Spring Boot Master Class
9h 28m 30s
Learn how to get started with Spring Boot, a powerful framework to build web applications quickly, using less code. The Java-based programs you build in Spring Boot "just run". Your instructor Nelson, created this course based on real experiences as a software engineer. This course is detailed in every aspect and new material is added according to students suggestions. At the end of this course you will learn the best practices when writing enterprise applications using the N Tier Architecture design pattern and the skills required to understand projects written using Spring Boot
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List of topics for this course
- Restful API's
- Logging
- N Tier Architecture
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Dependency Injection
- Unit Tests
- Integration Tests
- JSON Serialisation and Deserialisation
- Java Beans Validation
- Open Feign
- Exception Handling
- Lombok
- Running Spring Boot Applications
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | 1 - Installing IntelliJ | 01:44 |
2 | 2 - Cloning Repo | 02:44 |
3 | 3 - Installing Java | 01:31 |
4 | 4 - Starter and End Branches | 02:31 |
5 | 5 - Running Application | 02:54 |
6 | 6 - Spring Initializr | 04:44 |
7 | 1 - Spring vs Spring Boot | 02:03 |
8 | 2 - Inversion Control and Dependency Injection | 02:40 |
9 | 3 - Spring IoC Application Context | 02:26 |
10 | 4 - Application Context | 04:48 |
11 | 5 - Beans | 01:21 |
12 | 6 - Listing Beans | 03:32 |
13 | 7 - Creating Beans with @Bean | 04:58 |
14 | 8 - Dependency Injection | 09:44 |
15 | 9 - @Component | 06:48 |
16 | 10 - Bean Annotations | 03:29 |
17 | 11 - Bean Lifecycle Hooks | 03:48 |
18 | 12 - Other Modules | 02:27 |
19 | 1 - Intro to Spring Boot (Slides) | 06:07 |
20 | 2 - Exploring Maven Project | 03:37 |
21 | 3 - Parent Tag in pom xml | 03:46 |
22 | 4 - Exploring Starter Dependencies | 05:52 |
23 | 5 - Spring Boot Maven Plugin | 03:11 |
24 | 6 - IntelliJ Spring Intergation | 02:55 |
25 | 1 - @SpringBootApplication | 04:25 |
26 | 2 - List Of Spring Boot Annotations | 02:45 |
27 | 1 - This is Where I learn Everything | 01:04 |
28 | 2 - Spring Documentation | 07:32 |
29 | 1 - Embedded Web Server | 02:44 |
30 | 2 - Starting Tomcat | 04:04 |
31 | 3 - Configuring Embedded Web Server | 02:02 |
32 | 4 - Use Another Web Server | 04:22 |
33 | 5 - Web Server Cant Run On Same Port | 04:06 |
34 | 1 - Introduction to Spring MVC | 03:11 |
35 | 2 - Introduction to APIs | 03:47 |
36 | 3 - Your First API | 04:55 |
37 | 4 - Testing API with Chrome and IntelliJ | 05:08 |
38 | 5 - Path Variables | 04:17 |
39 | 6 - Query Params | 08:55 |
40 | 7 - @Delete Mapping | 04:04 |
41 | 8 - @PostMapping | 08:46 |
42 | 9 - Exercise | 01:05 |
43 | 10 - Exercise Solution | 05:28 |
44 | 11 - Mapping Controllers with @RequestMapping | 04:29 |
45 | 12 - Annotate Controllers Method Arguments | 04:57 |
46 | 13 - Return Values | 05:02 |
47 | 14 - Filters | 10:08 |
48 | 15 - Functional Endpoints | 12:04 |
49 | 1 - Jackson FasterXML | 01:41 |
50 | 2 - Working with Jackson Part 1 | 07:14 |
51 | 3 - Working with Jackson Part 2 | 05:16 |
52 | 4 - ObjectMapper | 04:36 |
53 | 1 - N Tier | 02:42 |
54 | 2 - Model | 03:47 |
55 | 3 - Controller | 02:44 |
