PHP Development Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery
23h 47m 23s
Learn modern PHP and become a better developer. This is the only PHP course you need to go from complete beginner to coding your own PHP applications and working with existing PHP applications.
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Learn modern PHP. We guarantee you that this is the most comprehensive and up-to-date PHP Bootcamp course to go from absolute beginner to mastering PHP web development, getting hired, and advancing your career.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Learn PHP with Luis Ramirez | 00:55 |
2 | What is PHP? | 03:16 |
3 | PHP Environment | 06:43 |
4 | The PHP Interpreter | 05:45 |
5 | Running a PHP Script | 06:45 |
6 | PHP Tags | 03:45 |
7 | The echo Keyword | 05:58 |
8 | Comments | 02:08 |
9 | Variables | 05:21 |
10 | Assignment Operator | 04:12 |
11 | Data Types | 04:36 |
12 | The var_dump Function | 03:11 |
13 | Null Data Type | 03:23 |
14 | Boolean Data Type | 02:29 |
15 | Integers and Floats | 03:44 |
16 | String Data Type | 06:42 |
17 | Arrays | 04:45 |
18 | Associative Arrays | 03:32 |
19 | Multidimensional Arrays | 03:39 |
20 | Type Casting | 07:52 |
21 | Type Juggling | 02:25 |
22 | Arithmetic Operators | 06:23 |
23 | Assignment Operators | 02:27 |
24 | Comparison Operators | 05:42 |
25 | Error Control Operator | 01:34 |
26 | Incrementing and Decrementing Numbers | 02:54 |
27 | Logical Operators | 04:28 |
28 | Operator Precedence | 05:40 |
29 | Constants | 04:58 |
30 | String Concatenation | 03:28 |
31 | Terminology: Expressions | 02:55 |
32 | Control Structures | 08:38 |
33 | Switch Statements | 06:07 |
34 | Match Expressions | 04:31 |
35 | Functions | 04:56 |
36 | Function Parameters | 04:10 |
37 | Function Return Values | 02:25 |
38 | Type Hinting & Union Types | 04:19 |
39 | Strict Types | 02:41 |
40 | Short-Circuiting | 02:53 |
41 | While Loop | 04:58 |
42 | For Loop | 04:41 |
43 | Foreach Loop | 02:59 |
44 | Getting Started with Challenges | 04:24 |
45 | Coding Solution: Resistor Colors | 03:28 |
46 | Coding Solution: Two Fer | 02:41 |
47 | Coding Solution: Leap Year | 05:15 |
48 | Predefined Constants | 05:31 |
49 | Alternative Syntax for Constants | 04:45 |
50 | Unsetting Variables | 04:36 |
51 | Reading the PHP Documentation | 06:29 |
52 | Rounding Numbers | 07:35 |
53 | Alternative if statement syntax | 05:11 |
54 | Avoiding Functions in Conditions | 06:36 |
55 | Including PHP Files | 10:06 |
56 | Variadic Functions | 04:29 |
57 | Named Arguments | 03:01 |
58 | Global Variables | 04:41 |
59 | Static Variables | 02:18 |
60 | Anonymous and Arrow Functions | 08:59 |
61 | Callable Type | 02:18 |
62 | Passing by Reference | 04:42 |
63 | Array Functions | 13:16 |
64 | Destructuring Arrays | 02:22 |
65 | Working with Files | 08:03 |
66 | Exploring the Challenges | 03:08 |
67 | Coding Solution: Robot Name | 05:01 |
68 | Coding Solution: Armstrong Numbers | 05:49 |
69 | Coding Solution: Series | 07:45 |
70 | What is OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)? | 04:52 |
71 | Classes | 05:54 |
72 | Properties | 05:48 |
73 | Magic Methods | 05:28 |
