Automated Software Testing with Python

13h 26m 55s

Testing automation doesn't have to be painful. Software testing is an essential skill for any developer, and I'm here to help you truly understand all types of test automation with Python. I'm Jose, a software engineer and founder of Teclado. The focus of this course is on testing for the web—we'll be working with REST APIs and web applications, and technologies such as unittest, Postman, and Selenium WebDriver.

Read more about the course

Fear not though, after going through this course, you'll be able to take your new testing knowledge and apply it to any project, even non-web projects!

What will you work with?

This course is jam-packed with all the latest technologies for you to use professionally and in personal projects:

  • The unittest library, Python's standard automated software testing library;

  • Mocking and patching, two essential tools to reduce dependencies when testing;

  • unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing—all types of testing to have you fully covered;

  • Postman for easy collaboration and testing while developing;

  • Selenium WebDriver for automated browser tests;

  • Git and Travis for continuous integration of your project.

Fundamental Software Testing Skills

We will cover every fundamental software testing skill that you need to know in order to get a job testing or to apply these skills in your existing projects.

From things like mocking and patching using the unittest library, which reduce dependencies and turn complex tests to simple ones; to looking at all types of testing: simple unit tests to large system tests and even customer acceptance tests.

The Testing Pyramid

The Testing Pyramid says you should have a lot of unit tests, slightly fewer integration tests, even fewer system tests, and as few acceptance tests as possible.

Throughout the course we work on this concept, making sure that we have full coverage of every component of our system with unit tests. Then we test the dependencies using integration tests. Finally, we cover the entire system and its assumptions using system tests. Of course, we'll also look at what acceptance testing is, how we come up with acceptance tests, and some of the best ways to write acceptance tests for a web application using Behavior-Driven Development and Selenium WebDriver.

Automated Browser Testing with Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriver is extremely powerful, particularly when coupled with the efficient and tried-and-tested approach recommended in this course. We'll design our acceptance tests professionally—just the way you'd do at a software testing job. We'll use page modelslocators, and step definitions to structure the automated tests in a reusable way. The customers will be able to come up with acceptance tests that you can easily translate to code.

We'll also learn about implicit and explicit waits with Selenium WebDriver and Python, a key concept to speed up the runtime of your acceptance tests.

Continuous Integration

We also cover how you can take automated testing much further in your projects.

