NestJS GraphQL - Code-first approach
1h 55m 15s
Get up to speed with the GraphQL Code-first approach with NestJS. Master GraphQL fundamentals and essentials concepts behind creating your own enterprise-grade GraphQL applications.
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Prepare for an in-depth guided course & walk-through of GraphQL fundamentals and the GraphQL Code-first approach for NestJS applications from the Creator Kamil Mysliwiec himself, and Mark Pieszak (Core Team Member).
- Step-by-step lesson progression, code everything alongside us!
- Featuring 23 videos (with subtitles) and over 2 hours of content
- Build a real-world GraphQL application with NestJS
- Learn and use all the most important GraphQL building blocks
- Learn how to interact with GraphQL Queries / Mutations / Subscriptions & more.
- Official NestJS GraphQL Code-first Certificate of Completion
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | GraphQL Code-first Course Overview | 01:25 |
2 | Introduction to GraphQL with NestJS | 05:05 |
3 | Code First vs Schema First | 01:08 |
4 | Creating our first GraphQL Application | 05:19 |
5 | Prerequisite: Install Insomnia | 00:30 |
6 | Introduction to Resolvers and Object Types | 06:47 |
7 | GraphQL Schemas, Types, and Scalars | 04:03 |
8 | More on Types | 03:10 |
9 | Passing Arguments: Returning a Coffee by ID | 03:03 |
10 | Manipulating Data with Mutations | 05:16 |
11 | Using GraphQL Variables | 01:27 |
12 | Creating a Service | 03:19 |
13 | Connecting to a Database with TypeOrm | 05:31 |
14 | Using Repository to Access Database | 03:21 |
15 | Adding Update and Delete Mutations | 04:45 |
16 | Auto-validate Input Data | 02:26 |
17 | Adding Relation to two Entities | 08:06 |
18 | Using Field Resolvers | 06:31 |
19 | Understanding Custom Scalar Types | 06:44 |
20 | Using GraphQL Interfaces | 08:37 |
21 | Unions and Enums | 05:58 |
22 | Field Middleware | 04:41 |
23 | Real-time Updates with Subscriptions | 07:32 |
24 | Batching and Caching with Data Loader | 10:31 |
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