74 | Constructor Property Promotion | 01:59 |
75 | Custom Methods | 03:57 |
76 | Null-safe Operator | 02:24 |
77 | Understanding Namespaces | 02:51 |
78 | Creating a Namespace | 03:48 |
79 | Working with Namespaces | 09:51 |
80 | Autoloading Classes | 06:07 |
81 | Using Constants in Classes | 02:16 |
82 | Static Properties and Methods | 05:45 |
83 | OOP Principle: Encapsulation | 07:47 |
84 | OOP Principle: Abstraction | 02:36 |
85 | OOP Principle: Inheritance | 05:47 |
86 | Protected Modifier | 02:01 |
87 | Overriding Methods | 09:14 |
88 | Abstract Classes and Methods | 09:39 |
89 | Interfaces | 05:08 |
90 | OOP Principle: Polymorphism | 07:24 |
91 | Anonymous Classes | 03:55 |
92 | Docblocks | 05:54 |
93 | Throwing Exceptions | 06:57 |
94 | Custom Exceptions | 03:56 |
95 | Catching Exceptions | 05:35 |
96 | The DateTime Class | 11:35 |
97 | Iterator and Iterable Type | 12:21 |
98 | OOP Challenges Overview | 01:41 |
99 | Coding Solution: Nucleotide Count | 02:33 |
100 | Coding Solution: Grade School | 05:59 |
101 | Project Overview | 04:53 |
102 | Text Editors | 03:57 |
103 | Understanding the LAMP stack | 05:41 |
104 | Exploring XAMPP | 02:43 |
105 | The htdocs Folder | 05:28 |
106 | Configuring Virtual Hosts in Apache | 11:20 |
107 | Configuring PHP | 04:38 |
108 | Creating an Application Class | 04:19 |
109 | Bootstrapping an Application | 04:26 |
110 | The Command Line | 06:57 |
111 | Understanding PSR | 03:10 |
112 | Installing Composer | 07:09 |
113 | JSON Crash Course | 05:06 |
114 | Initializing Composer | 07:14 |
115 | Generating Autoload Files | 03:16 |
116 | Including Autoload Files | 02:26 |
117 | What is Git? | 02:40 |
118 | Using GitHub | 06:18 |
119 | Exploring Git Files | 05:55 |
120 | Exercise: Imposter Syndrome | 02:57 |
121 | Understanding Routing | 03:58 |
122 | Apache Mod Rewrite | 07:28 |
123 | The htaccess File | 06:16 |
124 | Sugar Functions | 02:57 |
125 | Creating a Router Class | 02:33 |
126 | Adding Routes | 04:57 |
127 | Understanding HTTP Methods | 05:02 |
128 | Supporting HTTP Methods in Routes | 02:30 |
129 | Normalizing Paths | 03:36 |
130 | Exploring Regular Expressions | 07:10 |
131 | Regular Expressions in PHP | 03:07 |
132 | MVC Design Pattern | 06:26 |
133 | Creating a Controller | 01:57 |
134 | Registering Controllers | 02:53 |
135 | Class Magic Constant | 02:46 |
136 | Dispatching a Route | 04:40 |
137 | Finding Matches with Regular Expressions | 04:29 |
138 | Instantiating Classes with Strings | 02:59 |
139 | PSR-12 Auto Formatting | 05:16 |
140 | Understanding Template Engines | 02:41 |
141 | Creating a Template Engine Class | 02:09 |
142 | Setting a Base Path | 04:30 |
143 | Rendering a Template | 03:01 |
144 | Extracting Arrays | 03:57 |
145 | Understanding Output Buffering | 04:35 |
146 | Creating an Output Buffer | 02:51 |
147 | Loading Assets | 03:26 |
148 | Adding Partials | 04:15 |
149 | Exercise: Creating an About Page | 04:48 |
150 | Escaping Data | 07:31 |
151 | Autoloading Functions | 04:58 |
152 | Understanding Dependency Injection | 03:32 |
153 | Creating a Container | 02:35 |
154 | External Definitions File | 04:41 |
155 | Factory Design Pattern | 04:10 |
156 | Merging Arrays | 02:21 |