By implementing a Continuous Integration pipeline that runs your tests whenever you make any changes, you'll have much higher quality in your projects and not let any pesky bugs pass you by. We'll look at putting our projects in GitHub and liking the CI pipeline with them.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to this section 01:02
2 Variables in Python 08:27
3 Solution to coding exercise: Variables 02:01
4 String formatting in Python 06:27
5 Getting user input 05:17
6 Writing our first Python app 03:20
7 Lists, tuples, and sets 06:32
8 Advanced set operations 04:40
9 Solution to coding exercise: lists, tuples, sets 04:41
10 Booleans in Python 05:01
11 If statements 08:18
12 The 'in' keyword in Python 02:03
13 If statements with the 'in' keyword 08:19
14 Loops in Python 11:08
15 Solution to coding exercise: flow control 03:09
16 List comprehensions in Python 07:25
17 Dictionaries 08:32
18 Destructuring variables 08:29
19 Functions in Python 10:42
20 Function arguments and parameters 07:41
21 Default parameter values 03:55
22 Functions returning values 07:20
23 Solution to coding exercise: Functions 02:31
24 Lambda functions in Python 07:53
25 Dictionary comprehensions 04:02
26 Solution to coding exercise: dictionaries 06:17
27 Unpacking arguments 10:25
28 Unpacking keyword arguments 08:45
29 Object-Oriented Programming in Python 15:53
30 Magic methods: __str__ and __repr__ 06:26
31 Solution to coding exercise: classes and objects 05:05
32 @classmethod and @staticmethod 14:04
33 Solution to coding exercise: @classmethod and @staticmethod 05:55
34 Class inheritance 08:33
35 Class composition 06:09
36 Type hinting in Python 3.5+ 05:09
37 Imports in Python 09:34
38 Relative imports in Python 08:54
39 Errors in Python 12:48
40 Custom error classes 05:05
41 First-class functions 07:53
42 Simple decorators in Python 07:13
43 The 'at' syntax for decorators 03:34
44 Decorating functions with parameters 02:25
45 Decorators with parameters 04:51
46 Mutability in Python 06:04
47 Mutable default parameters (and why they're a bad idea) 04:28
48 Conclusion of this section 00:38
49 Introduction to this section 00:25
50 Setting up our project 06:43
51 Writing our first test 11:11
52 Testing dictionary equivalence 05:26
53 Writing blog tests and PyCharm run configurations 06:44
54 The __repr__ method, and intro to TDD 08:50
55 Integration tests and finishing the blog 11:58
56 Mocking, patching, and system tests 16:38
57 Patching the input method and returning values 07:30
58 Taking our patching further 16:04
59 The last few patches! 07:08
60 The TestCase setUp method 04:37
61 Conclusion of this section 00:28
62 Introduction to this section 00:27
63 Setting our project up 04:39
64 Creating our Flask app 06:51
65 Our first System test 09:57
66 Refactoring our System Tests 06:33
67 Conclusion of this section 00:34
68 Introduction to this section 00:36
69 A look at a REST API with Flask 18:19
70 Unit testing a REST API 08:16
71 Setting up our generic BaseTest 09:37
72 Integration testing a REST API 06:48
73 Conclusion of this section 00:26
74 Introduction to this section 00:21
75 Setting up our project 08:46
76 Testing foreign key constraints with Python 05:26
77 Unit testing models and SQLAlchemy mappers 11:04
78 Finishing our Store tests 11:39
79 Conclusion of this section 00:25
80 Introduction to this section 00:29
81 Setting project up and creating User model 03:59
82 Allowing users to log in 04:11
83 Writing our User tests 04:15
84 The setUpClass method in the BaseTest 05:00
85 Testing user registration 06:42
86 Finalising user System tests 07:32
87 Writing Store System tests 13:36
88 Writing our Item System tests and testing authentication 22:36
89 Conclusion of this section 00:27
90 Introduction to this section 00:41
91 Introduction to Postman 09:02
92 Our first Posman tests 05:51
93 Setting and clearing environment variables in Postman 07:05
94 Running a test folder in Postman 07:54
95 Advanced PyCharm run configurations 06:09
96 Installing Node and Newman 04:44
97 Multirun in PyCharm—Running app and tests together 03:02
98 Conclusion of this section 00:37
99 Introduction to this section 00:39
100 Installing Git 04:13
101 What is a Git repository? 05:28
102 A local Git workflow 04:32
103 GitHub and remote repositories 05:18
104 Adding our project to GitHub 04:52
105 What is Travis CI? 02:30
106 Adding our repository to Travis 01:39
107 The Travis config file and running tests 10:34
108 Adding our test badge to the Readme 02:48
109 Conclusion of this section 00:39
110 Introduction to this section 00:41
111 What is acceptance testing? 05:09
112 Introduction to our project 03:11
113 Our first acceptance test step 10:47
114 Getting the Chrome webdriver 03:39
115 Verifying everything works 05:45
116 Finishing our first test 14:52
117 Re-using steps with the regular expression matcher 04:01
118 Our first content test 09:19
119 Page locators and models 18:37
120 The blog page 07:31
121 Using pages in navigation 06:46
122 Don't over-generalise tests! 02:26
123 Waits and timeouts with Selenium 07:34
124 Debugging acceptance tests in PyCharm 03:33
125 Our final complex scenario 02:47
126 Filling in forms with Selenium 13:02
127 Conclusion of this section 00:42

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