Master NestJS 9 - Node.js Framework 2023

12h 9m 52s

NestJS is one of the most modern Node.js frameworks out there. This course will teach you everything you need to know to get you started ASAP! Don't get fooled by other longer courses - which basically contain more fluff and chit-chat than any meaningful lessons. I value your time most, and make sure that every minute of the course is filled with what you really need! We will cover basics, like routing and controllers.

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Then all the database topics using the TypeORM framework, like repository pattern, query building, and relations. You can use MySQL or Postgres with the course.

We'll be using Docker to run the database, as that's the most modern and up-to-date real-life way, you'll be running your databases at work. We'll take time to understand what Docker is and how it works.

I'll take time to explain how NestJS works - including tough topics like Providers and Dependency Injection. Believe me, though it's pretty tough to understand and crack at first, it's a powerful feature and needs to be understood well - you can count on me here!

There we get into authentication & authorization. Every app needs user accounts and related security, making sure users can only do what we want them to do. I'll explain how to do that with NestJS, with plenty of examples. I'll also take time to deep-dive into JWT Tokens - something other courses will skip!

You'll use Passport.js - a standard Node library to handle authentication.

Finally, I got you covered with Unit testing & End to End testing. You will learn all the ins and outs of how to do that properly with Nest, including a lot of examples and real-world scenarios you'll run into for sure!

Let's not forget we'll learn how to use Postman to work with our API.

You won't be building yet another boring example taken straight out of the documentation, instead, you'll build an API for an existing frontend project (made in Vue 3) - that's included in the course! Your job is to build an API for an Event attending application. You'll have a lot of fun doing it!

Some of the topics we'll cover, include:

  • Routing and controllers

  • Databases including TypeORM (Repository, Query Builder, Relations)

  • Using Docker in your local development workflow

  • Data validation and serialization

  • All about NestJS modules, Dependency Injection, and Providers

  • Configuring, logging, error handling

  • Authentication including Passport.js, Bcrypt

  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) tokens explained, generation and usage

  • Authorization (making sure the user has privileges)

  • Using Postman (including collections, environments, automating Postman)

  • Unit testing

  • End to End testing (including connecting to a database)

The course comes with full source code included and is available on GitHub at all times. Including a separate branch for every lecture with code changes.

I've made sure everything is as clear and simple as possible, so there are a lot of diagrams and visual aids included (and available for download too!).

Join the community in the Q&A forums and on our Discord channel - talk to other students, share your progress, questions and insights!

I made extra effort to organize the topics in a way that would make you enjoy the process of learning. The course is short and to the point but covers plenty of topics in surprising detail!

