The Ultimate Django Series: Part 2

5h 41m 6s
January 25, 2024

Do you want to take your Django skills to the next level and become that professional back-end developer that companies love to hire? This is exactly the course you need.


In just 6 hours, you’ll go from someone who doesn't know what an API is to someone who can confidently design and build APIs with Django REST Framework.

This is a comprehensive, in-depth, step-by-step course that teaches you the whats, whys, and hows of Django. It covers everything you need to build APIs using a real e-commerce project.

By the end of this course, you'll have gained a deep understanding of the concepts and tools needed to build RESTful API with Python.

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# Title Duration
1 1- Introduction 00:59
2 2- Setting Up the Project 05:39
3 1- Introduction 00:41
4 2- What are RESTful APIs 01:57
5 3- Resources 01:31
6 4- Resource Representations 02:09
7 5- HTTP Methods 02:04
8 6- Installing Django REST Framework 00:59
9 7- Creating API Views 08:08
10 8- Creating Serializers 04:05
11 9- Serializing Objects 06:15
12 10- Creating Custom Serializer Fields 04:31
13 11- Serializing Relationships 08:51
14 12- Model Serializers 04:49
15 13- Deserializing Objects 02:38
16 14- Data Validation 05:37
17 15- Saving Objects 08:00
18 16- Deleting Objects 04:27
19 17- Exercise- Building the Collections API 04:33
20 1- Introduction 00:37
21 2- Class-based Views 04:14
22 3- Mixins 04:18
23 4- Generic Views 07:07
24 5- Customizing Generic Views 04:33
25 6- ViewSets 05:01
26 7- Routers 09:01
27 8- Building the Reviews API 04:08
28 9- Nested Routers 09:57
29 10- Filtering 04:47
30 11- Generic Filtering 06:24
31 12- Searching 02:18
32 13- Sorting 01:45
33 14- Pagination 05:21
34 1- Introduction 00:22
35 2- Designing the API 03:11
36 3- Revisiting the Data Model 08:33
37 4- Creating a Cart 04:55
38 5- Getting a Cart 09:38
39 6- Deleting a Cart 01:51
40 7- Getting Cart Items 04:53
41 8- Adding a Cart Item 12:12
42 9- Updating a Cart Item 02:12
43 10- Deleting a Cart Item 01:03
44 1- Introduction 00:39
45 2- Django Authentication System 03:11
46 3- Customizing the User Model 02:09
47 4- Extending the User Model 10:36
48 5- Creating user Profiles 07:01
49 6- Groups and Permissions 02:57
50 7- Creating Custom Permissions 02:13
51 1- Introduction 00:38
52 2- Token-based Authentication 01:30
53 3- Adding the Authentication Endpoints 06:22
54 4- Registering Users 09:20
55 5- Building the Profile API 05:04
56 6- Logging In 04:58
57 7- Inspecting a JSON Web Token 03:31
58 8- Refreshing Tokens 01:20
59 9- Getting the Current User 04:45
60 10- Getting Current User's Profile 06:59
61 11- Applying Permissions 04:07
62 12- Applying Custom Permissions 07:06
63 13- Applying Model Permissions 04:40
64 14- Applying Custom Model Permissions 04:34
65 1- Introduction 00:23
66 2- Designing the API 01:15
67 3- Getting the Orders 05:45
68 4- Applying Permissions 06:40
69 5- Creating an Order 05:02
70 6- Creating Order Items 06:48
71 7- Returning the Created Order 03:53
72 8- Data Validation 03:31
73 9- Revisiting the Permissions 01:50
74 10- Updating an Order 02:20
75 11- Signals 07:53
76 12- Creating Custom Signals 05:52

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