157 | Reflective Programming | 06:57 |
158 | Validating Classes | 03:34 |
159 | Validating the Constructor Method | 02:29 |
160 | Retrieving the Constructor Parameters | 02:25 |
161 | Validating Parameters | 06:39 |
162 | Invoking Factory Functions | 04:43 |
163 | Instantiating a Class with Dependencies | 03:37 |
164 | Understanding Middleware | 03:12 |
165 | Supporting Router Middleware | 02:38 |
166 | Adding Middleware | 02:28 |
167 | Creating Middleware | 01:53 |
168 | Interface Contracts | 04:03 |
169 | Chaining Callback Functions | 04:07 |
170 | Looping through Middleware | 03:10 |
171 | Supporting Dependency Injection in Middleware | 02:15 |
172 | Global Template Variables | 03:07 |
173 | Singleton Pattern | 07:34 |
174 | Preparing the Registration Form | 04:56 |
175 | Configuring the Form | 06:52 |
176 | Handling POST Data | 03:03 |
177 | Understanding Services | 04:17 |
178 | Creating a Validator Class | 05:39 |
179 | Validation Rule Contract | 05:43 |
180 | Registering a Rule | 04:26 |
181 | Applying Rules to Fields | 07:58 |
182 | Storing Validation Errors | 03:06 |
183 | Custom Validation Exception | 05:58 |
184 | HTTP Status Codes | 05:00 |
185 | Custom Middleware | 03:49 |
186 | Redirection with Headers | 06:26 |
187 | Passing on the Errors | 03:19 |
188 | HTTP Referrer | 02:49 |
189 | Understanding Sessions | 02:24 |
190 | Enabling Sessions | 04:21 |
191 | Handling Session Exceptions | 04:04 |
192 | Common Session Error | 06:17 |
193 | Closing the Session Early | 01:06 |
194 | Injecting Errors into a Template | 05:13 |
195 | Flashing Errors | 01:58 |
196 | Displaying Errors | 03:01 |
197 | Validating Emails | 04:39 |
198 | Supporting Rule Parameters | 05:39 |
199 | Minimum Validation Rule | 03:52 |
200 | In Validation Rule | 03:31 |
201 | Exercise: URL Validation Rule | 02:58 |
202 | Password Matching Rule | 03:46 |
203 | Prefilling a Form | 06:02 |
204 | Filtering Sensitive Data | 03:50 |
205 | Introduction to SQL | 05:30 |
206 | Creating a Database | 02:32 |
207 | Creating Tables | 09:13 |
208 | Inserting Data | 04:06 |
209 | Reading Data | 03:42 |
210 | Updating Data | 01:57 |
211 | Deleting Data | 02:19 |
212 | Using PHPMyAdmin | 07:45 |
213 | Enabling PDO Extension | 04:28 |
214 | Custom Composer Scripts | 03:47 |
215 | Understanding DSN | 01:45 |
216 | Creating a DSN String | 06:05 |
217 | Connecting to a Database | 03:01 |
218 | The PDOException Class | 03:43 |
219 | Refactoring the Database Connection | 05:14 |
220 | Querying the Database | 04:31 |
221 | Fetch Modes | 04:10 |
222 | SQL Injections | 05:28 |
223 | Prepared Statements | 05:47 |
224 | Understanding Transactions | 03:09 |
225 | Creating Transactions with PDO | 04:19 |
226 | Understanding Data Modeling | 03:58 |
227 | Designing a User Table | 10:11 |
228 | Creating a Table in an SQL File | 06:08 |
229 | Loading Files | 02:25 |
230 | Conditionally Creating Tables | 02:09 |
231 | Refactoring the Query | 02:25 |
232 | Database Container Definition | 01:33 |
233 | Understanding Environment Variables | 05:38 |
234 | Creating Environment Variables | 05:22 |
235 | Ignoring Environment Files | 01:59 |
