Selenium WebDriver With Java

21h 4m 12s

Selenium WebDriver is the web automation tool of the moment. Selenium WebDriver skills are in demand. And when you understand the Selenium WebDriver usage patterns that this course teaches, then you can increase your ability to write effective automation code. Learn to use this automation test tool the easy way, with an experienced practitioner, who knows how to use it in the real world.

Read more about the course

Alan Richardson has been working with Selenium since 2007, and WebDriver since 2010. Over the years he has helped his staff learn Selenium using the methods in this course: discussing the theory, showing examples, hands on work, then critique and code reviews of worked examples.

In this course you will learn real world techniques associated with the Selenium WebDriver API based on experience of using Selenium WebDriver to automate production web sites.

We have taken the material for a 3 days course and created additional hours of video instruction. It should take you at least an additional 6 hours of self learning to do the exercises. (some students have reported the exercises taking longer, it depends on your experience.)

This course focuses on the information you need to get productive with Selenium WebDriver. We don't spend any time on the Selenium IDE, because you won't use that in a production environment. We don't spend any time on padding covering the architecture of Selenium WebDriver because you can find that information on the Web, and you don't need to know it, to get productive.

Throughout the course we emphasise, and demonstrate, self learning strategies so that you don't just learn the Selenium WebDriver API in depth, you also learn how to discover more on your own.

Before you sign up for the course though, make sure you take advantage of the information we provide for free. Make sure to view our free preview videos from this course below.

In addition to the the lectures, and the exercises, we also have over slides and pdfs to aid your self study, and projects filled with code to study.

We support you as you work through the course. So if you want additional explanation, or have a question then ask in the comments and we will answer, we even create new videos showing the answers and them to the course.

When you are ready to learn Selenium WebDriver in depth, then sign up and let our online video training help you.