56 | 4 - Service | 05:59 |
57 | 5 - Repository | 07:13 |
58 | 6 - @Service and @Repository Annotations | 02:23 |
59 | 7 - Test Refactor | 03:37 |
60 | 8 - Exercise | 00:47 |
61 | 9 - Exercise Solution | 04:52 |
62 | 1 - Java Bean Validation (Slides) | 01:56 |
63 | 2 - Uncessary Validation Code | 02:14 |
64 | 3 - Using Java Bean Validation Annotations | 03:35 |
65 | 4 - @Valid | 04:51 |
66 | 5 - Further Examples | 02:57 |
67 | 6 - Validator | 04:06 |
68 | 7 - Custom Validations | 07:13 |
69 | 2 - We-re NOT Dealing With Error Properply | 06:52 |
70 | 3 - Include Server Error | 02:50 |
71 | 4 - Include Binding Errors | 03:09 |
72 | 5 - Override Java Bean Validation Messages | 03:50 |
73 | 6 - HTTP Status Codes | 02:36 |
74 | 7 - @ResponseStatus | 04:25 |
75 | 8 - Define Custom Reponses | 05:08 |
76 | 9 - @ControllerAdvise and @ExceptionHandler | 04:28 |
77 | 10 - Exercsise 1 | 01:36 |
78 | 11 - Exercise Solution | 10:02 |
79 | 12 - Exercise 2 | 01:15 |
80 | 13 - Exercise Solution | 04:00 |
81 | 1 - Introduction to JPA | 04:49 |
82 | 2 - H2 | 01:52 |
83 | 3 - Installing Dependencies | 02:02 |
84 | 4 - H2 Console | 04:07 |
85 | 5 - Configure datasource properties | 02:17 |
86 | 7 - @Entity | 02:24 |
87 | 6 - Records to Classs | 06:03 |
88 | 8 - JPA Repository | 07:22 |
89 | 9 - Pre Populate Data to h2 | 02:13 |
90 | 10 - findById and deleteById | 02:32 |
91 | 11 - Queries | 05:16 |
92 | 12 - Exercise 1 | 00:57 |
93 | 13 - Exercise 1 Solution | 03:15 |
94 | 14 - Test API | 03:19 |
95 | 15 - Exercise 2 | 00:25 |
96 | 16 - Exercise 2 Solution | 04:15 |
97 | 17 - Outro | 00:43 |
98 | 1 - Intro to REST Clients | 01:59 |
99 | 2 - POST PUT & DELETE | 07:00 |
100 | 3 - Testing API | 04:40 |
101 | 4 - Handling Errors | 03:25 |
102 | 5 - HTTP Interface Rest Client | 11:06 |
103 | 6 - HTTP Interface Web Client | 04:51 |
104 | 7 - Handling Errors with Interface Web Client | 02:31 |
105 | 8 - Using Web Client Directly | 03:50 |
106 | 1 - Intro to Task Execution and Scheduling | 02:12 |
107 | 2 - Your First Scheduled Task | 05:13 |
108 | 3 - CRON Expressions | 05:54 |
109 | 4 - Configure Thread Pool Size | 05:47 |
110 | 5 - @Async | 02:23 |
111 | 1 - Intro to Application Configuration | 05:55 |
112 | 2 - Custom Properties | 02:31 |
113 | 3 - Reading Values From Properties | 08:52 |
114 | 4 - Env Variables and Command Line Arguments | 06:38 |
115 | 5 - Spring Profiles | 03:49 |
116 | 6 - Using Profiles | 06:44 |
117 | 7 - List Of All Properties | 02:07 |
118 | 1 - Dont Use System out println | 02:58 |
119 | 2 - Using Logger | 04:34 |
120 | 3 - Log Levels | 05:48 |
121 | 4 - Logback Configuration & Appenders | 01:51 |
122 | 5 - Configure Logs and FileAppender | 04:53 |
123 | 6 - JSON Appender | 02:34 |
124 | 1 - Intro to Actuator | 02:33 |
125 | 2 - Exposing Metrics | 08:04 |
126 | 3 - Micrometer and Prometheus | 04:41 |
127 | 1 - Intro to Testing | 02:37 |
128 | 2 - Writing tests | 07:26 |
129 | 1 - Intro to Security | 01:24 |
130 | 2 - Up and Running with Spring Security | 03:45 |
131 | 3 - Basic Auth | 07:44 |
132 | 4 - UserDetails and BCryptPasswordEncoder | 05:14 |
133 | 1 - Intro to Packaging | 02:45 |
134 | 2 - Building And Running Jar | 04:29 |
135 | 3 - Docker and Spring Boot | 04:58 |
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