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# Title Duration
1 About Node, Express, Nest and Backend Development 05:46
2 How to Get Help? 02:00
3 Getting the Source Code! 01:57
4 Don't Know TypeScript or JavaScript? 02:10
5 Software You Need (Node, Docker, Postman) 01:43
6 Using Postman 01:19
7 Using Visual Studio Code 04:14
8 Front-End Application (OPTIONAL!) 04:48
9 Introduction to NestJS - Section Intro 00:40
10 Installing and Using Nest CLI 02:30
11 NestJS Project Structure 04:57
12 Controllers, Routing, Requests - Section Intro 02:29
13 Controllers 05:15
14 Resource Controller 06:35
15 Route Parameters 03:14
16 Request Body 02:07
17 Responses and Status Codes 05:21
18 Request Payload - Data Transfer Objects 03:06
19 The Update Payload 04:24
20 A Working API Example 12:22
21 Database Basics - Section Introduction 03:06
22 Adding Docker to the Stack 03:13
23 Running the Database with Docker Compose 06:57
24 Introduction to ORMs 02:18
25 Connecting to the Database 03:59
26 The Entity (Primary Key & Columns) 07:51
27 Repository Pattern 02:33
28 TypeORM 3 UPGRADE GUIDE! 03:06
29 Repository in Practice 06:35
30 Repository Querying Criteria and Options 08:41
31 Data Validation - Section Introduction 03:29
32 Introduction to Pipes 02:33
33 Input Validation 06:06
34 Validation Groups and Options 05:33
35 Modules, Providers, Dependency Injection - Section Introduction 07:25
36 Introduction to Modules, Providers and Dependency Injection 03:37
37 Creating a Custom Module 02:47
38 Static Modules and Dynamic Modules 04:32
39 Standard & Custom Providers 07:27
40 Application Config and Environments 05:21
41 Custom Configuration Files and Options 06:17
42 Logging 03:28
43 Exception Filters 02:17
44 Understanding Relations 01:42
45 One To Many Relation 05:41
46 Loading Related Entities 03:18
47 Associating Related Entities 06:11
48 Many To Many Relation 06:48
49 Query Builder Introduction 07:42
50 Joins And Aggregation with Query Builder 08:52
51 Filtering Data Using Query Builder 08:57
52 Pagination Using Query Builder 08:46
53 Updating, Deleting, Modifying Relations using QB 12:29
54 One to One Relation 04:15
55 Introduction to Authentication 03:39
56 Local Passport Strategy 07:33
57 Logging In - Passport Strategy with a Nest Guard 06:29
58 JWT - JSON Web Tokens Introduction 04:22
59 JWT - Generating Token 07:15
60 JWT - Strategy & Guard - Authenticating with JWT Token 06:00
61 Hashing Passwords with Bcrypt 02:27
62 Custom CurrentUser Decorator 03:51
63 User Registration 11:17
64 Only Authenticated Users Can Create Events 08:49
65 Only The Owners Can Edit or Delete Events 06:22
66 Interceptors and Serialization 01:51
67 Serializing Data 05:33
68 Serializing Nested Objects 03:38
69 (Practical) Building Full Events API 01:54
70 Relations Between Entities 05:44
71 Getting Event Attendees 06:34
72 Getting Events Organized by User 07:51
73 Current User Event Attendance - the Business Logic 07:37
74 Current User Event Attendance - the Controller 09:19
75 Events Refactoring 14:44
76 Manual Testing with Postman 06:48
77 Introduction to Automated Testing 02:00
78 Introduction to Jest 04:34
79 Basic Unit Test and Code Coverage 06:39
80 Test Grouping, Spies, Mocks, Setup and Teardown 20:59
81 Nest Testing Utilities 04:57
82 Complex Unit Tests Part 1 06:15
83 Complex Unit Tests Part 2 09:43
84 Complex Unit Tests Part 3 06:07
85 Introduction to E2E Testing 07:33
86 E2E Tests with Data Fixtures 08:50
87 Exploring E2E Tests 09:03
88 Dealing with Big E2E Test Suites 09:23
89 Upgrade Guide for Existing Students Nest 7 to Nest 9 06:50
90 What is GraphQL? 02:39
91 How Does GraphQL API Work? 04:49
92 REST vs GraphQL APIs! 03:49
93 Setting Up and Configuring a GraphQL Module 07:10
94 First Resolver, Query and Type! 14:06
95 Nullable Fields & Nested Objects on Types 08:30
96 Query Arguments 07:39
97 Handling Errors Using Exception Filter 07:49
98 Mutations & Input Types (How to Make Changes Using GQL) 10:04
99 Input Types & Data Validation 06:02
100 Resolving Nested Objects & Lazy Database Relations 08:35
101 Field Resolvers 07:05
102 Working with Enums in GraphQL 05:03
103 Editing Data in GraphQL (Edit Input Types) 08:23
104 Not All Fields Should Change - Using Partial/Omit 02:51
105 Deleting in GraphQL 08:56
106 Course, Subject and Teacher Resolvers 15:11
107 Authorization in GraphQL 09:21
108 Authentication Refactoring Visualized 04:55
109 Extract Authentication Logic Into the AuthService (Reusability) 05:35
110 Authentication Resolver - Logging In using GraphQL 08:31
111 Getting Current User in GQL & Me Resolver 08:32
112 Refactoring User Registration Introduction 01:40
113 Moving of User Creation into the UserService 08:31
114 Creating an "Identical Password" Custom Validator 10:46
115 Checking if the User Already Exists Using a Validator 14:50
116 User Registration Mutation in GraphQL 06:39
117 Refactoring Pagination For GraphQL using Tests & Advanced TS Types 12:55
118 Paginated GraphQL Query Results 05:37

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