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# Title Duration
1 Promo Overview Video 05:24
2 About the Instructor: Alan Richardson 04:28
3 Welcome Message 00:53
4 Aims of this course 01:44
5 Overview Of Selenium 04:24
6 About The Tools 05:40
7 About the Applications under test 04:01
8 Homebrew and Chocolatey Overview 02:06
9 startUsingJavaJunit GitHub Project Overview 01:27
10 Windows Install Java, Maven and IntelliJ using Chocolatey 12:56
11 Mac Install Java, Maven and IntelliJ using Homebrew 09:47
12 Overview of Driver Install 01:48
13 Overview of startUsingSeleniumWebDriver Github Project 01:09
14 Install ChromeDriver using Chocolatey 02:04
15 Install GeckoDriver using Chocolatey 02:27
16 Open startUsingSeleniumWebDriver project in IntelliJ and run the tests (Windows) 06:52
17 Install ChromeDriver using Homebrew 01:27
18 Install GeckoDriver using Homebrew 00:53
19 SafariDriver is already installed on Mac 00:46
20 Open startUsingSeleniumWebDriver project in IntelliJ and run the tests (Mac) 03:45
21 Install Java JDK, Maven and IntelliJ 07:10
22 Install IntelliJ 03:26
23 Download the `startUsingSeleniumWebDriver` project 02:04
24 Install Firefox and Marionette GeckoDriver 04:32
25 Install Chrome and ChromeDriver 02:53
26 Run WebDriver Test From The IntelliJ IDE 02:43
27 Tip - how to right click in Finder to open folder in a terminal 01:07
28 Install Java JDK, and Maven on Mac using Homebrew 02:48
29 Install IntelliJ Community Edition on Mac 02:20
30 Download the `startUsingSeleniumWebDriver` project and install Firefox and driver 04:47
31 Install Chrome and ChromeDriver 01:53
32 Run WebDriver Test From The IntelliJ IDE 01:09
33 How to Fix Java Language Level Errors 03:15
34 How to upgrade to Selenium 3 (only for pre version 3 students) 05:25
35 Intro To Maven 01:51
36 Create A Project, the easy way, with IntelliJ 07:32
37 How to add and update version of Selenium WebDriver Dependency 01:47
38 Summary Of Why Maven 01:27
39 Maven Troubleshooting Downloads 07:32
40 Maven Troubleshooting Proxies and Download Cache Issues 04:48
41 Manage IntelliJ Project Folder Files 02:06
42 Import pom.xml into IntelliJ 15 using the Open Wizard 02:14
43 About This Section 01:47
44 Create A Project 02:55
45 My First Chrome Test 06:29
46 My First Firefox Test 04:47
47 My First Test Explained 09:04
48 Begin Coding Exercise 03:16
49 Basic Knowledge Intro and Exercise 02:10
50 Basic Knowledge Answered 05:38
51 JUnit Intro and Example Explained 13:52
52 JUnit 4 vs JUnit 5 02:04
53 How is maven getting the dependencies? 03:47
54 Run maven with no 'test' in the class name 03:45
55 More JUnit Theory 01:48
56 A Quick Look at JUnit's source code 04:13
57 Example use of @Before, @BeforeClass, @After and @AfterClass 10:27
58 JUnit Exercises Introduction 02:08
59 Sample JUnit Answers Explained 12:16
60 A little more Hamcrest 05:11
61 Navigation Introduction - the basic navigation commands 03:23
62 Explain the Driver class 03:49
63 Navigation Exercises 02:00
64 Navigation Exercises Explained - Sample Answers 04:47
65 Navigation Discussion 02:54
66 IntelliJ project pane tips 02:44
67 IntelliJ navigation find shortcut keys 02:35
68 Finding Elements in Google Chrome Dev Tools 01:36
69 Finding Elements in Firefox Dev Tools 04:06
70 Introduction to Interrogation 01:12
71 Driver level Interrogation exercise 01:21
72 Driver Level Interrogation Exercise - Sample Answers 10:31
73 DOM Element Interrogation Introduction 12:16
74 First findElement & By exercise 01:38
75 First findElement & By Exercise - Sample Answers 07:30
76 findElements Introduction 02:14
77 findElements Exercise 01:19
78 findElements Exercise - sample answer 05:35
79 Chaining findElement and By support classes 09:36
80 CSS Selectors 18:00
81 CSS Selectors Exercise 01:52
82 CSS Selectors Exercise - sample answers 06:27
83 CSS Selectors - Paths 05:54
84 XPath Introduction 08:23
85 XPath Exercise 00:38
86 XPath Exercise - Sample Answers 03:52
87 Xpath CSS Rosetta Stone Reference 02:22
88 Manipulation Introduction 01:52
89 How to be overconfident really quickly 11:21
90 WebDriver Wait Introduction 05:08
91 Manipulation Exercises Introduction 02:28
92 Manipulation Exercises Sample Answers Introduction 01:39
93 Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question one 06:29
94 Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question two 02:48
