WebdriverIO (v5) - Selenium Webdriver using Node.js & More!

17h 13m 59s
November 21, 2023
JavaScript Automation Testing - Webdriver IO 's next-gen testing framework for Node.js using Selenium Webdriver & more!


This course teaches you the following technologies:

  1. Fundamentals of WebdriverIO using version 4 & 5 -  Note the the core foundations of WebdriverIO remains the same between versions. WebdriverIO in itself is a JavaScript / node.js implementation of the (Selenium 2.0) WebDriver API

  2. What is new in version 5 - a dedicated section to go over the key differences in version 5.

  3. JavaScript - is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.

  4. Selenium - is a suite of tools to automate web browsers across many platforms. 

  5. NodeJS - is a run-time environment which includes everything you need to execute a program written in JavaScript. 

  6. Mocha - is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.

  7. Chai - is an assertion library that is often used alongside Mocha. It provides functions and methods that help you compare the output of a certain test with its expected value. 

  8. Advanced Reporting (allure reports, J-unit Reports, JSON reports & more) - detailed, visual appealing, useful report outputs.

  9. Jenkins - is a simple way to set up a continuous integration and continuous delivery environment for almost any combination of languages and source code repositories

This course covers everything you need to create advanced frameworks using the WebdriverIO's Next-gen WebDriver test framework for Node.js.

What you will learn?

  1. This is a full course that teaches you from the basics all the way to building advanced frameworks!

  2. It uses JavaScript using WebdriverIO which is the modern way to build automation tests using a language that front-end developers are familiar with!

  3. You will learn technologies such as: NodeJS, JavaScript, Selenium, WebdriverIO,  Mocha, Chai, Wdio, Extent Reports, Jenkins (CI) and More!

  4. I teach you good code design concepts using Page Object Modelling (POM), Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) and more!

  5. This course is practical. I walk you through everything and provide source code at each stage for you to follow along!

  6. You will gain invaluable knowledge after completing this course and will have skills that are in demand!

  • Some basic knowledge of programming would be an advantage
  • Some basic knowledge of selenium would be an advantage
  • Some basic knowledge of testing concepts (either manual or automation) would be an advantage
Who this course is for:
  • Beginner automation testers
  • Intermediate automation testers
  • Expert automation testers
  • Anyone interested in testing
  • Manual testers
  • Anyone that wants to learn about modern testing techniques
  • Those interested in emerging testing technologies that is rapidly growing in popularity

What you'll learn:

  • Automation testing using JavaScript, WebdriverIO, Selenium, NodeJS, Chai, Mocha, Jenkins, Reporting & More!
  • This is a complete course that will teach you from the basics to building advanced frameworks
  • A free 200+ page E-Book is included to help students learn and revise
  • Continuous Integration & Reporting via Jenkins
  • You are taught good programming concepts such as abstraction, don't repeat yourself and Page Object Modelling

