Docker for PHP Developers

7h 35m 34s

"Docker for PHP Developers" is a book and video course that will teach you how to use Docker and PHP to create clean, repeatable development environments that are easy to understand. Learn how Docker can simplify your PHP development setup and make it simple to share your environment with others. You will learn how to set up, manage, and deploy Docker applications with confidence.

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# Title Duration
1 01 - Welcome 01:27
2 02 - Install Docker for Mac 02:25
3 03 - Install Docker for Windows 05:16
4 04 - Install Docker for Ubuntu 06:12
5 05 - Docker Machine Intro 05:41
6 06 - Docker Container Basics (Part 1) - Basic Docker Commands 10:43
7 07 - Docker Container Basics (Part 2) - Docker Compose 08:55
8 08 - LAMP (Part 1) - Apache Setup 09:02
9 09 - LAMP (Part 2) - MySQL 10:03
10 10 - LAMP (Part 3) - Setting Up PHP Modules and Apache Modules 05:51
11 11 - LAMP (Part 4) - Volumes 08:20
12 12 - PHP Composer (Part 1) - Installing Composer in Docker 10:51
13 13 - PHP Composer (Part 2) - Private Composer Packages 08:02
14 14 - PHP Composer (Part 3) - Caching Composer Dependencies 05:43
15 15 - Web Servers (Part 1) - Nginx 10:35
16 16 - Web Servers (Part 2) - Nginx 09:52
17 17 - Web Servers (Part 3) - caddy 13:34
18 18 - Legacy Apps (Part 1) - Introduction 01:08
19 19 - Legacy Apps (Part 2) - Setup 08:21
20 20 - Legacy Apps (Part 3) - Docker Compose and Apache Configuration 07:42
21 21 - Legacy Apps (Part 4) - The Cake Console 04:15
22 22 - Legacy Apps (Part 5) - Composer and phpdotenv 10:52
23 23 - Legacy Apps (Part 6) - Configuring ENV with phpdotenv 07:04
24 24 - Legacy Apps (Part 7) - Improved Database Configuration 12:39
25 25 - Custom Commands (Part 1) - Setup 03:36
26 26 - Custom Commands (Part 2) - Using Confd for Configuration Management 08:41
27 27 - Custom Commands (Part 3) - Adding Confd to the CMD Script 08:10
28 28 - Custom Commands (Part 4) - Using Consul with Confd for Configuration Management 18:15
29 29 - The Docker Registry (Part 1) - Setup 05:16
30 30 - The Docker Registry (Part 2) - Pushing Images to Docker Hub 04:09
31 31 - The Docker Registry (Part 3) - Automate Builds with Docker Cloud 05:32
32 32 - The Docker Registry (Part 4) - Automate Builds with GitLab 04:59
33 33 - The Docker Registry (Part 5) - Automate Builds with GitLab CI Pipelines 08:55
34 34 - The Docker Registry (Part 6) - Extending Custom Base Images 03:26
35 35 - Deployment (Part 1) - Simple Docker Machine Deployment 06:06
36 36 - Deployment (Part 2) - Docker Swarm Overview 11:36
37 01 - Laravel - Getting Started 03:09
38 02 - Laravel - Copying Files + Apache Vhost Config 07:35
39 03 - Laravel - Apache Permissions 03:43
40 04 - Laravel - Apache Mod_rewrite 05:38
41 05 - Laravel - Adding a Docker Compose File 05:46
42 06 - Laravel - Setting up MySQL 07:27
43 07 - Laravel - Setting up a Redis Service 03:54
44 08 - Laravel - Configuring an App Volume for Instant Code Changes 08:38
45 09 - Laravel - Docker and XDebug Setup 06:57
46 10 - Laravel - A Flexible XDebug Configuration 15:39
47 11 - Laravel - A Custom Start Script for Laravel Projects 09:27
48 12 - Laravel - Running the Laravel Scheduler and Queue in Docker 15:18
49 13 - Laravel - Improving the Scheduler 08:27
50 14 - Laravel - Improving the Queue 06:49
51 15 - Laravel - Adding a php.ini File 04:54
52 16 - Laravel - Opcache Setup 07:56
53 17 - Laravel - Using Nginx with Laravel 19:58
54 18 - Laravel - Switching the Scheduler and Queue to Supervisor 10:55
55 19 - Laravel - Copy vs. Add 03:43
56 20 - Laravel - Automated Builds with GitLab CI - Intro 03:18
57 21 - Laravel - Automated Builds with GitLab CI - Composer Build 04:14
58 22 - Laravel - Automated Builds with GitLab CI - Frontend Build 03:26
59 23 - Laravel - Automated Builds with GitLab CI - Application Docker Build 10:03
60 24 - Laravel - Automated Builds with GitLab CI - Application Docker Build with Tags 05:26

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