95 Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question three 02:24
96 Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question four 04:42
97 Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question five 08:34
98 Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question six 03:53
99 Manipulation Exercises - sample answers question seven 03:08
100 Manipulation Exercises - Summary and retrospective 04:55
101 Demo of experimenting with API using IntelliJ Evaluate Functionality 03:47
102 Overview of Select Support Class and Exercise 02:00
103 Select Support Class Sample Answer 02:43
104 User Interactions Introduction and overview 06:10
105 User Interactions Demo and code walkthrough 06:37
106 User Interactions Exercise Introduction 02:21
107 User Interactions Exercise Retrospective 05:08
108 Make User Interaction More Reliable By Setting Focus to the page 01:26
109 Alerts Overview 04:51
110 Alerts Exercises Introduction 03:23
111 Alerts Exercises Sample Answers 05:23
112 Alerts FAQs 05:38
113 Alerts Summary 00:59
114 Frames Introduction 04:53
115 Frames a Code Introduction 07:33
116 Frames Exercise 02:03
117 Frames Exercises Answers 12:46
118 Frames Exercises Summary Answers 02:19
119 iFrames Introduction 04:08
120 iFrames Code Introduction 03:27
121 iFrames Exercises 01:31
122 iFrames Exercises Answers 10:01
123 iFrames Exercises Answers Summary 04:07
124 iFrames FAQs 04:51
125 Working With Windows Introduction 04:21
126 Windows Code Introduction 07:29
127 Windows Exercises 02:06
128 Windows Exercises Answers 09:20
129 Windows Exercises Summary Answers 02:38
130 Windows FAQs 07:19
131 Managing Windows Introduction 04:18
132 Managing Windows Code Introduction 03:48
133 Managing Windows Exercises 01:16
134 Windows Exercises Answers 09:48
135 Synchronisation Strategies Overview 01:31
136 Exercise: feel the pain 01:26
137 Exercise: feel the pain answer 02:57
138 WebDriverWait to Save The Day 04:26
139 Exercise: Fix the failing test 01:04
140 Exercise: ExpectedConditions Answers Code Walkthrough 04:54
141 Custom Expected Condition - slides walkthrough 08:36
142 Custom Expected Condition - ExpectedConditions code walkthrough 04:11
143 Custom Expected Condition - tutorial code walkthrough 10:18
144 WebDriverWait ExpectedCondition Code Walkthrough Explanation 07:01
145 Waiting Exercises slide 01:45
146 Waiting Exercises answers - code walkthrough 04:46
147 Using WebDriverWait Fluently overview 02:07
148 Using WebDriverWait Fluently code 01:39
149 FluentWait Introduction slides 02:52
150 FluentWait code based overview 07:02
151 FluentWait exercise 01:15
152 FluentWait exercise Answers 03:10
153 Implicit vs Explicit Wait slides overview 05:13
154 Implicit vs Explicit Wait code overview 03:51
155 Refactoring WebDriverWait 01:41
156 Refactoring WebDriverWait Code 02:43
157 Cookies Introduction 02:24
158 Cookies Overview 05:24
159 Cookies Builder 03:27
160 Cookies Exercise Overview 01:31
161 Cookies Exercise Answers 07:12
162 Javascript Introduction 05:59
163 Javascript Example with Code Exploration 04:52
164 Javascript on the page to view script and console 03:39
165 Javascript Exercises 03:00
166 Javascript Answers 10:32
167 Javascript Async Theory 02:35
168 Javascript Async Example Explained and Explored 10:20
169 Javascript Async Exercise 01:57
170 Javascript Async Exercise Answer 02:45
171 Introduction to using different browsers 03:14
172 Adding a Browser Driver to the Path 03:46
173 FirefoxDriver Introduction 10:10
174 ChromeDriver Introduction 01:50
175 ChromeDriver Overview with example code 05:06
176 IEDriver Overview with slides 01:29
177 IEDriver Overview with code examples 01:26
178 IEDriver path configuration Path or Property 02:49
179 Microsoft Edge WebDriver Introduction 03:10
180 Microsoft Edge WebDriver Code Introduction 03:45
181 Try Different Browsers 02:28
182 Different Browsers Exercises 01:38
183 HtmlUnitDriver 04:20
184 GhostDriver a quick introduction 05:30
185 Driver Manager Approaches Introduction 02:05
186 Driver Manager Selenium 2 Basics 06:45
187 Selenium Test Code WebDriverBuilder 03:32
188 Selenium Simplified Manager 04:56
189 Driver Manager Exercise Introduction 01:09
190 Driver Manager Exercise Answer 17:23
191 Driver Manager Exercise Recap 02:52
192 Overview of the TakesScreenshot Interface 02:02
193 Create TakesScreenshot Live Example 11:25
194 TakesScreenshot Example Code Overview 02:54
195 TakesScreenshot Exercises 02:45