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:47
2 Example Test Execution using webdriverIO & webdriveruniveristy.com 02:55
3 Please Watch!! WebdriverIO v4 & V5 - IMPORTANT 01:03
4 Gitbash Setup for Windows 02:23
5 iTerm2 Setup for Mac 00:52
6 WebdriverIO API 01:41
7 NodeJS npm Package JSON Setup 08:15
8 Handling Dependencies 10:53
9 Selenium Standalone Setup 08:57
10 Sublime Text IDE Setup 01:33
11 Creating Our First Automation Test 07:16
12 Creating Our Second Automation Test 09:02
13 Wdio - Creation & Review 06:42
14 Wdio - Triggering Tests 04:33
15 Wdio - Contact Us & Login Portal Test 02:07
16 Wdio - Executing Our New & Improved Tests 02:35
17 Wdio - Reviewing the Wdio File 02:31
18 Mocha - Introduction 04:03
19 Mocha - Structuring & Combining Tests Part 1 07:22
20 Mocha - Structuring & Combining Tests Part 2 03:45
21 Mocha - Reviewing & Executing our New & Improved Tests 03:06
22 Simplifying Tests and Sync Mode 05:02
23 Configuring Our Tests to Use Sync Mode 05:09
24 Selenium Standalone & NPM Scripts 04:35
25 Base URL Setup 05:17
26 Handling Multiple Environments During Runtime 04:57
27 Logging During Runtime 02:25
28 Implementing Node Assertions 06:41
29 Chai - Advanced Assertions & Code Example - Part 1 08:14
30 Chai - Advanced Assertions & Code Example - Part 2 03:26
31 Chai - Adding Assertions to our Tests 05:38
32 Chai - Centralizing Assertions Using our wdio File 03:33
33 Pause Command Part 1 06:48
34 Pause Command Part 2 04:48
35 Debug Mode 07:10
36 Creating Selectors using Ranorex 07:16
37 Targeting Specific Tests 02:45
38 Skipping Specific Tests 01:16
39 getCssProperty Command 07:44
40 Mocha Hooks Part 1 07:53
41 Mocha Hooks Part 2 08:27
42 Tabs Part 1 06:04
43 Tabs Part 2 08:51
44 isExisting Part 1 07:30
45 isExisting Part 2 08:02
46 isVisible 07:26
47 hasFocus Part 1 07:52
48 hasFocus Part 2 04:19
49 isEnabled Part 1 08:37
50 isEnabled Part 2 07:44
51 isSelected Part 1 06:50
52 isSelected Part 2 05:00
53 isVisibleWithinViewport Part 1 06:33
54 isVisibleWithinViewport Part 2 07:32
55 getText, isVisible, isExisting Part 1 06:22
56 getText, isVisible, isExisting Part 2 10:05
57 getText, isVisible, isExisting Part 3 05:46
58 waitForText Part 1 06:35
59 waitForText Part 2 07:09
60 waitForExist, waitForVisible Part 1 05:40
61 waitForExist, waitForVisible Part 2 04:02
62 waitUntil 08:47
63 waitForValue 05:09
64 Using External Data (Sync Data Mode) - Part 1 07:12
65 Using External Data (Sync Data Mode) - Part 2 04:37
66 Custom Commands (addCommand) - Part 1 05:31
67 Custom Commands (addCommand) - Part 2 06:44
68 Injecting JavaScript Code (Execute Command) - Part 1 08:01
69 Injecting JavaScript Code (Execute Command) - Part 2 09:15
70 Injecting JavaScript Code (Execute Command) - Part 3 02:25
71 Page Object Model (POM) - Intro 02:10
72 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 1 - Part 1 09:33
73 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 1 - Part 2 09:35
74 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 1 - Part 3 09:38
75 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 1 - Part 4 07:21
76 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 1 - Part 5 05:54
77 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 2 - Part 1 01:15
78 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 2 - Part 2 08:27
79 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 2 - Part 3 07:24
80 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 2 - Part 4 07:25
81 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 2 - Part 5 08:01
82 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 2 - Part 6 05:03
83 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 3 - Part 1 00:44
84 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 3 - Part 2 05:08
85 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 3 - Part 3 06:16
86 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 3 - Part 4 04:47
87 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 3 - Part 5 06:37
