Learn Webdriver Test Automation with WebdriverIO

5h 16m 46s

Since creating this course, WebdriverIO has undergone several changes, including a major one to core framework. Due to this, the contents in this course have inconsistencies with how you would use WebdriverIO today. Many folks have asked, "Can I still do the course with version 4, or should I wait for the update to 5?". Here's what I think...

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It should be fine to start with version 4 of WebdriverIO and update later to version 5. I would recommend holding back on writing tests for your workplace in Version 4 if you plan on using those tests in the long run.

Most of the changes are "cosmetic", in that you use that same basic style, just a few different commands. The general understanding won't change much between the versions.

But, there are a lot of small tweaks between that two that would make upgrading the code itself a bit tedious. So if you are going to write a bunch of tests that you want to use long-term, I'd go with version 5.

I'm currently working on completely updating the course to match the new version (along with a new book on testing). This will take a bit of time, as it's a lot of content (some of it brand new) and I want to ensure I get it right.

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# Title Duration
1 Robot Parts Emporium" Site Setup 01:32
2 Installing the WebdriverIO and Selenium Dependencies 02:37
3 Trying out the WebdriverIO example 05:05
4 Writing our First Test 02:37
5 Creating our config file using the Test Runner CLI 04:51
6 Reviewing the wdio.conf.js file 04:26
7 Updating our test file 03:29
8 Switching to Sync mode 02:23
9 Options and Logging 06:40
10 NPM scripts for easier commands 02:39
11 Addendum: The Selenium Standalone Service 02:17
12 An Introduction to Assertions 06:39
13 Switching to Chai 03:46
14 Expect & Should Style Assertions 05:27
15 The Debug Command 07:03
16 The Pause Command 11:14
17 Element State Commands - isExisting 05:41
18 Element State Commands - isVisible 05:46
19 Element State Commands - hasFocus 05:10
20 The Other Three Element State Commands 02:22
21 The waitFor Commands 09:11
22 The waitUntil command 03:22
23 Create Custom Commands with 'addCommand' 05:03
24 The Execute Command 07:38
25 Using Node Functionality 08:36
26 Element, Elements, $ and $$ 07:13
27 Defining Page Elements 05:19
28 Defining Page Actions 04:27
29 Generic Page Objects 06:01
30 Cucumber Overview 04:24
31 he Cucumber Boilerplate Project 05:23
32 Writing New Features 07:16
33 Writing New Steps 07:05
34 Writing Advanced Steps 06:26
35 Storing cloud Selenium credentials 06:46
36 Using Sauce Labs 04:31
37 Using Browserstack 02:30
38 Using TestingBot 01:47
39 Defining Multiple Browsers 06:55
40 Advanced Browser Configurations 03:52
41 Multiremote Testing 10:14
42 CICD Systems 03:55
43 Jenkins 07:27
44 TravisCI 03:34
45 CircleCI 02:20
46 TeamCity 02:35
47 What is Visual Regression Testing? 06:28
48 The WebdriverIO Visual Regression Service 09:47
49 Advanced Visual Regression Service Usage 06:49
50 Junit Reporter 04:04
51 Allure Reporter 02:40
52 TeamCity Reporter 01:42
53 The WebdriverIO Starter Kit 05:37
54 Site Login/Registration from Start to Finish: Part 1 21:00
55 Site Login/Registration from Start to Finish: Part 2 23:05

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