NestJs - Build Modern APIs in NestJs with Unit Testing

9h 19m 27s

If you want to create a powerful API using the modern backend framework NestJS or learn API unit testing, welcome to the Ultimate NestJS course!

NestJS is a framework for Node.js designed to create efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. It is a comprehensive framework that supports everything from authentication to complex API testing, providing developers with all the necessary tools. The architecture of NestJS is what sets it apart from other frameworks.

In this course, we will use TypeScript to enhance the development process. TypeScript helps us write clean and neat code, as well as instantly find errors and bugs.

NestJS offers extensive capabilities through a multitude of modules. For testing, NestJS has a special module that makes unit testing simple and enjoyable. Connecting to a database, whether relational (SQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) or NoSQL (MongoDB), can be accomplished with just a single line of code.

NestJS significantly simplifies the creation of server-side applications. APIs built using this framework are easily testable, scalable, have loose coupling, and are easy to maintain.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to the Course 01:33
2 DEMO of API 05:47
3 What is Nest.js & Why we need it? 02:51
4 How to Follow the Course & Code? 01:55
5 Installing all required tools 02:54
6 Install MongoDB on MacOS 02:00
7 Install MongoDB on Windows 04:26
8 Installing Nest CLI & Creating app 03:15
9 Understanding the folder structure 03:07
10 Nest.js Modules 04:45
11 Nest.js Controllers 03:43
12 Nest.js Service & Providers 05:33
13 Connecting to MongoDB with mongoose 10:08
14 Creating Restaurant Schema 08:23
15 Get all Restaurants 11:10
16 Create a new Restaurant 06:23
17 What is DTO? 02:24
18 Creating a Restaurant DTO 02:33
19 Get Restaurant by ID 06:53
20 Update Restaurant by ID 08:10
21 Delete Restaurant 04:48
22 Adding Search 06:55
23 Adding Pagination 05:10
24 What are Pipes? 03:30
25 Using Validation Pipe Globally 10:37
26 Adding Validation Rules in Update DTO 03:35
27 Invalid Mongoose ID Error 03:00
28 What is GeoCoder 03:04
29 Generating Coordinates & Address 10:24
30 Saving Location in Restaurants 05:48
31 Create Bucket on S3 07:54
32 Getting files through File Intercepter 06:51
33 Uploading images to S3 11:56
34 Saving Images in Restaurant 03:16
35 Delete Restaurant Images 09:51
36 Generating Auth Module 02:55
37 Creating User Schema 05:54
38 Sign up DTO with Validators 02:24
39 User Sign up 06:41
40 Hash user password while Sign up 03:32
41 Handle Duplicate Email Error 02:46
42 Login User 07:36
43 Setting Up JWT & Passport 06:04
44 Sign JWT token on Login 05:49
45 Setting Up JWT Strategy 08:23
46 Using AuthGuard to Protect Routes 04:44
47 Current User Decorator 04:55
48 Saving Current User in Restaurant 05:53
49 Creating User Roles Guard 08:19
50 Roles Decorator 03:50
51 Authorize Restaurant Ownership 05:16
52 Creating Meal Model 05:54
53 Create Meal DTO 06:11
54 Creating a Meal 14:49
55 Getting all Meals 05:25
56 Get Meal by ID 03:52
57 Update Meal 06:58
58 Delete Meal 05:55
59 Create Library Project 04:26
60 Install & Setup Postgres & pgAdmin 03:37
61 Connecting to Postgres Database 04:09
62 Create Book Entity 03:14
63 Create new Book 08:12
64 Get all Books & Book by ID 03:59
65 Update Book 04:10
66 Delete Book 02:25
67 Relations & Types of relations 02:42
68 Create User Entity 05:34
69 Adding Books & User Relation (OneToMany & ManyToOne) 06:49
70 What is Unit Testing? 02:48
71 Write first unit test in Restaurant Service 08:40
72 Testing RestaurantsService - findAll 10:23
73 Testing RestaurantsService - create 09:49
74 Testing RestaurantsService - findById 08:44
75 Testing RestaurantsService - updateById 04:47
76 Testing RestaurantsService - deleteById 02:34
77 Testing RestaurantsService - uploadImages 05:50
78 Testing RestaurantsService - deleteImages 02:47
79 First unit test in Restaurant Controller 06:51
80 Testing RestaurantController - getAllRestaurants 03:43
81 Testing RestaurantController - createRestaurant 03:42
82 Testing RestaurantController - getRestaurantById 03:06
83 Testing RestaurantController - updateRestaurant 09:15
84 Testing RestaurantController - deleteRestaurant 07:24
85 Testing RestaurantController - uploadFiles 03:53
86 Testing Auth Service 05:54
87 Testing AuthService - signUp 09:27
88 Testing AuthService - login 08:49
89 Testing Auth Controller 04:09
90 Testing AuthController - signUp 03:05
91 Testing AuthController - login 02:21
92 Testing JwtStrategy 11:28
93 What is e2e Testing 04:20
94 Testing Authentication Routes 10:48
95 Testing Restaurants POST protected Routes 06:08
96 Testing Restaurants GET Routes 04:10
97 Testing Restaurants PUT & DELETE Routes 02:28
98 Preparing API for Deploy 07:27
99 Deploy API on Heroku 05:57
100 Congratulations!!! 00:46

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