88 Page Object Model (POM) - Phase 3 - Part 6 04:04
89 Advanced Reporting - Intro 02:18
90 Advanced Reporting - Junit Reports 05:09
91 Advanced Reporting - JSON Reports 05:55
92 Advanced Reporting - Allure Reports 09:06
93 Advanced Reporting - Allure Reports - Attaching Images - Part 1 08:16
94 Advanced Reporting - Allure Reports - Attaching Images - Part 2 05:27
95 Free Up Space - Deleting Files and Folders 04:38
96 Jenkins Introduction and Explanation 02:03
97 Jenkins Installation And Setup 07:07
98 Jenkins Installing Plugins And Setting Up NodeJS 07:48
99 Trigger our Tests using Jenkins 10:13
100 Jenkins Adding Parameters 13:46
101 Jenkins Adding Additional Logging Information 04:05
102 Jenkins Execute Our Tests when Ever We Want 05:00
103 Generating Allure Reports within Jenkins - Part 1 08:07
104 Generating Allure Reports within Jenkins - Part 2 09:43
105 Generating Allure Reports within Jenkins - Part 3 10:41
106 Generating Allure Reports within Jenkins - Part 4 08:41
107 Generating Allure Reports within Jenkins - Part 5 03:19
108 Webdriver IO v5 - Introduction 02:54
109 Preparing our Project for Webdriver IO v5 01:48
110 Webdriver IO v5 - Instructions 01:00
111 Downloading Webdriver IO v5 Packages 04:17
112 Installing New WDIO CLI 01:25
113 Creating New WDIO CLI File 03:27
114 Configuring New WDIO CLI File 07:54
115 Updating our Dependencies 06:11
116 Downloading Additional Dependencies 02:17
117 Potential Problem with the .Dot Reporter 01:44
118 Preparing the Foundations of our Framework 04:24
119 Modifying our Test to use Async Await 03:54
120 Customising our Page Object Model Commands 10:02
121 Custom Commands - waitForDisplayed 07:28
122 Adding Assertions Directly Inside our Tests 05:09
123 Triggering our New Webdriver IO v5 Tests 03:49
124 Incorporating Try Catch Blocks to our Assertions 06:22
125 Installing and setting up Visual Studio Code 01:50
126 Setting up Code Runner Extension 03:51
127 Altering Color Themes 01:27
128 Installing latest version of NodeJS 03:54
129 Package.json Setup 03:09
130 Downloading Latest WebdriverIO v5 Packages 03:38
131 Prettier Setup (Enhanced Code Formatter) 04:38
132 Wdio File Setup 04:09
133 Babel Setup 05:34
134 Selenium Server Overview 05:18
135 Creating Our First Test - Part 1/2 08:53
136 Creating Our First Test - Part 2/2 07:03
137 Altering Selenium Server Port Number 05:05
138 ChromeDriver Setup 04:41
139 Creating Advanced Selectors - Part 1/2 09:17
140 Creating Advanced Selectors - Part 2/2 09:12
141 Switching Browser Tabs 07:54
142 Closing Browser Tabs 03:36
143 Applying Chai Assertions To Our Tests 10:49
144 Creating Custom Commands Using: addCommand 07:03
145 waitForExist 06:27
146 waitForDisplayed 06:18
147 waitForEnabled 06:37
148 pause 03:31
149 execute Command 06:20
150 Handling Inputs - Part 1/2 09:17
151 Handling Inputs - Part 2/2 04:10
152 isExisting, isSelected, isDisplayed 10:42
153 Handling IFrame's The Correct Way! 09:51
154 Challenge Overview 01:49
155 Challenge Solution - Part 1/3 07:39
156 Challenge Solution - Part 2/3 09:06
157 Challenge Solution - Part 3/3 08:35
158 Config File Creation & Linking To Tests 07:46
159 Interlinking Config File With Wdio File 05:48
160 waitAndClick 06:04
161 waitAndSendkeys 04:23
162 Custom Commands & Test Integration 08:45
163 Random Email Generator - [Custom Command Creation] 06:14
164 Random String Generator - [Custom Command Creation] 07:16
165 Base Page Creation 06:52
166 Sub Page Creation - Part 1/2 05:25
167 Sub Page Creation - Part 2/2 08:01
168 Page Object Pattern & Test Connection - Part 1/3 07:53
169 Page Object Pattern & Test Connection - Part 2/3 07:29
170 Page Object Pattern & Test Connection - Part 3/3 04:31
171 Making Improvements To The Existing Framework - Part 1/2 09:52
172 Making Improvements To The Existing Framework - Part 2/2 03:32
173 Organizing Test Suite's - Part 1/2 07:21
174 Organizing Test Suite's - Part 2/2 05:55
175 Retry Flaky Tests 05:35

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