Selenium WebDriver and Design Patterns

7h 42m 56s
November 21, 2023

Design Patterns are repeatable and reusable solutions for software design related issues. This course helps you to get introduced to the some of the frequently used Design Patterns in the software development community and demo how we can use them in Test Automation to achieve better re-usability and maintainability in the Test Automation Frameworks, Page Objects, Test classes design!


We will learn these design patterns along with Single Responsibility Principle.

  • Factory Pattern

  • Strategy Pattern

  • Command Pattern

  • Template Method Pattern

  • Proxy Pattern

  • Execute Around Method Pattern

  • Decorator Pattern

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 02:21
2 Goals, Advantages of Design Patterns, Prerequisites 03:38
3 Problems With Poor Design 10:53
4 Good Code Vs Bad Code 02:47
5 Single Responsibility Principle - Introduction 05:55
6 [Optional] - Coupling & Cohesion 03:54
7 Sample Workflow For Automation 02:21
8 Page Components Design 02:15
9 IDE - Setup 03:15
10 Abstract Component 03:46
11 Search Widget Component Implementation 08:19
12 Search Suggestion Component Implementation 04:49
13 Explicit Wait Using Lambda 04:34
14 Refactoring 04:40
15 Navigation Bar Component Implementation 03:45
16 Result Stat Component Implementation 01:51
17 Google Main Page Implementation 04:18
18 Google Result Page Implementation 05:21
19 Base Test 03:54
20 Google Search Test - Part 1 04:24
21 Google Search Test - Part 2 04:13
22 Few Corrections 04:29
23 Google Search Test Run 00:51
24 Google Search Test Parameterize 02:01
25 Package Refactoring 04:18
26 Cohesion 02:02
27 Project Structure 05:45
28 Clarification For BDD 01:21
29 Single Responsibility Principle - Summary 05:24
30 Design Pattern - Introduction 03:03
31 SRP vs Design Patterns 02:46
32 Factory Introduction 05:22
33 Factory - Exercise 05:24
34 Factory - Abstract Google Page 02:05
35 Factory - Google English Page Implementation 07:29
36 Factory - Google French Page Implementation 07:45
37 Factory - Google Arabic Page Implementation 07:31
38 Google Factory Implementation 12:20
39 Google Search Test With Factory 09:40
40 Factory - Test Run Demo 02:34
41 Accommodating New Requirements 05:28
42 Factory - Summary 01:46
43 Strategy - Introduction 02:46
44 Strategy - Sample Application Walk-through 03:17
45 Strategy - Sample Application - Regular Design 02:35
46 Strategy - Payment Screen Design 08:19
47 Strategy - Payment Option Implementation 08:40
48 Strategy - Payment Screen Components 03:53
49 Strategy - Payment Screen Test - Part 1 08:25
50 Strategy - Payment Screen Test - Part 2 04:14
51 Strategy - Payment Screen Test - Run 01:32
52 Strategy Pattern Explanation 02:53
53 Factory vs Strategy 04:56
54 Combining Factory and Strategy 08:09
55 Strategy - Summary 04:15
56 Command - Introduction 02:32
57 Command - Sample Application Walk-through 01:58
58 Command - Sample Application - Regular Design 02:57
59 Command - Notification Validator 08:30
60 Command - Dismissal Alert Validator 05:47
61 Command - Home Page Implementation 10:42
62 Command - Get Element Validators Implementation 06:14
63 Command - Home Page Test 04:37
64 Small Correction 02:45
65 Command - Running Test 05:11
66 Command - Summary 02:30
67 Template Method - Introduction 03:12
68 Template Method - Sample Application Walk-through 02:19
69 Template Method - Shopping Template Implementation 03:34
70 Template Method - Amazon Shopping Implementation 06:41
71 Template Method - eBay Shopping Implementation 06:21
72 Template Method - Shopping Test Implementation 02:12
73 Template Method - Test Run 01:46
74 Template Method - When To Use 03:52
75 Template Method - Multi Pages Workflow - Refactoring 11:34
76 Template Method - Final Test Run 03:32
77 Proxy - Introduction 04:16
78 Proxy - Sample Application Walk-through 02:12
79 Proxy - Order Component Real - Implementation 04:53
80 Proxy - Order Component Proxy - Implementation 06:28
81 Proxy - Page Object Design 02:21
82 Proxy - Test Run 05:09
83 Proxy - Summary 02:26
84 Execute Around Method - Introduction 02:39
85 Execute Around Method - Sample Application Walk-through 01:57
86 Execute Around Method - Main Page Implementation 05:01
87 Java 8 Consumer - Refresh 07:09
88 Execute Around Method - Main Page Problems With Frames 06:52
89 Execute Around Method - Implementation & Demo 09:32
90 Decorator - Introduction 02:03
91 Decorator - Sample Application Walk-through 02:51
92 Decorator - Page Object 05:36
93 Decorators Implementation 16:42
94 Decorator - Test Run 08:40
95 Decorator - Assignment 05:33
96 Decorator - Assignment Solution 05:50
97 Dependency Injection Pattern - Intro 01:29

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