NestJS Masterclass - NodeJS Framework Backend Development

24h 26m 30s

NestJS is a framework for Node.js designed for creating efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. Its architecture is inspired by Angular, and thanks to this approach, NestJS has become popular, with more than 3 million downloads on NPM weekly.

When I was learning NestJS, I had to overcome a steep learning curve. I lacked a detailed and structured course that would simplify this process. That is why I created the "NestJS Masterclass": so that other developers wouldn't have to face such difficulties when learning NestJS.

Read more about the course

I guarantee that the "NestJS Masterclass" is the most detailed, comprehensive, and structured course on NestJS on the market! Nothing compares to this course, I promise you!

Practical Training in NestJS

Throughout the course, we create a server-side REST API for a blog, studying various NestJS features through real-world examples and delving into its internal mechanisms.

Thoughtful Structure and Curriculum

In creating the course curriculum, I invested a lot of time and effort to make learning NestJS as accessible as possible. The course covers all the key topics necessary for a deep understanding of the framework.

By the end of the course, you will confidently master NestJS and be ready to create complex server-side applications using this powerful framework.

Course Topics Overview:

  • NestJS Modules: Understanding the principles of how NestJS modules work, their internal structure and schemas, including services and providers.
  • Validation and Pipes: Learn how to use the class-validator package and Pipes for validating incoming data in a NestJS application.
  • Dependency Injection: Dive into the DI (Dependency Injection) system, ensuring the modularity of the application, including addressing cyclic dependencies.
  • Code Documentation: Explore NestJS capabilities for documenting APIs using Open API Specification and source code documentation with Compodoc.
  • TypeORM and Relational Databases: Use PostgreSQL and TypeORM integration for creating a REST API application, learning the intricacies of working with databases.
  • Database Relations: Master relationships between tables in SQL: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many, clarifying possible misconceptions on these topics.
  • Environment Configuration: Learn how NestJS manages configurations for different environments.
  • Exception Handling: Elegant management of exceptions to enhance user and developer experience.
  • Database Transactions: Study TypeORM transactions for safely executing related operations.
  • User Authentication with JWT: Build a JWT-based authentication system for application security.
  • Guards and Decorators: Use Guards for request filtering and decorators for metadata and data transmission.
  • Google Authentication: Use Google OAuth to simplify registration.
  • File Upload: Implement a file upload mechanism to the server using Interceptors.
  • Unit Testing and End-to-End Testing: Create unit tests to ensure high code quality.
  • Mongoose and MongoDB: Work with NoSQL databases like MongoDB using Mongoose.
  • Deployment to AWS: A complete guide to deploying a production application on AWS, including using CloudFront and S3 for media file storage.