236 | Passing on the Container to Definitions | 04:31 |
237 | Counting Records with SQL | 02:54 |
238 | Supporting Prepared Statements | 02:07 |
239 | Validating Duplicate Emails | 04:45 |
240 | Exercise: Inserting a User | 04:20 |
241 | Understanding Hashing | 05:33 |
242 | Hashing a Password | 05:30 |
243 | Preparing the Login Page | 02:52 |
244 | Exercise: Validating the Login Form | 07:01 |
245 | Validating the User’s Credentials | 09:46 |
246 | Understanding Session Hijacking | 03:19 |
247 | Configuring Session Cookies | 06:26 |
248 | Regenerating a Session ID | 01:52 |
249 | Protecting Routes | 03:48 |
250 | Applying Route Middleware | 07:01 |
251 | Logging out of the Application | 02:56 |
252 | Authenticating Registered Users | 02:44 |
253 | Understanding CSRF | 02:08 |
254 | Generating a CSRF Token | 04:30 |
255 | Rendering Tokens | 03:11 |
256 | Validating CSRF Tokens | 07:12 |
257 | Conditionally Rendering Sections | 01:55 |
258 | Designing the Transactions Table | 03:43 |
259 | Understanding Database Relationships | 05:48 |
260 | Adding Foreign Keys | 06:34 |
261 | Preparing the Create Transaction Page | 04:11 |
262 | Validating Transactions | 03:54 |
263 | Validating Maximum Character Length | 04:29 |
264 | Validating Numbers | 02:42 |
265 | Validating Dates | 04:52 |
266 | Creating a Transaction | 07:05 |
267 | Retrieving Transactions | 06:09 |
268 | Formatting Dates with SQL | 03:31 |
269 | Query Parameters | 05:49 |
270 | SQL LIKE Clause | 03:11 |
271 | Filtering Transactions | 01:36 |
272 | Escaping the Search Term | 01:59 |
273 | SQL Limit Clause | 02:31 |
274 | Limiting Results | 05:09 |
275 | Previous Page Link | 04:21 |
276 | Next Page Link | 05:57 |
277 | Page Number Links | 07:09 |
278 | Preparing the Edit Route | 06:03 |
279 | Replacing Strings with Regular Expressions | 06:18 |
280 | Extracting Route Parameter Values | 06:51 |
281 | Edit Transaction Template | 07:16 |
282 | Updating a Transaction | 06:52 |
283 | Overriding HTTP Methods | 05:56 |
284 | Deleting a Transaction | 03:21 |
285 | Preparing the Receipt Controller | 03:58 |
286 | Encoding File Data | 02:40 |
287 | Exercise: Creating a Receipt Service | 06:26 |
288 | Validating a File Upload | 03:37 |
289 | Validating File Sizes | 02:52 |
290 | Validating Filenames | 03:44 |
291 | Validating File Mime Types | 03:51 |
292 | Generating a Random Filename | 03:37 |
293 | Moving Uploaded Files | 04:54 |
294 | Designing the Receipts Table | 04:57 |
295 | Storing the Receipt | 03:01 |
296 | Displaying Receipts | 07:45 |
297 | Validating the Download Request | 04:14 |
298 | Downloading Files | 06:32 |
299 | Deleting a Receipt | 04:35 |
300 | Magic Numbers | 05:55 |
301 | Destroying Session Cookies | 05:51 |
302 | Rendering a 404 Page | 07:11 |
303 | Configuring a Server | 08:46 |
304 | Understanding Deployment | 03:37 |
305 | Configuring an Application | 02:25 |
306 | Setting up our Project | 13:24 |
307 | Conclusion | 01:25 |
308 | Thank You! | 01:18 |
Read Book PHP Development Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery
# | Title |
1 | Complete PHP Developer Bootcamp - Zero To Mastery - Course Handbook |
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