React, NextJS and NestJS: A Rapid Guide - Advanced

8h 40m 51s
React with Typescript, Next.js, Redux, NestJS, Docker, Redis, Stripe, Frontend & Backend Filtering. Learn how to create an Ambassador App using React, NextJS and NestJS. We will build 3 frontend apps Admin, Ambassador and Checkout and they will consume a big NestJS API.

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In NestJS you will learn: 

  • Use Docker

  • Use TypeORM and connect with MySQL

  • Use Typescript

  • Use Interceptors and Guards

  • Validate Requests

  • Generate Jwt Tokens

  • Use HttpOnly Cookies

  • Login with Scopes

  • Use Redis

  • Use Stripe

  • Sending Emails

  • Filter Cached products

In React you will learn:

  • Create a React project with Typescript

  • Create a Next.js project with Typescript

  • React Material UI

  • Use Redux

  • Use React Hooks

  • Create public and private routes

  • Restrict routes for unauthorized users

  • Use Stripe

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 04:29
2 Setup 01:19
3 Docker 05:16
4 Database 05:30
5 TypeORM 07:44
6 Admin Authentication Endpoints 00:32
7 Validations 08:17
8 Register 07:45
9 Login 10:35
10 Authenticated User 06:19
11 Logout 05:29
12 Profile 06:32
13 Admin Endpoints 00:44
14 Ambassadors 09:54
15 Products 15:03
16 Orders 08:15
17 Seeding Orders 08:56
18 Exposing Fields 04:54
19 Links 07:29
20 Relations Without Foreign Keys 04:03
21 Shared Module 04:06
22 Ambassador Authentication Endpoints 00:25
23 Multiple Routes 05:28
24 Scopes 07:38
25 Revenue 08:01
26 Ambassador Endpoints 00:45
27 Redis 04:42
28 Caching Products 08:03
29 Event Emitters 08:44
30 Searching Products 03:49
31 Sorting Products 03:38
32 Paginating Products 04:17
33 Creating Links 08:00
34 Stats 04:36
35 Rankings 04:42
36 Redis Sorted Sets 12:43
37 Formatting the Rankings 05:55
38 Checkout Endpoints 00:32
39 Getting Link Data 02:16
40 Creating Orders 11:11
41 Transactions 05:09
42 Stripe 08:38
43 Configuration 04:12
44 Update Rankings 06:58
45 Sending Emails 07:08
46 Setup 00:57
47 Template 04:38
48 Router 05:40
49 Register 08:27
50 Login 05:25
51 Authenticated User 06:50
52 Logout 06:08
53 Users 05:58
54 Material UI 04:15
55 Pagination 05:08
56 Links 08:02
57 Products 09:38
58 Creating Products 07:19
59 Updating Products 07:39
60 Orders 08:05
61 Profile 06:53
62 Redux 08:14
63 Using Redux 10:45
64 Setup 07:34
65 Common Files 06:03
66 Navigation 09:31
67 Header Component 12:36
68 Stats and Rankings 08:09
69 Products 07:59
70 Searching Products 09:01
71 Sorting Products 05:12
72 Lazy Loading 11:11
73 Selecting Products 04:42
74 Generating Links 08:21
75 Setup 03:09
76 Template 06:54
77 Routes 06:04
78 Link Data 07:27
79 Order Total 06:43
80 Submitting the Form 03:51
81 Stripe 03:34
82 Confirming Orders 02:08

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