196 TakesScreenshot Exercises 1 Capabilities Answers 06:15
197 TakesScreenshot Exercises 2 Type Answers 11:22
198 Page Objects Introduction 04:10
199 Page Objects Refactoring Heuristics 02:36
200 Refactoring to Page Objects A Live Example 38:36
201 Refactoring to Page Objects the Live Example Summary 05:55
202 Refactoring to Page Objects Exercise 01:23
203 Defect Explanation for the GUI JavaScript option selection 04:17
204 Refactoring to Page Objects Exercise Answers 04:12
205 Loadable Component 09:20
206 Slow Loadable Component 05:03
207 Basics of Page Factory 04:02
208 Page Factory Details 05:44
209 Overview of Continuous Integration 04:47
210 Overview of CI Project Code 06:21
211 Overview of Github Travis CI Process 08:49
212 About Git 03:38
213 Create a Github Account 00:37
214 Install Git and Github desktop 01:56
215 Create a Project in Git for the CI 06:58
216 Exercise Summary 01:08
217 Travis CI Overview 01:43
218 Create a Travis CI Build 07:14
219 .travis.yml file Explained 08:18
220 Travis-CI Exercise Summary 01:28
221 Maven Profiles and JUnit Suites for CI 08:17
222 Jenkins Install 04:30
223 Configure Jenkins Plugins and Tools 02:52
224 Configure Jenkins Manual Job 02:30
225 Introduction to CI In Practice 00:36
226 Jenkins Jobs 10:32
227 My Continuous Integration setup explained 05:07
228 Explaining and examining intermittency 05:00
229 Overview of RemoteWebDriver 03:27
230 Demo of RemoteWebDriver 05:39
231 Remote Grid Pros and Cons 04:46
232 Selenium Grid Theory 10:57
233 Local Selenium Grid Demo 10:08
234 Appium - Overview 04:28
235 Data Driven Testing Overview 04:15
236 Data Driven Testing In Action 03:03
237 Data Driven Testing with and Object Array 03:52
238 Data Driven Testing with a CSV File 04:11
239 IsLoaded Helper Class Approach 04:16
240 Some Fluent Page Object Tips 03:30
241 End Notes 04:18
242 Personal End of Course Message 01:38
243 What is Continuous Integration 03:23
244 Example of CI - About the wdci git code project 03:12
245 Example of CI - Github code local Jenkins build 02:42
246 Example of CI - Github and Travis-ci 03:54
247 Secret of CI - Working from command line 06:32
248 Download and Run Jenkins 03:42
249 Example Initial Run and Config of Jenkins 03:11
250 Overview of Installing Git 03:17
251 Exercise - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with firefox 01:29
252 Exercise Answer - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with firefox 02:00
253 Exercise - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with HtmlUnit 00:35
254 Exercise Answer - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with HtmlUnit 01:47
255 Exercise - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with a Driver 00:50
256 Exercise Answer - create a Jenkins job to run wdci with a Driver 03:31
257 Exercise - create your own Git repository 02:57
258 JUnit Suites and Profiles 05:19
259 Exercise - JUnit Suites and Profiles 01:49
260 Jenkins Hints - JENKINS_HOME 02:37
261 About Appium 02:10
262 How to Study This Section 00:53
263 Installing Appium 07:58
264 Appium Live Run 02:26
265 Appium Live Run Changes Made to Driver 03:20
266 Investigate BasicTestRefactored Test Failure 01:26
267 Investigate Cookies Test Failure 07:52
268 Investigate User Interactions Test Failure 02:41
269 Investigate Data Driven Test Failure 05:23
270 About Android Virtual Devices 02:56
271 Installing and Creating an Android Virtual Device 06:21
272 Appium and AVD 02:26
273 Demonstration Running Appium against Browser 02:45
274 Appium Exercises 01:11
275 Changing Driver for easier GRID usage 02:39
276 Implementing Driver Change for easier GRID usage 03:17
277 More Generic grid code in Driver 02:01
278 Using the Driver config from the command line 02:19
279 Using the Driver config from the IDE 05:02
280 Using the Driver config from CI 01:41
281 BrowserStack requires Driver changes 01:55
282 Driver changes to support BrowserStack 02:32
283 IntelliJ Driver config for BrowserStack, SauceLabs and TestingBot 02:35
284 Basic setup of a Mac as a grid node 05:17
285 Demonstration of ChromeDriver on mac and IE by default 03:40
286 Using node.json to Configure a Mac grid node 05:08
287 Added the grid config source files into the and repo 00:30
288 Alert Overview 02:50
289 Alert Exercises Introduction 01:23
290 Alert Exercises Retrospective 03:40

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