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# Title Duration
1 NestJS Masterclass Introduction 03:16
2 What Will We Build in This Course 01:15
3 What is NestJS 09:13
4 Setting Up The Development Enviroment 02:30
5 Installing NestJS CLI 05:19
6 Creating Our First NestJs Application 09:22
7 Boilerplate Code In NestJs 01:23
8 Best Learning Path For The Course 01:55
9 What are Modules? 08:00
10 How NestJS Bootstraps (main.ts) 03:59
11 Understanding the app Module 06:03
12 Creating a New users Module 09:57
13 What is a REST API 16:28
14 Setting Up Postman and httpYac 06:49
15 Creating Controllers 08:27
16 Working With Routing Decorators 05:02
17 Params, Query and Body 13:38
18 Additional Request Components 04:53
19 Providers in NestJS 03:55
20 What are Pipes? 06:03
21 Validation and Transformation Needs 03:39
22 Validating Params with Built-in Pipes 05:46
23 Validating Query Params 05:04
24 Introduction to DTO 02:59
25 Creating Our First DTO 10:13
26 Connecting DTO to Route Method 07:42
27 Global Pipes and Avoiding Malicious Request 05:31
28 Converting to an Instance of DTO 03:02
29 Using DTOs with Params 05:53
30 Using Mapped Types To Avoid Code Duplication 07:06
31 Introduction To Inversion Of Control 10:22
32 Dependency Injection In NestJS 09:18
33 Create a users Service 04:48
34 findall Users Method 05:23
35 findOneById Users Method 01:27
36 Practice: Create a Posts Module 00:52
37 Solution: Create a Posts Module 05:30
38 Types Of Dependencies 02:07
39 Create a GET Posts Route With DTO 04:03
40 Return Posts From Posts Service 01:51
41 Use Users Service Inside Posts Service 04:28
42 Practice: Create an Auth Module 00:34
43 Solution: Create an Auth Module 02:06
44 Circular Dependency 08:57
45 Documentation With NestJS 05:40
46 Open API Specification 01:34
47 Enabling Swagger in NestJS 04:28
48 Adding Configuration Methods to Swagger 07:19
49 Documenting GET users 09:47
50 Practice: POST Endpoint and DTO For Posts Controller 03:05
51 Solution: POST Endpoint and DTO For Posts Controller 07:05
52 Adding Validations To CreatePostDto 07:19
53 Working With Nested DTOs 06:08
54 Testing Validation 07:38
55 Using Swagger For Documenting CreatePostDto 13:19
56 Mapped Types Using Swagger 11:06
57 Getting Started With Compodoc 04:45
58 Compodoc Coverage And JSDocs 05:48
59 Working with Databases In NestJS 04:37
60 What is an ORM? 06:54
61 Installing PostgreSQL Locally 05:26
62 Adding psql to PATH 03:07
63 Connecting NestJS to PostgreSQL 07:27
64 Using Async Configuration 03:30
65 Theoretical Understanding of the Repository Pattern 06:17
66 Creating Our First Entity - user.entity 06:55
67 Expanding Entity Definition 08:19
68 Creating First Repository 16:16
69 Practice: Creating Post Entity 00:34
70 Solution: Creating Post Entity 10:29
71 Relationships in SQL Database 04:56
72 Creating the Tags Entity 09:22
73 Creating The Meta Options Entity 04:14
74 Updating DTO Files 07:21
75 Autoloading Entities 03:51
76 One to One Relationships 01:48
77 Uni-directional One To One Relationship 04:53
78 Creating MetaOptions Service 09:13
79 Creating Post With Relationships 15:22
80 Cascade Creation with Relationships 05:31
81 Querying with Eager Loading 04:28
82 Deleting Related Entities 08:52
83 Bi-Directional One To One Relationship 02:12
84 Creating A Bi-Directional Relationship 07:11
85 Cascade Delete With Bi-Directional Relationship 06:12
86 One To Many Relationships 01:50
87 Creating One To Many Relationship 03:36
88 Create Post With Author 10:34
89 Eager Loading Author 02:51
90 Many To Many Relationships 01:51
91 Practice: Service To Create Tags 00:50
92 Solution: TagsService 05:14
93 Testing Tags Service 02:32
94 Uni-Directional Many To Many Relationship 09:21
95 Querying Many To Many Relationship 02:33
96 Updating Post With New Tags 16:12
97 Deleting Post and Relationship 02:44
98 Bi-Directional Many To Many Relationship 02:27
99 Cascade Delete With Many To Many 07:44
100 Soft Delete Tags 07:03
101 Introduction To Environments 02:48
102 Installing Config Module 03:41
103 Using Config Service 04:11
104 Confirming NODE_ENV While Testing 05:47
105 Conditionally Loading Environments 07:42
106 Inject Database Details 05:57
107 Custom configuration Files 11:54
108 Config Files With Namespaces 04:31
109 Module Configuration and Partial Registration 07:12
110 Validating Environment Variables 06:46
111 Introduction To Exception Handling 02:29
112 Built-in Http Exceptions 01:06
113 Identifying Points of Failure 03:52
114 Exception Handling Model Constraints 11:29
115 Create User Exception Handling 04:55
116 Throw a Custom Exception 05:59
117 Practice: Exception Handling Post Update 00:50
