Spring Data JPA Master Class

4h 21m 40s
January 29, 2024

In this course you learn everything there is to learn about Spring Data JPA allowing to build scalable backend applications backed by any relational database. Spring Data JPA is a great choice allowing to speed your development and focus on the business logic.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Overview 01:25
2 Postgres Database Server 01:53
3 PSQL 03:53
4 IntelliJ 01:57
5 Cloning Repo 03:01
6 Running the application 05:42
7 Connecting to Database via IntelliJ 05:56
8 Section Overview 02:02
9 Student Class 03:12
10 Connecting to Database 05:47
11 Map Classes to Tables using @Entity 05:57
12 Sequence Generator and Value 03:51
13 @Column 05:51
14 Adding Datasource and No Arg Constructor 01:53
15 @Table and Constraints 04:17
16 Understanding Repositories 04:51
17 StudentRepository 07:48
18 Exploring Repository Methods 05:49
19 Exploring Repository Methods p2 02:46
20 Query Methods 04:33
21 Query Methods P2 05:43
22 JPQL Query Methods 01:58
23 @Query 07:01
24 Native Queries 05:47
25 Named Parameters 02:03
26 @Modifying 05:59
27 Installing Faker 02:27
28 Saving Random Students using Faker 05:06
29 Sort 06:45
30 Paging and Sorting 05:16
31 Inspect Paging and Sorting in Debug mode 03:52
32 Intro 01:29
33 Student Id Card Entity 05:12
34 @OneToOne and @JoinColoum 03:18
35 Student Id Card Repository 03:58
36 Saving Student Id Card 04:24
37 Cascade Type 02:53
38 Hibernate Entity Lifecycle 08:00
39 Fetch Type 04:38
40 Uni Vs BiDirectional on 1 to 1 Relationships 05:04
41 Orphan Removal 05:48
42 @ForeingKey 03:04
43 Exercise 02:01
44 Exercise Solution 02:54
45 Many to To Bidirectional 05:30
46 Testing Many to To Bidirectional 06:26
47 Understanding Eager fetch type for One To Many 07:05
48 Save Student Instead of Id Card 03:19
49 Course Entity 04:07
50 @Many to Many and @JoinColumn 04:09
51 @Many To Many mappedBy 01:27
52 Methods to add and remove course 02:25
53 Many to Many relationships in Action 06:19
54 @Embeddable 03:21
55 @EmbeddedId and @MapsId 04:56
56 Link Entities to Bridge Table 04:17
57 Testing changes 05:38
58 Adding Extra Column to Link Table 04:46
59 @ForeingKey 02:14
60 Database Transaction 02:33
61 Working with Transactions 06:04

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