20
6 Prettier Formatting Setup 02:30
7 Quick Demo 05:35
8 Load Website 04:07
9 Pause the Test 05:47
10 Assert Page Title & URL 08:43
11 Failed Assertions Example 03:30
12 Assert Web Elements 04:31
13 Selectors 02:45
14 Automate Forms & Inputs 11:01
15 Automate Select & Check boxes 06:54
16 Set Browser Window Size 04:29
17 Dynamic Waiting 04:41
18 Devices Emulation 06:01
19 Screenshots 05:41
20 Section Introduction 01:06
21 File Upload 08:39
22 Before & After Hooks - Part 1 05:15
23 Before & After Hooks - Part 2 02:57
24 Custom Commands - Part 1 08:36
25 Custom Commands - Part 2 05:06
26 Custom Commands - Part 3 06:27
27 Custom Commands - Part 4 04:33
28 Overwrite Native Commands 06:09
29 Reload Session 05:06
30 Create New & Switch Browser Windows 04:55
31 Network Throttling 05:41
32 Execute Javascript Code - Sync 03:01
33 Execute Javascript Code - Async 05:20
34 Section Introduction 01:53
35 E2E Tests - Login Flow 14:15
36 E2E Tests - Forgotten Password 09:16
37 E2E Tests - Search 08:41
38 E2E Tests - Send Feedback Form 12:31
39 E2E Tests - Product Order Part 1 13:16
40 E2E Tests - Product Order Part 2 15:17
41 E2E Tests Recapitulation 01:26
42 Intro to Page Objects Model 05:50
43 Project & Typescript Setup 07:01
44 Hands On Page Objects - Part 1 11:51
45 Hands On Page Objects - Part 2 07:03
46 Hands On Page Objects - Part 3 07:31
47 Hands On Page Objects - Part 4 11:31
48 Hands On Page Objects - Part 5 06:21
49 Inheritance & Abstract Page 06:34
50 Driver Helpers 05:10
51 Data Helpers 05:12
52 Cucumber Framework Overview 01:05
53 Cucumber Project Setup 04:56
54 Node Version Check 01:39
55 Autocomplete Setup 01:40
56 Cucumber with Page Objects - Part 1 05:23
57 Cucumber with Page Objects - Part 2 06:36
58 Features 06:01
59 Step Definitions 08:11
60 Framework Improvements 02:31
61 BDD E2E Tests - Search 12:03
62 BDD E2E Tests - Feedback Form 13:06
63 Project Setup 02:19
64 Install Packages 02:17
65 Codecept Init 02:21
66 Start Selenium Server 02:49
67 First End-to-End Test 06:03
68 Headless vs Headfull 02:44
69 Smart Waiting 03:22
70 Assertions & Screenshots on Fail 04:50
71 Multiple Test Files & Scenarios 04:12
72 CodeceptJS Run Command & Reporting 04:23
73 Page Objects Pattern 06:32
74 Where to go next? 00:46
75 What is PercyIO ? 02:15
76 What is CI / CD 02:13
77 Jenkins vs Circle vs Travis 05:35
78 Setup a Jenkins Build 07:28
79 Parameterized Jenkins Build 04:40
80 Jenkins Overview 03:05
81 Bonus: Jenkins Server Script 03:06
82 Connect tests to Browserstack 03:33
83 What is HTML? 03:06
84 Headings & Paragraphs 03:50
85 Links 03:29
86 Images 03:52
87 Formatting Elements 03:23
88 Comments 02:06
89 Tables 03:11
90 Lists 03:16
91 Forms 04:48
92 Class, ID, data-test attributes 06:23
93 Buttons 04:17
94 Symbols 02:55
95 Dynamic Content 04:46
96 Head & Meta tags 04:36
97 Javascript tech-stack overview 12:47
98 Javascript tech-stack overview 2 12:47
99 Var, Let & Const 03:55
100 Console log, info, warn, error 03:34
101 Functions & Arrow Functions 06:08
102 Arrays 04:08
103 Dates & Time 03:35
104 Classes 05:15
105 Inspect Website 04:40
106 Describe, Test, It, Expect 07:02
107 Describe, Test, It, Expect 2 07:02
108 Async / Await 06:11
109 Async / Await 2 06:11
110 Get Help 01:11

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