118 Solution: Exception Handling Post Update 07:01
119 Understanding Transactions 04:07
120 TypeORM QueryRunner 03:14
121 Creating First Transaction 13:27
122 Why Create Post Is Not a Transaction 02:29
123 Creating Multiple Providers 08:16
124 Updating The DTO 10:19
125 Practice: Handle Exceptions For CreateManyUsers 00:37
126 Solution: Handle Exceptions For CreateManyUsers 06:15
127 Introduction To Pagination 04:15
128 Creating Pagination Query DTO 13:16
129 Adding Pagination To Query 06:25
130 Pagination Module And Interface 09:11
131 Using paginateQuery 04:11
132 Building Response Object 10:38
133 Complete Paginated Response 09:36
134 Introduction To Authentication 03:39
135 Hashing And Salting Passwords 05:21
136 Create Hashing Providers 06:37
137 Implementing Hashing Provider 03:36
138 User Signup 12:51
139 User SignIn Controller 12:22
140 Completing the signIn Method 08:30
141 Custom Response Code 03:52
142 Understanding JWTs 07:26
143 Adding JWT Configuration 09:34
144 Generating JWT 05:55
145 JWT Token Signatures 03:59
146 Introducing Guards 02:11
147 Creating AccessTokenGuard 09:22
148 Completing AccessTokenGuard Implementation 05:43
149 Testing the AccessTokenGuard 06:46
150 Applying AccessTokenGuard Globally 05:25
151 Practice: Validations For JWT env Variables 00:31
152 Solution: Validations For JWT env Variables 01:37
153 What Are Decorators 05:23
154 Our First Decorator 09:43
155 Authentication Guard Strategy 03:16
156 Create AuthenticationGuard 11:54
157 AuthenticationGuard Implemenation 18:23
158 Understanding User Payload 04:53
159 Create Active User Decorator 09:34
160 Practice: Refactor createPostDto 01:11
161 Solution: Refactor createPostDto 10:02
162 Introduction To Refresh Tokens 03:57
163 Refresh Token Configuration 04:58
164 Generate Tokens Provider 06:10
165 Generate Tokens Method 05:26
166 Generate Refresh Token On SignIn 02:51
167 Generate Access Token Using Refresh Token 09:53
168 Create Refresh Token Endpoint 04:55
169 Google Authentication Strategy 03:36
170 Create Google Project 05:27
171 Setting The Configuration 08:40
172 Initialize Google Auth Client 05:35
173 Implementation Strategy Google Authentication 07:23
174 Implement Authentication With Google Token 05:31
175 React App In Front-End 10:39
176 createGoogleUser Method 06:12
177 Complete Google Authentication 03:24
178 Testing Google Authentication 01:19
179 Introducing Interceptors and Serialization 03:42
180 Serializing User Entity 04:38
181 Global Data Interceptor 06:06
182 Adding API Version 06:51
183 Introduction To File Uploads 03:16
184 Setup S3 And Cloudfront 09:46
185 Uploads Module And Configuration 10:25
186 Create Upload Entity 06:37
187 Upload File Service And Controller 08:04
188 UploadToAwsProvider 14:08
189 Complete Uploads Service 12:02
190 Testing File Uploads 06:02
191 Introduction To Notification Emails 01:49
192 Setup A Mailtrap Account 01:24
193 Configuration For Notification Emails 06:29
194 Configure NestJS Mailer 09:12
195 Creating MailService 06:22
196 Testing Email Service 07:10
197 Enabling Inline CSS 02:09
198 Introduction To Testing 03:25
199 Test Settings 01:53
200 Understanding Unit Tests 09:37
201 Testing UsersService 04:46
202 Mocking Providers 06:22
203 Testing Service Method 10:41
204 New Spec File For CreateUserProvider 06:15
205 Mocking Repositories 07:35
206 Mocking Other Providers 04:16
207 Using Mock Repository To Test 10:03
208 Running Tests 02:31
209 What Is End To End Testing 03:52
210 Test Database And Configuration 02:03
211 Encapsulate App Creation Logic 04:50
212 Creating First E2E Test 06:36
213 Completing App Loading Lifecycle 10:13
214 Encapsulate Application Bootstrap 04:10
215 Introduction To Faker 05:28
216 Testing Validations 03:23
217 Completing All Test Cases 05:34
218 Introduction To MongoDB With Mongoose 06:02
219 Creating MongoDB Account 08:10
220 MongoDB Configuration 06:28
221 First Schema - User 09:42
222 Post Schema 07:55
223 Create Using Model 06:28
224 Mongoose Sub Documents 03:10
225 Single Sub Document 07:54
226 Practice: Tags Module 01:08
227 Solution: Tags Module 05:02
228 Practice: Tags Service + Controller 01:07
229 Solution: Tags Service + Controller 06:00
230 Array Of Sub Documents 06:33
231 Querying Sub Documents 04:32
232 Deployment Strategy 04:35
233 Creating An EC2 Instance 05:12
234 Installing Node, NPM and GIT 07:47
235 Installing PostgreSQL 03:52
236 Installing and Configuring NGINX 07:58
237 Git Clone And Install 03:34
238 Create The .env file 02:50
239 Understanding Migrations 04:27
240 Creating and Running Migrations 09:29
241 Testing Migration On EC2 07:22
242 Running with PM2 05:42

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